July 2019
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
View of Pawtuckaway Lake. (
Photo courtesy of Shayna Sylvia
Happy July,
Sorry for the delay! We are releasing this newsletter a week later than normal due to the Fourth of July holiday. Many SRPC staffers enjoyed a long weekend and we hope, like us, you had some time off to relax, grill, take a trip to the lake or beach, or maybe catch a firework display with family and friends.
Here at SRPC we are diving into outreach for multiple projects like Pathways to Play (PTP), and the Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) project, working with three of our communities to provide circuit rider planning services, and are in full swing for our data collection season.
In this issue you’ll read about planner James Burdin's promotion, our summer interns Stephen and Gordon, our latest press release on the outcomes of the annual luncheon, planning events of interest, the results of the CommuteSmart NH pilot statewide challenge, available grants, and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
SRPC Promotes James Burdin
SRPC Welcomes Summer Interns
SRPC's Latest
Press Release
Planning Events of Interest
CommuteSmart NH Announces Challenge Winners
Opportunities for Public Input
Grant Corner
Community Happenings
Executive Director Jen Czysz talks with a state representative at the NH Association of Regional Planning Commissions Annual Legislative Breakfast at the NH State House. ( SRPC
Staff photo from the SRPC Annual Luncheon (
SRPC Photo
Shayna Sylvia, communications and outreach planner, conducts outreach for the Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) project at the Rochester Farmer's Market. (
SRPC Photo)
SRPC Promotes James Burdin
Strafford Regional Planning Commission is proud to announce the promotion of James Burdin to senior regional planner. James started as the regional economic development planner with SRPC in Jan. 2017.
James will continue to coordinate all Strafford Economic Development District (EDD) programs and activities, in addition to serving as the circuit rider planner for the Towns of Northwood and Farmington. In FY 2020 he will focus on assisting with data analysis for the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, managing SRPC’s new EPA Brownfields assessment grant, and updating SRPC’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Regional Housing Needs Assessment.
We're extremely happy for James and ask that you please join us in congratulating him on this wonderful news!
SRPC Welcomes Stephen Geis and Gordon Lewis, Summer Interns
Stephen Geis started working as one of this year's data collection interns on Jun. 26. Stephen is currently a senior at the University of New Hampshire studying geography and international affairs.
His primary role at SRPC is working with Stefanie Casella, data collection and analysis assistant, for the summer field work season. Data collection efforts include setting and collecting traffic counts, and assessing culverts and sidewalks, programs of the Statewide Asset Data Exchange System (SADES) at UNH's Technology Transfer Center.
Stephen will also be working with our GIS planner Marcia and the rest of the data team on various GIS projects including integrating feedback on the Pathways to Play project, and assisting with the Road Surface Management System project in Wakefield.
When Stephen isn't at work, he enjoys hiking, basketball, and watching sports with friends and family. Please join us in welcoming Stephen to Strafford Regional Planning Commission.
Gordon Lewis started working as one of this year's data collection interns on Jun. 26. Gordon is currently a Junior at Middlebury College studying Economics and Political Science.
His primary role at SRPC is working with Stefanie Casella, data collection and analysis assistant, for the summer field work season. Data collection efforts include setting and collecting traffic counts, and assessing culverts and sidewalks, programs of the Statewide Asset Data Exchange System (SADES) at UNH's Technology Transfer Center.
Gordon will also be working with our senior transportation planner Colin and our senior regional planner James on data analysis for the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and is currently researching economic impacts of transit service for our new Federal Transit Agency (FTA) study regarding seacoast public transit and economic development linkages.
When Gordon isn't at work, he enjoys basketball, skiing, fishing, golfing, reading, writing, and watching Game of Thrones. And fun fact, he is related to the singer Dean Martin.
Please join us in welcoming Gordon to Strafford Regional Planning Commission.
You can keep up to date on where Stefanie, Stephen, and Gordon are collecting data this summer by following the #datadaysofsummer hashtag on SRPC's Facebook page and Twitter account.
SRPC's Latest
Press Release
Commissioners and guests listen to the panel presentation at the SRPC Annual Meeting. (
SRPC Photo
SRPC's most recent press release includes a recap of the annual luncheon which was held on Thursday, Jun. 27. The meeting included a great presentation from panelists George Reagan (NH Housing), Michael Williams (COAST Bus), and Steve Bird (Dover City Planning Department) through four rounds of questions addressing regional perspectives, current trends, integrated approaches for community planning, and integrated/comprehensive policy in action.
