For those CSA members who have the Winter or All-Season share, we will be moving indoors for pick up. As much as we loved our outdoor setting, it will be too cold and dark to be outside! We are working on ways to keep everyone safe while picking up their share in our Farm Store.

This share segment begins on Wednesday November 4 with pick up on the first and third Wednesday/Thursday of the month. On-farm pick-ups will be extended to 2-7pm (Wed).

The week of October 19, a Doodle Poll will be sent to members to select a time for pick up. Keep an eye in your Inbox!

Prepack share members will not come inside the Farm Store - you will ring a doorbell and we will bring it out you. If you are interested in switching to a prepack share, email Pam at [email protected] There is a $30 fee for prepack for the winter share.

Thanks for your solidarity with the farm through your CSA membership. Your commitment to local food and farmers is essential.