St John the Evangelist Parish
January 22, 2020
Please be aware that if the weather is snowy or icy during the week,
there will be no 8:30 am Mass or Morning Prayer.
Positions Open at St John Parish
St John the Evangelist Parish in N. Seattle is a looking for a
Parish Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
The successful candidate will have excellent communication and organizational skills and enjoy working in a vibrant Parish environment. 
We are looking for a full time person, but will also consider a job share for this position.  For a more detailed description, go to our website.
Please send a cover letter and resume to Dani D'Amelio at [email protected] or mail them to 106 N 79th St, Seattle, WA 98103.
St. John the Evangelist is a dynamic and vibrant community of over 1,000 households, including the Parish School. We are seeking a full time Director of Parish Development  to collaborate with our Pastor and PAA in accomplishing the development of our community and the financial stewardship goals of the Parish. The successful candidate is an
active participant in worship and community life, a person of faith and prayer, and is experienced in fund raising and leadership. The successful candidate will have excellent communication  and organizational skills and enjoys working in a vibrant Parish environment.  We are looking for a full time person who can start immediately.  For a more detailed description, go to our website .
Please send a cover letter and resume to Dani D'Amelio at [email protected] or mail them to 106 N 79th St, Seattle, WA 98103.
Golden Fellowship

If you are 55 or better, join us for a potluck lunch on Thursday, January 23rd at noon in the Admin Building. It will be a traditional potluck so bring your favorite dish if you wish and join us for fun and fellowship!
The Northwest Catholic Collection will be taken up this weekend at all Masses . Through NORTHWEST CATHOLIC magazine, and social media, the Church is able to enter every home with a message of hope that the world so desperately needs. For this reason, NORTHWEST CATHOLIC is sent free of charge to every registered Catholic household in Western Washington. Your donation is a great way to share the gift of faith with others. Thank you for your past support of this annual collection .
Catholic Schools Week 2020
January 26 - February 1
Mass at 10:30am Sunday, January 26th

Click here for the full schedule.

Go to to register!
Deadline is January 27th!!
Safe Environment Training at St John

Tuesday, February 11th from 6:30pm - 9:00pm in Egan Hall
(Child Care available)

You need this training if you volunteer on campus or in the classroom, coach, chaperone or drive for field trips, volunteer at the shelter, participate in the ministries of the church such as ushers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, sacristans, CLOW, etc.

The Archdiocese of Seattle requires all Church Personnel (defined as all clergy, all employees, and all volunteers who have ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors and vulnerable adults) to take part in our Safe Environment Program in three ways. They must:
  • Successfully undergo a criminal background check every three years
  • Complete the Protecting God's Children course within 90 days of beginning service
  • Read and sign the Archdiocesan policies of conduct
You may complete these requirements by accessing the Virtus database, our Catholic Risk Retention Group focused on the prevention of abuse.
New church personnel will need to create a Virtus profile at ( under the "Registration" tab.

If you have already taken the initial training, you will only need to update every three years. Sign in at the volunteer computer in the school office to find out if you are up to date.

If you have any questions contact Sheila Marty at [email protected].

If you have never logged into FORMED, email Sheila Marty for instructions: [email protected]

Save the Date!  Women's retreat  
Saturday, February 22, 9:00 am - noon in the admin building. 
You can register by emailing
[email protected] .  
Laudato Si in Action  
Food Waste
At the opening of the November 2019 conference of the United Nations World Food Programme, Pope Francis stated:
If we wish to build a future where no one is left behind, we must create a present that radically rejects the squandering of food.

But an estimated one third of all food produced in the world is never eaten. And in the US, the percentage is even higher -- 40%. At the same time, 800 million people in the world go hungry. And the majority of food waste ends up in landfills, contributing 4.4 gigatons of greenhouse gas emissions each year.

And food production is the single biggest cause of deforestation; the single biggest user of water and the single biggest cause of habitat and biodiversity loss. We don't need to produce more food, we need to act differently.

Many of these statistics were taken from the film Wasted! The Story of Food Waste, which you can watch on a number of video services (

Many municipality and national policy changes need to be made to reduce food waste and their greenhouse gas emissions while also reducing hunger. At the policy level, you can help by contacting your government representatives and demanding more attention to food waste. You can also help at a personal level by making sure you waste as little food as possible. One tip I learned from the Wasted! Film: use the smell test (i..e, your nose) rather than relying on the overly-conservative best use/sell by dates printed on store bought foods. Consider donating food and money to food banks and other groups who redirect unwanted food to the poor. And don't forget to teach your children to avoid wasting food too.

Working together, we can help take care of our common home.

Paul Litwin
Dear Friends,
I started writing prayer nuggets early in 2016, St. John's Year of Prayer.  When I started, I thought it would be a one-year project.  I've had a lot of fun, and learned a lot, writing prayer nuggets these last 4 years - nearly 200 of them.  The time has come, though, for me to move on to other projects, and to wrap this one up.
It seems to me the last prayer nugget should include a nugget, not just 'farewell'.  So, here's my quick summary of what I've learned about prayer - a top 5 list :-)   Read more...  
Saint of the Month
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Feast Day: January 4