The press release also notes the winner of SRPC's Annual Excellence Award, the Tri-City Mayors' Task Force on Homelessness.
Planning Events of Interest
Brightfields 2019 New England
Jul. 23
Brownfield Listings is hosting a collaborative event with the nine regional planning commissions (RPCs) in New Hampshire to provide information about Brightfields, defined by the Department of Energy (DOE) as
abandoned or contaminated properties that are redeveloped through the incorporation of solar energy. According to the DOE Brightfields developments lead to economic development, environmental cleanup and improved air quality by bringing pollution free solar energy and high tech manufacturing jobs to brownfield, greyfield and redfield sites.
The upcoming event will take place
at the Falls Event Center in Manchester on Jul. 23 from 7:00 a.m.
4:30 p.m., with an opportunity for networking directly following. Brightfields 2019 - New England is an interactive solar marketplace event designed to bring together communities, solar developers, real estate professionals, property owners, and other public- and private-sector partners for illuminating educational sessions, networking and live market-making.
Attendees will dig into the latest regulations, programs and technologies driving from solar energy renaissance from both private sector solar experts and public officials and agency staff implementing real solar and brownfield-to-brightfield projects on the ground.
Registration is free for landowners and communities with potential solar sites. Landowners and communities interested in attending will provide information about their sites when they register.
Natural Resources Stewards Program
Every Friday from Sept. 6
Nov. 22
University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension is preparing for their 2019 Natural Resources Stewards Course which begins Sept 6th, 2019 at Canterbury Shaker Village in Canterbury, NH. The twelve-week course, which has been providing natural resources education for 28 years, has evolved and changed to address important climate change issues.
The Natural Resources Steward program offers a comprehensive education and volunteer support network for people who want to learn, explore and share the nature of New Hampshire. It starts with a hands-on course that brings people together to explore NH’s ecosystems – how trees, plants, soil, fungi, water, wildlife and even humans are interconnected, and how we can reduce our impact and restore and protect the nature we are a part of. Graduates then volunteer throughout the state, stewarding for NH’s precious resources in a variety of conservation projects.
In 2018, Natural Resources Stewards volunteered 13,302 hours of their time across all ten counties in New Hampshire, and in Maine and Massachusetts. Some applied what they learned in class to serve on conservation commissions, energy committees and river associations. Others began teaching youth and adults about wildlife and pollinators. The reported activities span across 40 categories ranging from planting natives to restoring forest systems, creating habitat for the endangered New England Cottontail, growing food and community gardens. Stewards also worked on conservation projects, permanently protecting vital wetlands, forests and farmland.
Learn more about this program or apply
CommuteSmart NH Announces Winners of the Pilot Statewide Challenge
CommuteSmart NH (CSNH) wrapped up its pilot statewide challenge during the week of Jul. 8. Over the course of the challenge 155 participants logged 2,212 trips totaling 29, 801 miles and saving 23,056 lbs of pollutants and $17,236 dollars! 26 businesses across the state competed to help make this a successful first-time challenge.
On Jul. 10, CSNH announced the winners for most sustainable trips in each size category and shared the winner of most social media buzz. Winners included S&W Sports (small category and most social media buzz), NHDES Air Division (medium category), and NHDES Water Division (large category).
CommuteSmart NH would like to genuinely thank all the teams and individuals who participated and provided their support. Together each participant made an impact by lending to less fewer single occupancy vehicles on the road.
Stay tuned to
CSNH's website
for other upcoming commuter initiatives or for general smart commuting tips and information.
Opportunities for Public Input
Pathways to Play
In December 2019 Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) was
awarded a grant from the NH Children's Health Foundation
to map and analyze access to recreation in the Strafford region. Knowing where there is and is not access will help municipal planners and decision makers prioritize funding for projects that increase families' ability to be active.
Phase II of the project includes a customized recreation plan for the City of Somersworth for which SRPC is currently conducting outreach. After meeting with City staff three recreation areas were chosen as a focus: Malley Farm, Jules Bisson Park, and the Somersworth Riverwalk.
Current outreach initiatives include attending community events to engage with parents and other park users, in addition to an interactive coloring exercise for kids that will be available at the Somersworth Public Library beginning the week of July 15.
