October 2018 Newsletter
Greetings to you from Guatemala!
The Intercultural Encounters program has had a year full of challenges and transitions, but also a year of joy and new opportunities to share with wonderful people both locally and internationally. As part of our work to join many cultures into one humanity, we have seen our mission accomplished in facilitating spaces and experiences of encounter.
This year we received a visit from two families that wanted to make us part of their story, and for that reason, we invited Rev. Laura Crihfield to share her testimony of their recent visit to Guatemala.
We will also be welcoming a new Presbyterian Church (USA) Mission Co-worker  who will be joining our team in facilitating visiting groups. We invite you to browse through our photos of our most recent groups.
Finally, read a couple of important reminders that are coming up this fall.   
We hope and pray that this will encourage you to continue working for the transformation that occurs for everyone.
In Christ,
The CEDEPCA Staff 

Rev. Laura Crihfield (second row, first person), Ana Maria (front row, second child)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This just feels like home... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Intercultural Encounters Stacked
By Rev. Laura Crihfield
"Mommy, this just feels like home." That's what my daughter told me as we walked, hand in hand, along the streets of Antigua, Guatemala in early August. As a smile came over my face and my eyes welled up with tears of joy, two words came to mind: Mission accomplished!
Let me explain.
After getting married to my husband, Jud, in 2001 and giving birth to our son, Joshua, in 2002, we began trying for a second child in 2003. In 2004 it became clear we needed medical help, and in 2006 our dreams of conceiving again were dashed as we heard the doctor tell us what no couple wants to hear: "You're not going to be able to conceive. I'm so sorry." Before we reached the elevator, while tears streamed down my face, Jud turned me toward him and said, "Ok. That door's closed. God must have other plans. Adoption it is!"  Read more. 

Welcome, Eliane!! 
The Rev. Eliane Menezes was appointed as the new Mission Co-worker serving in Guatemala.
We are excited to have her become a team member of our Intercultural Encounters program.  Eliane will be a facilitator, interpreter and translator for our visiting groups. 
Rev. Menezes grew up in Brazil, but she has been in the US for more than two decades. She most recently served the Presbytery of Tropical Florida in Miami as a minister of Word and sacrament. She received her master of divinity degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Kentucky and has helped the PC(USA) promote its multi-language ministries.  
We will welcome Rev. Menezes as she will be moving to Guatemala the first week of November.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thanks for coming! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Upcoming reminders for the Fall ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
There will be prizes!!
Please join us on the CEDEPCA USA Facebook on November 27th for
CEDEPCA USA will be posting throughout the day and we ask that you "Like" "Share" "Comment"
and DONATE!! 

Christmas is coming!!
This Christmas...

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P.O. Box 920243.  Norcross, GA  30010