Crosstown Connection Feb 20-26
..... 50 Days with Jesus .....
The eighth Chosen episode we will look at is "I am He." We are onto the last episode of this season! What will Nicodemus do, the man who has the "most to lose" by following Jesus? The disciples get to know each other better and are challenged by Jesus' compassion for a Samaritan woman. And Jesus heals Simon's mother-in-law, because who really wants to travel with a worried Simon?! This episode is based on the following Scripture passage: John 4:1-42. Watch all the episodes and Sunday sermons on our YouTube channel or on our website, or join us in person.
Small Group Thank Yous
Many thanks to the group leaders who took time out of their lives to lead discussion in small groups during our 50 Days with Jesus series. Community is critical in general and to our spiritual growth in particular.

“Our world feels broken, divisive, unsettled, and loud. Many of us find ourselves pulling away from conversations and community. We retreat back to our tribes to feel safe, to feel heard, to feel understood. But if we aren’t careful, our relational worlds begin to dwindle and our tribes become isolated.” Greg Holder, Pastor/Author/Speaker
“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong, that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:11-12
We’re grateful for those willing to foster our community, plant seeds for future groups, bring us out of our (Covid) isolation, promote conversations, develop relationships that are beyond the superficial, and encourage each other by mutually sharing our faith.
·        Mike Anderson
·        Jonathan Buchanan
·        Samantha Buchanan
·        Elaina Johnson
·        Josephine Johnson
·        Bruce Knutson
·        Cindy Knutson
·        Kathy McGillivray
·        Brandon Polhemus
·        Bob Weides
If you weren’t able to participate and would like to join a small group, or start a small group, contact Kathy McGillivray at 612-719-7504 or Also make sure to keep your eyes open for opportunities in April as we start our next Immerse Bible book, Poets.
IF: Gathering 2021
Calling all the ladies! Join us in person or online March 5th & 6th for IF Gathering. This is a virtual conference with more than 30 different speakers, breakout sessions, worship, and inspiration. Please RSVP here to join the Crosstown Local group.
Saturday, Feb 20 @ 6:30
Ready for some February Fun? Join us for Crosstown Feud. This will be a virtual trivia battle, welcoming all ages! All you need is a device to Zoom in with.
Name something you do before going to bed
Each person, or family, will work with a team to answer random trivia questions. The team with the highest points at the end of the night will win a prize from our local Tom's Popcorn shop. RSVP here.
Questions, contact Polly.
CarePartners Pod at Crosstown Closes

Read our blog post and thank you note from Lisa, a CarePartners worker.

Read more
Community Event In Progress
We are working on an idea for an outdoor community event on April 3. Currently the vision is to partner with CES and NENA with some family-friendly activities. However, we are in need of some organizers. We know that some of you have felt the call to reach out to our community in service. Please consider honoring that and contact Pastor John to offer your support before Feb 23rd.
Worship Commission exists to develop, enable, and challenge the congregational worship life of Crosstown. In the past year, our main task has been creating a worship experience that engages, encourages, and connects both our in-person and online attenders. This has opened up some exciting opportunities on our tech team as we now livestream our Sunday services. 
We are especially in need of video techs right now. A video tech volunteer should be at least 14 years old (or younger if a parent volunteers alongside), be able to actively listen to the sermon to place images appropriately, and have a willingness to learn. We will provide training and a partner until you feel proficient. If you are interested in serving on video, sound, or in the worship band, please email Josh Smith at
Book Club- Feb 24
We will spend 5 weeks discussing "Might From the Margins: The Gospel's Power to Turn the Tables on Injustice" on Wednesday nights at 8:00pm on Zoom. This is a new book authored by Pastor Dr. Dennis Edwards who formerly served at Sanctuary Covenant in Mpls and is now a Bible Professor at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago.
The power of the Gospel is often most visible among those who have been the least respected, including racial and ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, women, and refugees. This book is a passionate affirmation of the power already present among marginalized Christians and a call to recognize and embrace this power for the sake of helping the church become more like Jesus. Read a review of the book in Christianity Today here. Please RSVP to Pastor John, who will facilitate this conversation.
Our Daily Bread
The new Our Daily Bread devotionals are in. If you need one delivered to your home please use this form to request that.
Communication Survey
During the pandemic communication has become more critical and even more challenging. In October we checked in with a congregational survey and made adjustments in our focus based on your feedback. Four months later we would like to check in again. How are things working? How is the app working for you?
📅 Save the Date...

Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00-3:00

5540 30th Ave South ~ Minneapolis, MN ~ 55417 ~ 612-724-3601
Passion for Christ Compassion for People