Strafford Transportation Planning Survey
Strafford Regional Planning Commission, serving as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), released its 2020 Metro Plan survey in May. This survey will help staffers understand the needs and challenges of the transportation network from the best source possible - the people that live and work in the region every day and use the system most!
The survey is
, and responses will be used to update to the current Metro Plan, the comprehensive transportation plan for our region, which reviews existing transportation infrastructure, goals, and strategies to look at where the region will be in the year 2045. The plan also informs programming of projects and funds to best meet the needs of our region.
NH Children's Health Foundation – Letter of Intent Due Aug. 15
The next Call for Responsive Grant Proposalsfor the NH Children's Health Foundation will open on Aug. 1. Funding supports preventing childhood obesity, promoting oral health and reducing food insecurity. Requests considered include funding for a single year, up to $20,000, or for a multi-year, up to $60,000.
Letters of Intent are due Aug. 15, and those invited to submit a full application will be notified by Sept. 1. Eligible parties include tax-exempt organizations under any part of section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, state or local government agencies or a unit of government, and grassroots organizations, collaboratives or coalitions under the auspices of a tax-exempt fiscal sponsor.
Conservation Moose Plate Grant – Due Sept. 13
The New Hampshire State Conservation Committee (SCC) announced the availability of the 2020 Conservation “Moose Plate” Grant application on Jul. 8. Grant funds are available for projects that support and promote programs and partnerships that protect, restore, and enhance the state’s valuable natural resources.
Eligible applicants include municipalities, County Conservation Districts, qualified nonprofit organizations engaged in conservation programs, public and private schools
(kindergarten through 12), County Cooperative Extension natural resource programs, and scout groups.
Grant Applications are due on September 13, 2019. Awards will be announced in December 2019 and funding will be available to successful applicants in May 2020.
The 2020 Conservation Grant Application Instructions and Application Form are available
Fall 2019 Land Protection Transaction Grant Program – Due Oct. 18
Grant applications are available for the Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership’s Fall 2019 Land Protection Transaction Grant Program. The matching grants program assists with the costs for permanent land protection projects (donation and/or acquisition of full fee and conservation easements) within the coastal watershed area of New Hampshire and Maine. Qualified nonprofit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) conservation organizations, municipalities and units of government may apply for a grant.
Applications must be postmarked by October 18, 2019. Grant instructions and the application form are available on the GBRPP website http://www.greatbaypartnership.org
Conserving a network of undeveloped natural lands in the coastal watershed is critical to maintain clean water, protect significant habitats and ecosystems, support healthy wildlife populations, protect agricultural and forestry resources, and provide quality recreational opportunities. The purchase or donation of land or conservation easements often requires funding for transaction expenses (e.g. appraisals, land surveys, recording fees). The Land Protection Transaction Grant Program assists with the costs of conserving the most significant lands in the coastal watershed.
Birch Ridge Community Forest Celebration
Saturday, Jul. 13
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
New Durham Elementary School
7 Old Bay Road, New Durham, NH
Join the Partnership for Birch Ridge in celebrating the new Birch Ridge Community Forest. This event is free and open to the public. It is asked that attendees
register online to help us ensure there are enough volunteer guides.
The registration begins with the option to purchase a bag lunch from the general store, or you may bring your own lunch. Attendees are encouraged to bring a water bottle to fill up to reduce the single-use plastic use!
Historic Walking Tour of Downtown Dover - Architecture Tour
Saturday, Jul. 20
10:30 a.m. – noon
Woodman Museum
182 Central Avenue, Dover, NH
Head on over to the Woodman Museum on Saturday, Jul. 20 for an architectural tour of historic buildings In Dover. The event will features information about construction, architectural techniques, and the historic significance of those who built or occupied these buildings, the earliest of which was constructed in 1785.
The cost is $10 per person or $25 for families. Walking shoes and water bottles are recommended as the tours generally are an hour and a half.
For more information or to make reservations over the phone, please contact the Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce at (603) 742-2218 or
Soy Candle Workshop
Saturday, Jun. 29
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
197 Main St.
South Berwick, ME
Join Country Farm Candles for a fun, hands-on event as you learn the art of candle making from the Country Farm Candles team! The workshop will include all materials and hands-on step-by-step instructions for you to make two 4oz. mason jar soy candles. The Pizza Barn will be open for drinks and food while your candles set.
Sign up now before tickets sell out! This class is limited to 10 people to allow for lots of one on one attention.
Tickets and more can be found