Becoming Beloved Community
Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more that we can ask or imagine... --
Ephesians 3:20
Something wonderful is unfolding in our community, and we are blessed to be part of it; "it" is the work of racial healing in Augusta. Last Sunday, Saint Paul's hosted another conversation about racism as part of our participation in the
Becoming Beloved Community ministry of The Episcopal Church.
Last Sunday was a holiday weekend, so we expected about 35 participants; we prepared for 50, but in fact nearly 70 gathered-and of those, half or more came from other Episcopal parishes! Clearly there is growing desire, energy, and commitment to engage in the brave work of racial healing.
Gathered 5 per table, we listened to segments of this interview with Dr. Ibram Kendi
and then engaging in structured table conversations. Together we took a step forward. We were brave enough to trust even though many felt uncomfortable and the topic was difficult and unfamiliar.
The purpose of the event first was to create and deepen community by building trust, which required vulnerability. The event also exposed participants to new ideas intended to empower them with a healthier perspective about racism. Dr. Kendi's work argues that the cause and persistence of racist ideas and racial disparities are due not to ignorance and hatred but to the self-interests of those in positions of power. Generations of anti-racists have labored to eliminate racism by changing "hearts and minds", but Dr. Kendi's work points us to a different source of the problem and therefore to different solutions. We invite all to participate in this work by engaging with Sunday's video and handout).
NEXT: We are pausing to organize and plan how to proceed in the Augusta convocation of Episcopal churches. Expect to hear much more soon. Inquiries welcomed. Contact Fr. Jenkins.
Formation Classes This Sunday
July 14
Location: The Parlor
The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, whatever the topic of the day.
Topic: The Episcopal Way of Being Christian
aka: Inquirers, Episcopal 101
Location: The Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul
SESSION #3: July 14
- Instructed Eucharist
happens every Sunday during worship. We offer two opportunities to learn more about the central act of worship in The Episcopal Church. Bring your questions and a pen so you may make notes on a service bulletin. We will address ways to prepare for worship, what takes place at each part of the liturgy, and ways to participate more deeply throughout.
An "Instructed Eucharist" is an experiential and interactive learning experience to build competency and participate in one's exercise of worship. is an online resource of The Episcopal Church that provides a series of short videos about the structure, meaning, and practice of worship in the liturgy of The Holy Eucharist.
Children and Youth Formation return in August with the beginning of school.
Next Week
July 15 - July 21
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, July 17, 6-7
PM, River Room
Join us for our monthly fellowship dinner, Wednesday, July 17, 6-7
, in the River Room. $5 per person; $15 max per family. On the menu: BBQ chicken breast, four cheese mac and cheese, home-style corn, coleslaw, rolls, and banana pudding. A reservation is not required; however, if you know you plan to attend, please
RSVP on our sign-up genius
Veterans' Ice Cream Social
Sunday, July 21, 2:15 - 4
PM, 1101 15th Street, Augusta
Join us for our quarterly Veterans' Ice Cream Social, Sunday, July 21, 2:15-4:00
PM, at the Georgia War Veterans' Nursing Home located at 1101 15th Street. We'll dish and serve ice cream and cookies; then spend much-appreciated time visiting. All ages are welcome to participate.
Contact Louis Walker for more information.
Back to School Backpack Drive for Hornsby Beginning Sunday, July 21
Please help our neighbors with back to school needs! Hornsby Middle & Elementary Schools need: backpacks (all sizes) and general school supplies (composition notebooks, loose leaf paper (college or wide rule), #2 mechanical pencils, pens, erasers, glue sticks, index cards, highlighters, folders with pockets, boxes of tissue, hand sanitizer). Beginning next Sunday, July 21, donations may be left in the box in the Narthex, in Tyler Hall or the office. If you can't shop, monetary donations are greatly appreciated. For more information, please
contact Kathy Enicks.
A Special Request for Hornsby Middle School
These are the curtains on the stage at Hornsby Middle School. The stage is where academic awards are handed out, where amazingly talented kids sing and dance in talent shows, where Black History Month fashion shows happen!
Please help us fund new curtains for the Hornsby Middle School stage. All kids deserve a school with a stage they are proud to "shine on!" Cash or checks made out to Saint Paul's and noted Hornsby stage will be enormously appreciated! Questions,
contact Kathy Enicks.
Worship Formation Opportunity -
"The Liturgy" - Responding to your questions, concerns, and offering ways to deepen your participation in worship.
2 Opportunities at church plus online:
happens every Sunday during worship. We offer two opportunities to learn more about the central act of worship in The Episcopal Church. Bring your questions and a pen so you may make notes on a service bulletin. We will address ways to prepare for worship, what takes place at each part of the liturgy, and ways to participate more deeply throughout.
An "Instructed Eucharist" is an experiential and interactive learning experience to build competency and participate in one's exercise of worship. is an online resource of The Episcopal Church that provides a series of short videos about the structure, meaning, and practice of worship in the liturgy of The Holy Eucharist.
Outreach Opportunity - "Manna Pantry on the move" Volunteer for Golden Harvest Mobile Food Pantry
Golden Harvest is working to beat summer hunger by sending our mobile food pantry out into the community this summer. They need your help to help distribute food to those who need it most! Volunteers are needed to pack boxes and distribute food at the Mobile Food Pantry events listed below.
If you'd like to volunteer, please email
Marilyn Grau
Al Yarbrough
. Please include your name, phone number, email address and the date(s) you would like to volunteer. Closed toed shoes are required, and children 13 years of age or younger must be accompanied by a guardian.
Together, we can Inspire Healthy Change in our Community, One Meal at a Time!
Summer Market Schedule
- 7/16/19 from 1:15PM - 3:30PM at Wilkinson Gardens Elementary School, 1925 Kratha Dr., Augusta, GA 30906
- 7/18/19 from 8:45AM - 11:00AM at W.S. Hornsby Elementary K-8, 310 Kentucky Ave, Augusta, GA 30901
- 7/23/19 from 1:15PM - 3:30PM at Wilkinson Gardens Elementary School, 1925 Kratha Dr., Augusta, GA 30906
- 7/25/19 from 8:45AM - 11:00AM at W.S. Hornsby Elementary K-8, 310 Kentucky Ave, Augusta, GA 30901
- 7/26/19 from 9:45 AM - 12:30 PM at The Master's Table Soup Kitchen, 702 Fenwick St, Augusta, GA 30901
- 7/30/19 from 1:15PM - 3:30PM at Wilkinson Gardens Elementary School, 1925 Kratha Dr., Augusta, GA 30906
Senior Food Box Provides at-risk seniors living on a fixed income with a free 18-20 pound box of groceries each month.
Open Sundays for Altar Flowers Third Quarter September 1 & 8
Open Sundays for altar arrangements: September 1 & 8. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor a Sunday in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones, please
contact the Parish Office. The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time.
Saint Paul's Night at the Ballpark
Tuesday, August 13, 7:05 PM
RSVP now!
Saint Paul's Night at the Ballpark returns Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 7:05
PM. Come out and root for the Greenjackets at SRP Park and join in fellowship as we welcome a new school year and the beginning of a new church season. Tickets are $20 and include an all-you-can-eat buffet of hot dogs, hamburgers, BBQ, and grilled chicken (tea and soft drinks included). There is an $80 maximum cost per family. To make a reservation, please
email Todd Shafer . There are only 85 tickets available.
Read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field
From the Search Committee:
A Prayer for the Election of a Bishop
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
--1979 Book of Common Prayer, page 818