10:30 a.m. Service:
No Justice, No Peace. On a day set apart for remembering the cost of war in human lives, let us also consider the cost of peace. What does it mean to be a peaceful people, a people of peace, amidst the crisis of injustice?
- Eileen Casey Campbell, UU candidate for ministry and recent graduate of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:
Open Forum Discussion. No set topic.
Funeral Planning Workshop - May 31
Wednesday, May 31st, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Clara Barton Lounge. Join Funeral Consumers Alliance of Greater Rochester (FCAGR) President Marcy Klein, board members Reverend Peggy Meeker and Elizabeth Osta, and Reverend Celie Katovich for an evening of suggestions and support for these difficult conversations. You'll even get to fill out a form you can provide to next of kin with your plans in place. Reserve your place now and look forward to checking this niggling need off your bucket list. Sign up in the Clara Barton Lounge or by contacting Elizabeth Osta (elizabethosta@gmail.com) or 585-451-5822.
Our summer services will be starting on June 25, and music for those services is provided by volunteer musicians. Could you be one of them? Even if you have just one piece you’ve always wanted to try to perform, we’ll make a time and place for you to do it, whatever your voice or instrument. Please contact the summer music coordinator, Ann Rhody at annrhody@gmail.com for more information.
Annual Church Picnic - June 11
Save the Date! Sunday, June 11th will be the annual picnic starting around 1 pm. The picnic will be held at the Long House Shelter in Seneca Park. Maps and details will be coming. Questions, contact Karl Abbott at Karl47@frontiernet.net.
BOOK GROUP: The book group has chosen The Girls of Atomic City by Denise Kiernan as our choice for the May 28th book discussion. It is the untold story of the WOMEN who helped win World War II. If you have not heard of the Manhattan Project, you will be pleased to know that our very own Ruth Fitzgerald worked on the project and has graciously agreed to tell us about her experience.
ANNUAL MEETING: The annual meeting for First Universalist will be held Sunday, June 4th immediately following the service. All members are encouraged to attend. Friends are welcome. Key agenda items include approval for the 2016-2017 budget and elections for key positions.
UUA GENERAL ASSEMBLY: The UUA General Assembly will be held in New Orleans this year from June 21st ‒ 25th. Details are on the UUA website at www.uua.org/ga/program/schedule. Everyone who has gone raves about what a wonderful experience it is. If you are interested in attending, please speak with Shirley Bond and she will answer your questions or point you in the right direction.
VOLUNTEER FOR RAIHN* WEEK: During RAIHN Week, June 25-July 2, we will turn our church into a home for temporarily homeless families. To volunteer, sign up in the lounge after church on Sunday, or contact Chris DeGolyer, chrisdeg@frontiernet.net if you have questions. A training session for first time RAIHN volunteers will be held on Wednesday, June 7th, 6:30-8:30 PM at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 25 Westminster Rd.,(corner of East Avenue), Rochester. Even if you can't attend training, you are welcome to help with set up or other tasks. If you would like to learn more before volunteering, we have opportunities to "shadow" experienced volunteers. *Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: keeping families together. Getting families home for good.
To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail office@uuroc.org no later than Thursday at noon.
Rev. Celie Katovitch,
Rev. Michelle Yates,
Director of Life Span Faith Development
Stacey Yang,
Director of Music
Melissa Davies,
Office Administrator
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 - 3:15