Contact your U.S. legislators about Dreamers AND treatment of refugees and immigrants in detention camps.

Call your U.S. Senators Durbin and Duckworth and let them know:
Call your U.S. Representative to say:
  • You protest the criminalization and detention of immigrants and refugees and the inhumane conditions in which they are being held. 
Attend the rally,  Take Action to End Criminalization, Detention, & Deportations on Saturday, July 13th at 11 am at the Daley Center Plaza.

PLEASE NOTE: Vigils and rallies organized by partisan organizations are likely to  focus on impeachment, so please attend as a private citizen - with no LWV identification -  unless the demonstration is organized by the League.


H.R. 6 would provide a pathway for citizenship for Dreamers, those with Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure. Now is the time to remind our US Senators that we (and they) should support this bill.

The League joined 400 national, state, and local groups urging Congress to ensure passage of legislation that permanently protects Dreamers and beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED). H.R. 2820 and H.R. 2821, provisions of the American Dream and Promise Act, that together offer a path to citizenship to Dreamers and TPS and DED holders. You can read the letter that they sent to Speaker Pelosi, Leader McCarthy, Chairman Nadler, and Ranking Member Collins by visiting the LWV US website.


We support the protesting of detention centers because tens of thousands of people, including women and children, seeking asylum in the U.S. are currently being detained at our border in overcrowded, filthy, and unsafe conditions, many of them in for-profit centers, across the country, including Illinois. 



The League of Women Voters believes that immigration policies should promote reunification of immediate families; meet the economic, business and employment needs of the United States; and be responsive to those facing political persecution or humanitarian crises. Provision should also be made for qualified persons to enter the United States on student visas. All persons should receive fair treatment under the law.

Thank you for fighting the good fight,

Allyson Haut, President 
Jean Pierce and   Rosemary Heilemann, Issues Co-Chairs 
Kim Reed, Immigration Issue Specialist

League of Women Voters of Illinois
332 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 634, Chicago, IL  60604
Phone: (312) 939-5935  | Email:  [email protected]  | website:
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