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Recently, I was watching one of our veteran physical therapists treat a patient with a hip bursitis, using a new technique known as dry needling. Although I give blood regularly, I am a little afraid of needles. However, I do care a great deal about finding better ways to help patients so as I watched Mike Henderson, DPT, treat a patient with hip bursitis, I was curious about his results. Much to my surprise, the patient came back a couple days later without pain.
I had been very skeptical that one dry needling treatment could truly help this patient.   As days passed, my skepticism changed to me wanting to learn more about this new treatment process. After all, when I began my physical therapy career in Hickory, North Carolina in a hospital, the physical therapy department was run by a man from the Philippines who was well versed in acupuncture. Since it was an acceptable practice at the time for physical therapists in North Carolina, he taught me about the practice of acupuncture and its value. Over time, I was able to use acupuncture as another tool to help speed up the recovery of several of my patients. Unfortunately, when I moved to Wheaton, Illinois and then South Bend, Indiana, acupuncture was not part of their state practice acts. Therefore, I stopped using acupuncture as a tool to help my patients.
Here we are now, 30 years later, and the world of physical therapy has accepted a new treatment tool called dry needling. As I watched the success Mike was having with it, I began to appreciate the potential value of it. I also saw how it can be mistaken for acupuncture, since the needles are very similar. Upon further research of dry needling, I was able to better understand that it is not acupuncture. Dry needling appears to follow the trigger point theories of Janet Travell, MD who treated John F. Kennedy many years ago for his numerous chronic pain issues. The use of extremely thin needles being used in conjunction with Dr Travell's trigger points has piqued my interest.
This is what makes physical therapy, my calling of 37 years, so exciting! The body is so complex, and every one of our patients is unique. We can never learn enough to help our patients. We must continually read and learn more ways to help them heal and get stronger every day. Learning new ways to help our patients is what keeps me coming to work most days with a smile on my face and gives me the energy to take on any patient challenge that comes our way. I am not alone in this; this is the culture of our staff.
Our theme has always been "Stronger Every Day". Our goal is to be on the cutting edge without forgetting the basics of sensitive and compassionate care. If you think you are not progressing with your pain or injury as you would hope, please feel free to call McDonald Physical Therapy. 
Enjoy the journey!
Health Information
5 Common Myths About Low Back Pain
Most Americans will experience back pain. The good news is that most cases of low back pain are not serious and will respond well to conservative treatments such as treatment by a physical therapist.
Physical therapists are movement experts who treat pain through movement and exercise, hands-on care, and patient education.
Physical therapist treatment is a cost effective first choice in an era when all too often back pain is over-treated with narcotics or unhelpful imaging scans that lead to higher costs.
Low back pain is common. At some point in their lives, 80% to 90% of the adult population will experience low back pain.
Unfortunately, studies show that many people with low back pain don't get treatment that aligns with best evidence-based practices.
Here are 5 common myths associated with low back pain:

Myth 1: Spinal manipulation (mobilizing the joints in the spine) is the best method for treating low back pain.

A study showed that exercise was proven to be more effective than manipulation (only 10% required manipulation).

Myth 2: Ultrasound and electrical stimulation are proven to aid recovery from low back pain.

These types of passive treatments provide no long-term benefit, do not treat the underlying problem, and do not accelerate healing time.

Myth 3: Low back pain is caused by inflammation.

Inflammation does occur in certain conditions, and may be present when low back pain is acute; however, the majority of low back pain is mechanical and can respond positively to mechanical treatments (eg, stretching, prescribed exercise, aerobic exercise, stabilization, posture education).

Myth 4: Low back pain is caused by arthritis.

While studies show that arthritis is present in over 90% of those between the ages 50-55, only 10% experience arthritis-related pain. Arthritis is associated with aging, but not always associated with pain.

Myth 5: You should rest and avoid or stop activity if you are experiencing low back pain.

It is recommended to exercise and get active and mobile as soon as possible.
MPT News & Happenings

The Indiana PT Practice Act  updated July 1st! This update will expand Direct Access- a PT may now evaluate and treat for no more than 42 calendar days (increased from 24) beginning with the date of the initiation of treatment without a referral. If additional treatment is needed beyond this time, the PT shall obtain a referral from the individual's provider. Call us directly to set up an evaluation-no referral needed 

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