Third Thursdays Council & SMA Meeting - July 18
At the beginning of 2019, we instituted a meeting change for the leadership of the congregation so we could be more efficient and include more people in the leadership of our mission & ministry. Before, the Council (the governing board that leads the congregation between annual meetings) met every month on the third Thursday. The Council is made up of the Executive Committee and Standing Ministry Area (SMA) Representatives for Worship, Learning, Stewardship, Outreach and Care & Community. This year we changed when the Council conducts business and when the SMAs meet to plan and advance our mission of sharing God’s love . The Council meets now to conduct business on the Third Thursday  of even numbered months. All SMA’s and the Council meet on the Third Thursday of the odd numbered months. This helps us coordinate mission and communicate better with more folks who are leading many of the ministries of the congregation.

This month (an odd numbered month) the Council will meet with all SMA members and teams at 6:30 PM on Thursday, July 18. Who is part of the SMAs? If you are a member of a team, like the Children’s Ministry Team or the Advocacy Team; if you lead the efforts of a group like ushers, Family Promise or Freestore, you are part of an SMA. This month after a group time of prayer, the Executive Committee will share progress and news that applies to all. Then we’ll break into teams to talk about what is going on in each area. One topic will be how we best utilize space vacated by the Preschool for mission. Please come and join us!
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
517 SW Des Moines St
Ankeny, IA 50023

Worship Schedule
Saturdays: 5:30 pm
Sundays: 8:30 and 10:00 am