News from
St. Paul's Church
Will meet in the St. Paul's "Zoom Room"
Lifelong Christian Learning
Adult Formation meets weekly in the St. Paul's "Zoom Room" Sundays at 10:15am
Each year, parishioners and friends of St. Paul's Church write meditations for the Lenten season. Sign-up today to receive yours by e-mail.

Hard-copies are available by calling the parish office.
Outreach Opportunities
On Thursday, March 4th, RAIHN (now Family Promise of Greater Rochester) is hosting a drive-through dinner and virtual event!  “Dinner In with Philomina” will raise funds to support families at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Partnering with and promoting a woman-of-color-owned business in Rochester to bring together the community all while enjoying healthy, home-cooked food, participants will pick up pre-ordered meals made by Philomina to enjoy at home, then login to a virtual cooking demonstration and conversation. Suggested donation is $30 per meal – learn more and register at
Worship as St. Paul's
A link for Sunday Worship with lessons, hymns, sermon, musical offerings and more will be e-mailed out on Saturday and will also be available on our website: 
Join other parishioners via Zoom to watch the Live-Stream and share in a time of fellowship. The Zoom Room opens at 9:00am. The Sunday Check-In / Coffee Hour follows.
During Lent, members of the St. Paul's Choir will offer a pre-recorded service of Compline -- or night prayer. Look for the link in the Saturday e-blast.
Join us SUNDAYS beginning about 9:45am for a virtual Coffee Hour via Zoom. It's a wonderful time for checking-in and catching-up. 

Meeting ID: 585 271 2240
Dial-In: +1 929 205 6099 
Morning Prayer via Zoom is offered on Thursdays at 8:00am. To join, have your BCP handy (if possible) and click HERE
Noonday Prayer is offered Mondays-Fridays via Facebook Live. Use this link to view:
Parish Prayer List
We entrust into your unfailing care, merciful God: 

Those for whom our prayers have been requested: Steve, Jean, John, Sue, Case, Nancy, Gordon, Virginia, Diane, Bob, Maria, Christine, Benjamin, Tim.

Those who are anxious, lonely, or despondent; for the unemployed, underemployed, and destitute. 

Our nation and the world: the President, Congress and Supreme Court; our Governor, Mayor and the leaders of the communities from which we come; members of our military at home and abroad; and all those elected or appointed to positions of public trust.

With thanksgiving: our health care professionals, first responders, essential workers, and farmworkers.

Those who have died and those whom we love but see no longer.

Almighty and eternal God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth: Mercifully accept the prayers of your people, and strengthen us to do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O God, our heavenly Father, make the door of St. Paul's Church wide enough to receive all who need love and fellowship and loving care, and narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and uncharitableness. Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to children, but strong enough to turn back the tempter's power. 

O heavenly Father, make the door of St. Paul's a gateway to your eternal kingdom; bless every member and worker; may all that we do and say be done and said to your honor and glory and the spreading of your kingdom. May we continue to be forever yours and daily increase through the Holy Spirit in love and service to others; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Office: 585-271-2240 |