December 18, 2020
Advent 2020

From the Desk of the Director
“O Holy Night” is one of my favorite hymns. By its richness and simplicity, it can move me like no other Christmas hymn. The French man who wrote the lyrics, Placide Cappeau was not even considered particularly religious. The man who wrote the music, Adolphe Charles Adams, was of Jewish ancestry. The song was even banned for a while in France because of their beliefs. Never the less, God used them to give us of one of the greatest Christmas anthems. Let this story remind us that God can use any of us to do great things for His Glory. 
And because this is Archangel Radio, all of these happy coincidences tie together…on Christmas Eve 1906, the first song broadcast on an AM station was O Holy Night played by  Reginald Fessenden on his violin.
May Christmas joy be in your heart, your family and our world this year.

Ellen Taylor
Executive Director
LA Catholic Morning!

Live from the Command Center
Recently, our talented marketing guru asked me to submit a few words on what Christmas means to me. So, this week I've had a chance to ponder on this and here is my answer. Christmas means being the joy of the Gospel to others, since Christ the King, humbled himself to offer us in order that we may live with him joyfully in eternity. Speaking of joy, I've put together a joy filled line up of guests on LA Catholic Morning on Christmas week. Katherine Taylor, a native of Monroeville(aka the Literary Capitol of Alabama) joins us on Monday to share about the Fruitcake lady. On Tuesday, Kevin Coyne, a professor at Columbia University, will talk about the life of the Knights of Columbus founder, Fr Michael Mcgiveny. Fr McGiveny was recently beatified. Finally, on Wednesday, Parker Snider from the Alabama Policy Institute, will discuss how as Christians we are to be Christian when discussing politics. On Thursday, and Friday, we will air Christmas programming from EWTN and Relevant Radio. 
I pray you all have a Merry Christmas, and PLEASE don't forget to call your mama!!

Mike Romano
Production Coordinator
A podcast where culture and faith collide. Smart conversations that go deeper into today's pressing issues.
In case you missed episodes 1-7, click the buttons below to listen!
Digital Worship
Although Mass has resumed, Archangel will continue providing information for those in the Archdiocese of Mobile.
Visit our website at for the most up to date Scripture readings and links to watch Mass live online.