News from The Ballard House!

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The Ballard House Top Golf Benefit

Meet Ellis Simmons!
Our Focus Family this month is Ellis Simmons and his cousin Gary. 

Ellis says "Thank God who is the head of our lives. What a wonderful blessing to have a wonderful community like Katy and Cinco Charities The Ballard House, a home away from home, to stay at while we came through the best time of my life. A second chance at life, having a heart transplant at Houston Methodist S.C. Walter Sr. Transplant Center. Thank you to The Ballard House and to the YMCA.'

 Become a Naming Rights Sponsor!

  Naming Rights allow a person, family or organization to sponsor a room for five years. A plaque will hang next to the door of the room acknowledging the memory of, in honor of or recognizing an individual or group. We currently have 7 rooms that are available to be named. Our goal is to have ALL the rooms named in our current facility before we open our addition in 2019. 
Email for more information!
 We appreciate everyone who has generously supported The Ballard House!

  We are so grateful for your continued support through Donations and Volunteering!
The Ballard House | | 281-717-4670
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