Letter from the President
Welcome to the second part of this year! Boom! I commend all of you for hanging in with us and participating when you can. It was exciting to have Heather Jackson on zoom with us in June. She had a great attitude; it was a fun event while it lasted ;p.

Don't forget the Tri Now Clinic f or next month, we are still planning on hosting it, the limit is 16 people, so register now, or email us with any questions you may have about it.

New this year! The TTT revised and updated by-laws were posted on the full members facebook page. We will hold board elections this year and the new board will be announced at the annual Holiday Party. If you are interested in being on the board, please contact Betsy Miles at by October 1 st . You must be a full paid member to be on the board, per the by-laws.  

Thank you for being a great team and let us know if you need anything. We are still trying to plan fun events and hoping to get together soon as a team!
Keep Tri-ing!

We have a few new members this past month!
Welcome to the team:
Ashok Bhupathiraju and Becky Hill
We now have 146 full members on the Triad Tri Team!
Athlete of the Month

Valarie Yoemans
Say "hi" to Valarie!
Yes with two "a's"!
Within minutes of being around Valarie, you will be laughing. She has a great sense of humor and tackles triathlon with the attitude of having fun.

She has been doing tri's for seven years now and attributes her inspiration for this sport to her husband, you may know him, Jeremy! She says, "  I always think about him when I want to give up during training and it gives me the grit to go on. I want him to be proud of me, and I want to be a good example for our 13 year old daughter, Mia." Isn't that just the sweetest. That is a good testament to her attitude and approach she takes to this sport.

Also, this is good for us to thing about, a great racing tip she offers, " I will say what my Uncle always says, "If you can't win, then make the person in front of you PUKE!"  This is a keeper for sure!

Thank you Valarie and congratulations!

If you see Valarie, be sure to congratulate her on being our AOM!

-Coach Karen Buxton

Learn to Utilize the Pace Clock

You have seen them hanging on walls, placed on the deck at either end of the pool: large, small, old-school analog and fancy digital—they are called pace clocks. Do you take advantage of them? Triathletes will often jump in the pool and just swim—no watch, no rest, no pace changes, no stroke changes, no kicking, no drilling, no plan. Then there are those who complete the same workout day after day without stretching or challenging themselves. Learning how to use the pace clock to spice up your swim sessions will bring more purpose to your workouts, make the sessions fly by, improve your fitness, form, speed, and have you thinking and swimming like a swimmer.

To learn more about using a pace clock, click on the link below to read the entire article.

From Chef Keith Gardiner
Complete Protein Bites


  • 16 oz. peanut butter
  • ½ cup local honey
  • 2 tsp unrefined coconut oil
  • ¼ cup Dutch Chocolate
  • 3 cup Old Fashioned Oats
  • 6 Tbsp. Chia seeds


  1. Melt 1st three ingredients together on low heat
  2. Stir in remaining ingredients
  3. Roll into bite size balls (refrigerate or freeze)
  4. Thaw if needed…. Enjoy.


No team meetings until further notice.

Check our Facebook group page under events.
We will also send out an email of monthly events once planned.


None scheduled at this time.

Volunteers are still needed for Carolina Brewsfest Half Marathon & 5K on  Saturday July 18, 2020 ! Please share our sign up link with friends, family and neighbors! 

Volunteers receive free food, t-shirts (must sign up by July 8th to receive a shirt), discount to a future race with us (we have 5ks' and more!), free admission to festival (21 and up only) and 2 FREE BEER TICKETS (21 & up only)! 

Please share link below and enjoy the day together!

Sign up below:
Northeast Duathlon - 2/22/20
N.E.S.T. - 4/25/20 canceled
Belews Lake Triathlon - canceled
Tritown Sprint Triathlon - canceled
Buckner Mission Man Sprint - 7/25/20- canceled
High Point Triathlon - 8/8/20
Tri for Hospice - 9/5/20
Nat Greene’s Revenge Triathlon - 9/20/20

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors below.
Please support them when you can.
Triad Tri Team
Greensboro, North Carolina