Houmas House Plantation and  Gardens 
July 2018
  Five Interesting Artifacts in The Houmas Mansion 
Sitting Abe

A sculpture of "Seated Lincoln" by Gutzon Borglum,  sculptor of Mount Rushmore, rests atop the late 18th Century Irish chest. Weighing 68 lbs of solid silver, it catches guests eyes

Dining Table

This dining table is from the estate of US President James K. Polk (c.1830).

Native American Figure

This patinated cast bronze figure of a Native American woman by Albert Carrier, French sculptor is an example of a "Grand Tour" souvenir made by European artists for American tourists.

John Burnside's Mixing Table

This marble top mahogany mixing table, commissioned by John Burnside was used for making his renowned Rum Mint Juleps.
Louisiana Map

This map from 1847 was discovered hidden in the floor in 1987.  The map shows every plantation along the Mississippi River and includes a census of whites, slaves and free people of color. Today it's prominently displayed in the foyer of the Houmas Mansion.
  Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer

    As seen by Princess Maggie  
Long days, warm nights, and the steady flow of the Mississippi  River all make the perfect setting for long naps under these        mossy oaks.  Summer days are perfect for a picnic on the    front lawn or just sipping a cocktail and watching the tugboats    go by. 
My Sugar Palace has become quite a retreat these days. With the addition of our new Inn at Houmas House, now guests can enjoy the ambiance of the mansion and gardens through the night.  And the early morning fog is quite a site as it covers the gardens. 
There is still plenty of time to visit before summer comes to an end. Come sit-a-spell with me and enjoy these dog days of summer.        

Princess Maggie

 More Than Just a Pretty House
A visit to New Orleans Plantation Country promises more than just tours of pretty houses along The Great River Road.  This region between Baton Rouge and New Orleans is dotted with quaint seafood restaurants, outdoor activities, bed and breakfasts and of course the plantation homes open to the public. Read More about what to expect when visiting this area in South Louisiana.
Secrets From The Kitchens of Houmas House

Abita Shrimp

 20 large shrimp
 2 cups all purpose flour
 1/2 cup corn flour
 2 1/4 teaspoons of Zatarain Cajun seasoning
 3 teaspoon baking powder
 2 1/3 cup light Abita beer

Combine all ingredients adding the beer right before you batter the shrimp.

Using the largest shrimp you can find ( we use u12's) remove the shell between the head and tail., leaving the head and tail on.
Butterfly the center and remove the vein.
Heat oil in a pot or fryer to 350 degree Fahrenheit
Holding the tail and head batter the middle portion Of the shrimp and carefully slide it into hot Oil. It will float immediately. Let fry on side side till golden brown then carefully turn shrimp over and fry till golden.
Remove and degrease on paper towel.
Be cautious when frying shrimp as often the oil pops.
Enough batter for about 20 shrimp.

Stay Connected with Houmas House

There are so many ways to visit and stay connected with Houmas House!  We offer several options for tours and easy links to book tickets online are right here:

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Open Daily

9 :00 AM- 7:00 PM Daily
Cafe Burnside: 11AM-2PM daily
Latil's Landing: Wed-Sat 6:00pm-9:00pm
Sunday Brunch: 11AM-3PM
The Carriage House Restaurant:
    Breakfast- 8AM-10AM
    Dinner- 5PM-8:30PM

*Closed Christmas Day and New Years Day


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