To our dear family and friends.
As we approach our Jewish New Year, we wish you and your families a healthy, happy, productive, sweet year, in a Peaceful World.
For us, this is a most special time, as we celebrate the birth on August 26th of our precious great-granddaughter, Rebecca Chloe, known in Hebrew as Rachel Hadassah.
Our great-grandchildren Leah Tova, Rachel Tehila, Ahuva Bracha, and Be'eri, are thrilled to welcome
new cousin!
May little Rebecca, and children everywhere, grow up healthy and happy in a world of love and peace!
Fondly, and with
Marion & Nathaniel
Allysa & Joshua, Parents
Dr. Joseph Jeret, Grandfather
Susan & Rob Weinberg, Grandparents
Zeva Engelstein, Great-grandmother on the maternal side