Royal Australian Artillery
Historical Company
ENewsletter Edition No 34

June  2019
Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company Newsletter
In This Issue
Presentation of the Unit Citation for Gallantry (UCG) CORAL BALMORAL
Japanese Howitzers Find Space in Australia
Did You Know?
Gunners Around the Nation & the World
Featured Article
Artillery Badge Rotating


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welcomeDear Gunners (Readers) -

NO 34 - 2019  


Some of these lists are well developed - others are barely started. The RAAHC would  like to complete these lists - particularly the first four items.  Each list should show the individual under the RAA units including dates of appointment. For example see the current COs' List and the RSMs List (click on yellow text) :
Against each surname we would also like to develop a short biographical description applicable to the appointment.  A few of these are already added.

We seek your support in completing the lists and the biographies. If you can assist with any missing details of units, appointments and biographies can you please contact us by clicking   on  Publicity Officer  and emailing any information you may have.

Head of Regiment -  Brigadier Richard A Vagg, DSC

Brigadier Richard Vagg was born and educated in country Queensland. He is a graduate of the Royal Military College - Duntroon, Australian  Command and Staff College, the Centre for Defence and Strategic  Studies and Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Brigadier Vagg holds a Masters of Arts - Management and Strategy from the University of New South Wales and a Masters of Business Administration from Deakin University. He is currently the Director General Systems and Integration, Army Headquarters.

Brigadier Vagg has enjoyed an exciting career with regimental experience at 4th Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery, the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment and on exchange with a British AS-90 Artillery Regiment. He was also the inaugural Commanding Officer of 16 Air Land Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery. His training experience includes
appointments at the School of Artillery and Duntroon, while his staff experience includes appointments at the British Defence Intelligence Staff, the Defence Intelligence Organisation and Modernisation and Strategic Plans - Army. He was MA to Commander Forces Command and more recently the Director of Military Art, Royal Military College - Duntroon.

Brigadier Vagg has operational experience in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. His most recent deployment was as the Commander of Task Group Taji, Rotation Four in Iraq. In the 2018 Queen's Birthday Honours he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his command of the Task Group. He has also been awarded a Commander Multi-National Brigade (Central)
Commendation for his role in several operations along the Kosovo/Macedonian/Albanian border and a Commendation for Distinguished Service as the Commanding Officer of the Artillery Training Team - Kabul.

Brigadier Vagg is a keen spectator of most sports, a passionate Queensland Reds supporter, rows to relax, and enjoys watching his children's sporting events. Richard and Charlotte have one adult daughter and two school aged children. The family enjoys spending time improving their hobby farm.


Ian Ahearn 
Deputy Chair RAAHC

Presentation of the Unit Citation for Gallantry (UCG)
Two widely separated presentation ceremonies were conducted in the ANZAC Armies in April and May 2019. In Darwin a parade was held to present serving soldiers with the UCG while in Linton, NZ veterans of the battle were presented their UCG.
On a warm Darwin morning on 17 May 2019 at 0800h the 8/12th Regiment moved onto the parade ground to witness the presentation of the Unit Citation for Gallantry (UCG) for the Battle of Coral Balmoral to the members of RHQ, 102nd (CORAL) Battery, Operational Support Battery ( Op Spt Bty, and Combat Service Support Battery (CSS Bty).

Twelve Coral veterans were honoured to receive an invitation to attend the parade and present the UCGs.

The "Vets" Left to Right: Neil Ahern, Greg Ayson, Larry Darcy, Denis Fisher, Ray Darragh, Trevor Bryant, Ian Ahearn, Stan Carbines, Peter Geelen, Neil Mangles, Geoff Grimish and John Harms

    RSM Boswell marches the Regiment On Parade

2IC MAJ David Thom hands over to the CO LT COL Joe Wheatley

The twelve veterans, accompanied by the BCs, were invited to present the UCG to members of 102nd (Coral) Bty, CSS Bty and Op Spt Bty. 

         Left:  Geoff Grimish presents         Right: Ian Ahearn presents

   Left: Denis Fisher presents    Right: Stan Carbines presents    
The parade was followed by a photo of the veterans with the 102nd (Coral) Bty members (see below) and then a presentation on the Battle of Coral and Balmoral by Ian Ahearn in the Hamilton Club. A great day was rounded out by a 102nd (Coral) Bty dinner at the Darwin wharf with the veterans honoured by today's battery covering their costs.

