An Update from the Mahoning County Land Bank | November 2019
Land Transfers Help Nonprofits Solve Housing Issues
The Mahoning County Land Bank has recently transferred 19 parcels of land, including two single-family homes, to three local non-profit organizations, including the Rescue Mission of Mahoning Valley. Community leaders recently gathered to break ground for the Rescue Mission’s new building. Pictured are Ron Cohen, Rescue Mission board president; Youngstown Mayor Jamael Tito Brown; Deb Flora, Land Bank executive director; and John Muckridge, Rescue Mission chief executive officer.
Renovation Converts 'Nuisance' to Move-in-Ready Home
Austintown Township had declared the 1,864-square-foot, split-level home at 4942 Signature Circle a nuisance long before a sheriff’s sale drew no interested buyers, and the township zoning inspector suggested transferring it to the Land Bank for renovation. The newly renovated house is now for sale.
New Home Tour Showcases Urban Redevelopment 
Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corp. recently gave a special tour of one of its new homes on Helena Avenue for the Mahoning County Land Bank staff and board of directors. The three new homes replace vacant, abandoned houses the Land Bank demolished before transferring the land to YNDC earlier this year.
Jamaican Immigrant Sparks Facelift on South Side 
The Land Bank is pleased to work with William Johnson, a South Side resident who is revitalizing his neighborhood by acquiring houses through the Land Bank and flipping them. Check out his story and the powerful work he’s doing.
F lora Discusses Greening Strategies at State Conference
Debora Flora, executive director of Mahoning County Land Bank, recently participated in a panel discussion titled, “Greening in a Post-NIP World" about the future strategies of county land banks as the Neighborhood Initiative Program's demolition funding comes to an end.
The Dirt is published by the Mahoning County Land Bank. To learn more, call us at 330-259-1040, email us here or visit our website .