Connections Newsletter
All the news you need to know to connect, grow, and serve.
Connections is taking a summer break and will be back August 8. The deadline for the August 8 issue is Monday, August 5 at noon.
I believe God's truth is higher, wider, deeper & longer than all our creeds and includes what is best in each of them. 
--Horace Greely, Universalist
Sunday, June 30, 2019 | 10:15 a.m.
"Dragged Kicking and Cursing Into Heaven"
Sermon by Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley, Interim Senior Minister
How's that for a provocative title? It’s a quote from a 19th century Universalist talking about how universal salvation is available to all, even if we may be reluctant to go there! When I had my question box sermon in early May, a number of people asked about the Universalist side of our heritage. This is your opportunity to learn more about the other “U.”

Zoe Lachow is our Worship Associate and Phyllis Liner is our Song Leader. Music includes guest musicians Lisa Cridge, violin, and Barbara Schelstrate, piano. They will perform piano/violin pieces by Fritz Kreisler, Edward Elgar and F.M. Veracini.
Upcoming Services
July 7, 10:15 a.m. " Climbing The Second Mountain" - Service led by Worship Associates Irv and Zoe Lachow.

July 14, 10:15 a.m. "Embrace the Mess" - Service led by Worship Associates Betsy Rosenblatt Rosso and D Ohlandt.

July 21, 10:15 a.m. "What We Do Together" - Service led by Rev. Benjamin Van Dyne, former UUCAer and RE alum.

July 28, 10:15 a.m. "Han Shot First" - Service led by Walter Clark, Ministerial Assistant.
Don't miss out this summer!
Can't join us on Sunday's during the summer? You can always join us online for our live broadcast of each Sunday service on our website and Facebook Live. You can also visit our website 24/7 for the recordings of the services.

And, remember to collect a sample of water during your travels or local summer fun for our Gathering of the Waters service in September.
Friday Morning Devotions
We invite you to center and ground yourself in silence with friends--a half-hour of meditation followed by brief reflections--each Friday morning at 7 a.m. A ride to Ballston Metro is available afterward. For additional information, contact either David McTaggart,, or Gregg Forte,

Date: Each Friday, 7:00 a.m.
Location: Room 20 (Youth Room) 
Church Matters
Governance Task Force
Open Sessions in July and August

We presented a brief summary of the Preliminary Task Force Report at the Annual Meeting. If you'd like to hear and discuss an overview of the full report, the Task Force will host two sessions:
  • Wednesday July 17 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. (come to the Happy Hour at 6 and join us at 7!) and
  • Sunday August 25 at 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. following the Sunday service. 

The Task Force is finalizing our recommendations and this is a good opportunity to provide your perspective on the report. We appreciate all the support expressed at the Annual Meeting and all your input over the last year that shaped our understanding of our history and of the current needs of the congregation.  

Yours in community,
Connecting with the Ministerial Search Committee

The Power of We – Proud to represent UUCA at General Assembly!
By Frank Corsoro , MSC Committee Member

A typical Sunday service at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington brings together a diverse, dynamic community of individuals who share a liberal spiritual, theological, and intellectual journey. Two hundred or more members of our community come together for an hour to worship at each of our two Sunday services. We covenant each week to Connect, Grow, and Serve with one another, the community we live in, and the greater world at large.

Now imagine 3,000 Unitarian Universalists from across the United States and other parts of the world gathered in one place for four days in Spokane, Washington to share the same journey with like-minded people. This gathering, held once a year in a General Assembly, and with this year’s theme of “The Power of We”, gives credence to and amplifies the power of the people. People committed to racial justice and spiritual growth and right relations in all manner of human interaction.

Lifespan Religious Education
What's Up in RE This Week 
Preschool-1st Grade--Spirit Play
2nd-5th Grade--Stories of our Faith
6th Grade and older--Games 
Teacher Recruitment
There are a few spots left in our RE teaching teams for the next church year beginning in September. This is your chance to make a difference--not only in a child's life, but in your too. Get in touch with our Director of Lifespan Faith Development, LeeAnn Williams,

Sign up below:
Congregational Life
Beginnings Connection Covenant Group 

We are happy to announce there will be a Beginnings Connection Covenant Group this summer. This group is for new members and newcomers who are interested in experiencing a UUCA covenant group. It will be held on Thursdays, July 18, August 1, 15, 29 and Sept. 12, 7:30 p.m., at the church. Participants are expected to attend all sessions. 

Covenant groups at UUCA provide an opportunity for participants to connect with each other at a deeper level than we do in normal situations. In a covenant group we create a sacred space where all feel safe to speak from their heart. While the conversation is inspired by the readings, it is not an intellectual discussion, but rather an exploration of our individual experiences and the meanings we glean from them. It is also a time when we can listen to the wisdom of our own inner guide. 

If you would like to join this group, please register here. Questions? Contact
Catalyst for Change
New Book, “A Shoestring Lobbyist,” To be Showcased
UUs Kat Braeman and Gladys Henrikson plan to showcase their book, Carol Burris and the Women’s Lobby, in the Center on Sunday, June 30, from 4 to 6 p.m. Both admired the dynamic efforts of Carol Burris in the 1970s to give a voice to women’s concerns on Capitol Hill and around the country. Kat was a “grass root” in Nebraska in 1971 when she met and was inspired by Carol’s fierce advocacy. Gladys lobbied with Carol on a part-time hours bill and other issues. Today they remember her transforming impact on the nation and on their lives. This new book is now available on Amazon. Join this celebration of advocacy and lift a glass of bubbly for these catalysts for change.