Presentation of the UCG to 161 Battery Royal New Zealand Artillery, Linton

On the 5th April 2019 16 Field Regiment conducted a citation parade to support the Australian Government formally recognising the services of 161 Battery members, and other NZ Armed Forces personnel, who served in the battles at Fire Support Bases (FSB) Coral and Balmoral, Vietnam, between 12 May to 6 June 1968.
The Battles of Coral and Balmoral were amongst the largest and most protracted fought b
y the Australian Task Force in the Vietnam War. The 161 Battery Gunners received high praise for the accuracy and volume of fire support they provided at critical stages of attacks on the Australian battalion positions.
The Commander Force Command, Major General Greg Bilton, AC, CSC, on behalf of the Australian Government, presented the Australian Unit Citation for Gallantry to eligible Vietnam War Veterans, or their dependants. Following the presentation the Minister of Defence and Minister of Veterans, the Honourable Ron Mark, thanked veterans for their service.
16 Field Regiment would like to thank all those that made this very significant occasion possible.

Minister of Defence and Minister of Veterans, the Honourable Ron Mark accompanied by MAJ GEN  Greg Bilton, AC, CSC, -The Commander Forces Command, Australia inspects the guard

MAJ GEN Bilton presents the USG to Rod Baldwin, GPO of 161 Field Battery RNZA at Coral 1968


Japanese Howitzers Find Space in Australia
Japan Ground Self Defense Force (JGSDF) personnel have successfully fired two FH-70 howitzers out to 25 kilometres while in Australia. This marks a historic first for the JGSDF, as there is no military range large enough in Japan to conduct such a long-range firing activity.


Japan's firing of its howitzers took place at the Shoalwater Bay Training Area during Exercise Southern Jackaroo, a two-week trilateral ground exercise involving Australia, Japan and the US, which is due to finish tomorrow. The firing of FH-70 howitzers out to 25 kilometres is part of a suite of initiatives agreed to during the Australia-Japan Foreign and Defence Ministers' Meeting in October 2018.

Captain Yutu Goto, a Fire Direction Officer for the JGSDF, said he was grateful to be able to use the Shoalwater Bay Training Area for their first ever long-range howitzer firing activity. "The opportunity to be able to conduct this firing activity in Australia's large training area has been very beneficial for the Japan Ground Self Defense Force," Captain Goto said.


"The Japan Ground Self Defense Force should be proud of the achievements it has made during this exercise and we were proud to be a part of it," Commander of the Australian Army's 7th Brigade, Brigadier Andrew Hocking, said.

"The capability is complex, so to prove that their munitions and guns are effective at that range is a real accomplishment. This not only gives the Japan Ground Self Defense Force confidence, but it also gives us even more confidence to work closely with each other in support of peace and security."


Exercise Southern Jackaroo involved over 150 JGSDF troops along with around 300 US Marine Rotational Force - Darwin members and over 260 soldiers from the Australian Army's 7th Brigade.


The Japanese activity marks the importance of Australian ranges to densely-populated Asian states, with Singapore set to invest $2.25 billion to establish a training area in Greenvale in Queensland and expand Shoalwater Bay. 

Up to 14,000 Singapore Armed Forces personnel are expected to conduct unilateral training in the two training areas, for up to 18 weeks each year. Both training areas will be owned by the Australian Government and the ADF will have priority use.


 Source: Australian Defence Magazine 3 June 2019

didyouknowDid You Know?
Other Uniforms-Aussies in Russia
A number of people state that Australian troops served in the North Russia Relief Force in 1919 because there are photos showing these troops in Australian Army uniforms; however, these photos actually show British troops (former Australian soldiers) wearing Australian uniforms. At the time the British had a shortage of uniforms and therefore allowed these troops to wear their former uniforms.
A condition of Australian involvement in the North Russia Relief Force (NRRF), was that Australians were forced to resign from the AIF and then enlist into the British Army for a period of 12 months as Private soldiers. At the conclusion of this period they were repatriated back to Australia by the Australian Government. 
There are photos of Australian soldiers wearing British uniforms during the Malayan emergency and a number of photos of AATTV servicemen members wearing U.S. uniforms during the Vietnam War; but in both cases they were still Australian soldiers. No Australian units served in the North Russia Relief Force.

Three unidentified Australians serving with 45 Battalion, Royal Fusiliers  in North Russia 1919

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