BSB 158     J. Morris Hicks     (7-20-18) 
From Curiosity about Food to "Oh My God!"

Most of you receiving this BSB probably began following my work when I was researching and writing primarily about the crucial importance of food choices when it comes to our own health.
The kind of eating that reverses disease
But that hasn't been the case for the past few years. My focus changed when it became apparent to me that we had begun passing some crucial ecological tipping points, beyond which our civilization, and even our future as a species, could be in jeopardy.
Here is the timeline of the journey of this engineer/business executive/author and always the "big picture guy" when it comes to evaluating any situation.
My Timeline from 2002 to Today  
2002. With little if any concern about the environment, I simply became curious about the optimal diet for humans and started doing a little online research--from A to Z (Atkins to Zone).
2003. After reading dozens of books and countless articles, I quickly concluded that the whole food, plant-based diet (WFPB), espoused by Ornish, Barnard, Esselstyn, Campbell, McDougall, Fuhrman and others, was the best possible diet for our own health. It reverses many chronic diseases, promotes effortless weight-loss and so much more.

But then, a few months later, I began to connect the dots regarding our food choices and the ecosystem that supports all life on Earth. That's when I had my "blinding flash of the obvious," saying aloud to myself, "Oh my God, we're eating the wrong food!"

2004-2010. While continuing to research food choices for health reasons, I found myself becoming even more interested in the health of our ecosystem. During these seven years, I made it my business to get to know the primary leaders and scientists in several related fields--too many names to mention here. 

2011. Wanting to share what I had been learning, our first book (published by BenBella) was aimed at helping people of all ages and cultures take charge of their own health--while simultaneously doing some wonderful things for the ecosystem that gives us life. 

Dr. Dean Ornish was kind enough to endorse the front cover of that book and Dr. T. Colin Campbell & son Nelson were kind enough to write the foreword. Among others endorsing the book were two environmentally focused men who changed my life: John Robbins and Howard Lyman

2012-2016. These were the years when I started focusing almost exclusively on the sustainability of our ecosystem, on which we humans depend for everything. During this 5-year stretch, I posted 800 articles at, launched my "bite-size" BSBs and published this book with Kerry Graff, MD.  
2017 to Present . My message now is totally aimed at promoting globally-coordinated action to stop climate change, or at least slow it enough to prevent or lessen its worst effects. 

The Bottom Line. Our food choices are still of paramount importance, but just changing our diets will no longer buy us the time we need to address the other anthropogenic activities that threaten our future. We must enlist the world's most powerful leaders to urgently begin to address these 4 action items:
One. Launch a massive project to start removing much more carbon each year than we are adding to the atmosphere. A multi-trillion dollar/year project that must be started soon,  per Dr. Peter Wadhams.
Two. Get real serious about addressing  overpopulation   throughout the world. 
Three. Design and implement a green global economy, one which enables us to live in harmony with nature for many millennia to come.
Four. Take whatever action necessary to completely eliminate one of the leading drivers of climate change: our grossly  unsustainable habit of eating animals.  
Note: If we can begin urgently addressing those four issues, the burning of fossil fuels will rapidly decline automatically.
One more thing. The alarming graph below is a preview of my next Arctic update to be posted soon. It's another "Oh My God" illustration out of the Polar Science Center at the University of Washington.
The gray bars below represent the volume of Arctic sea ice in thousands of cubic kilometers at the minimum level each year (occurs in September). For the past eight years, it has been about 75% less than the volume in 1979, when satellite imaging began. When the blue line touches the red line, there will be no ice in the Arctic Ocean.
Where will we be this September? We've been dodging bullets for the last eight years. Stay tuned.

Be well,

J. Morris (Jim) Hicks 
CEO, 4Leaf Global, LLC

PS: As long as I can envision a viable pathway for humanity going forward, I will not give up hope.  I welcome your feedback and/or your questions at:  [email protected]

Looking for Opportunities to Speak.  Since 2016, my research, writing and speaking has been focused on the sustainability of our ecosystem and our future as a species. With a primary emphasis on food choices, I call it the "most important topic in the history of humanity." 

After all, what could possibly be more important to humans than the survival of our species?

Latest/future talks: Earlier this year, I have spoken at a VegFest in Ft. Myers, Florida, at the in Honolulu and Kahului, Maui, and at the College of the Holy Cross  in Worcester, MA. Upcoming talks are being scheduled at the NYC PlantPure Pod in October and in South Haven, Michigan in November.

To schedule a Ted Talk kind of presentation at a venue near you, please contact me at   [email protected]

Promoting health, hope and harmony on planet Earth

Moonglow J. Morris Hicks

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