Kat is a past Board Chair of UUCA and is now on the Board of UU Marin in California. Gladys is active in the Fairfax UU Congregation. Questions? Contact Ronnie Priddy at 703-578-7607 or Kat is at 202-549-3696 or

Date: Sunday, June 30, 4 to 6 p.m.
Location: The Center
New UU Class
Unitarian Universalism is a way of thinking and being in the world. It is a faith discipline, enriched by faith traditions, that forms the foundation for a way to live this life. It matters how we conduct our lives and work to make the world a better place. Unitarian Universalism wants each of us to know why. It challenges us to deepen our own faith principles and practices in response to our own experience and, whenever possible, to stand on the side of love. There will be plenty of chances to ask questions and to get to know others in the class. It's also part of the path to membership at UUCA.  Walter Clark and Sarah Masters will be leading the class.

The class is free, but registration is required.  Register here.
The class is free and includes a light dinner with happy hour. Free childcare is available upon request.

Date: Wednesday, July 17, 6-9 p.m.
Location: Center Gallery
People with Disabilities Group
This new group is for adults with disabilities and adults with a family member with disabilities. We plan to share experiences, resources and spread understanding of living with a disability. Please minimize the use of fragrances when attending the meeting. If you need accommodations, please email Sarah Masters,

Date: Sunday, July 21, 11:45-1:15 p.m.
Location: Board Room
The Four-Fold Way @ SUUSI
UUCA member Beth Offenbacker is offering her workshop, "The Four-Fold Way," at SUUSI (Southeast Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute) this year. In this four-part workshop you'll explore and experience the four archetypal principles that comprise the Native American medicine wheel, and how each principle can lead us on our path of spirituality and service. SUUSI is an annual week of UU fellowship and spiritual practice held in the beautiful mountains at Western Carolina University. This year's session is July 14-20, and the theme is Sacred Spaces. If you missed the Four-Fold class as part of Wellspring Wednesdays, come for the week and participate in the workshop at SUUSI! Check out more info about the week's many great offerings here. You can register for the morning session (see page 41) or evening session (see page 53.)

Dates: July 14-20
Location: Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC
The Well: A Family-Friendly Retreat Tending the Wounds of Racism
What is the Well?
The Well is an intentional gathering space of spiritual healing for individuals and families who are directly impacted by racism. It is a culturally proud, welcoming and unapologetic space that centers the experiences and expressions of communities of color.

The Well is a life-giving retreat. Just like a communal well in ancient times, we gather at the Well, share wisdom and learn from each other, talk about things that matter, and fill our vessels with resources that sustain us.

As a rare multi-generational opportunity for children, youth, and adults, programming of the Well explores our spiritual paths, including rites of passage that bear witness to our experiences. There will be food, music, sports, history, arts, and bodywork that nurtures our souls, and worship, rituals and networking that uplift our spirits.

Who can attend the Well?
The Well welcomes those who are directly impacted by racism: families and individuals of color, as well as white families raising children of color, and multiracial families. 

Although you do not have to be a UU to attend, we ask participants to resonate with the Unitarian Universalist values of equity, justice, inclusion, and compassion.  

We recognize that the imperfect and complex ways we talk about our racial identities is how “racism” continues to cause spiritual harm. The Well hopes to be a mediating space of guidance, support and reconciliation for those who experience the sting of racism in their everyday lives.

Historically, that list refers to those who have experienced social and structural oppression: African Americans/Blacks, Caribbean people, Asian/Pacific Islanders, Middle Easterners, Latin America/Latinx, Indigenous peoples across the Americas, and mixed-race people.

Date: July 24-27
Location: Ferry Beach Retreat & Conference Center, Saco, Maine
Faith in Action
Little Peace Campers & counselor
Peace Campers
Peace Campers pushing down hate
Lifting up love
KItchen volunteers
Welcome Peace Campers
This week was the beginning of our two-week run of Peace Camp. Kiddos from the Buckingham neighborhood and other Arlington subsidized housing communities, plus kiddos from Beacon House (a community outreach program in Northeast DC), and kiddos from UUCA, gathered this week for lessons of peace through fun and games and the opportunity to connect through friendship-building. This week UUCA hosted 100 campers, made possible by the help of 55 volunteers. Each year Peace Camp is brought to UUCA through the partnership with the non-profit Little Friends for Peace.
Learn About Your Role in Reversing Global Warming
Come see both the possibility of reversing global warming and the important role you play in that process. Learn about the science-based Drawdown solutions and how we can reverse global warming by 2050. You will be inspired by new ways to think about climate change and become part of a global movement from hope to action.

A five-session Drawdown Solutions: Getting Into Action workshop will be offered at UUCA this summer on Thursday nights from 6:30 – 9:00 – July 11, July 25, August 8, August, 22, and a final session in September with the date to be decided on later by the group.

If you are not familiar with Project Drawdown, you can learn much more at and at under resources and then Drawdown. 
During the first four sessions, we will guide you towards coming up with your own plan for how to get into action, based on your own interests, talents and passions. The sessions will include: videos, presentations, individual research, and group interactions.

You will leave the course being connected to a new community of people dedicated to reversing global warming, equipped with knowledge and tools to get and stay in committed action in a field you are passionate about. Feel free to invite family and friends to join you.

Please email for additional information and to register for the five-session program this summer.
This newsletter is taking a summer break and will be back August 8. The deadline for this issue will be Monday, August 5 at noon.
How to submit an announcement to UUCA's Connections newsletter:  
  • Deadline is noon each Monday.
  • Please put "Connections" or "newsletter" in the subject box.
  • Send announcement (150 words or fewer) in body of email or Word doc attachment.
  • Images and attachments accepted, though no guarantee of publishing
  • Send announcements to
  • Questions about Connections? Contact
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Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, VA
4444 Arlington Blvd
Arlington, Virginia
Call: (703) 892-2565