St Anthony Church Newsletter
As in today's Gospel, we, too, are shown the glory of God and given an outpouring of graced during our Lenten journey.
Peter, John, and James would eventually fulfill the plans God had for them in not only witnessing but showing and evangelizing the world. Once we have witnessed God in our own lives, when we have seen what He can do and have grown to believe and we now must show others.
This moment in today’s Gospel is not just a moment in their history but in every Christian’s. It reveals the glory of Jesus and what awaits all who persevere in faith. In believing Jesus is the beloved Son of God.
The 11:15 Mass will continue to be live-streamed for the time being.
Therefore St Anthony Church will broadcast on Facebook LIVE Sundays at 11:15 am.
The video of the Mass will be available on this page of our website after the Mass is complete.
Church Hall Update:
Good News! With the walls and former window openings showing no sign of leaking for several months now, the walls are getting prepared for the next steps: RC channel, run electricity, sheetrock, then paint!
The Saint Anthony Parish App is a valuable tool to stay up to date with all events in the parish and be alerted of any important notifications or cancellations. It also contains valuable resources, prayers and reflections.

To download the app,
you can do any of the following:
Visit the LENT 2021 page of our website for all information
  • Here is the online SIGN UP form for Adoration!
  • Click here for ideas to help you Experience Lent 2021 such as 25 Weird Things to Give Up for Lent

If you are unable to attend the Stations of the Cross on person, follow along this video to retrace Jesus' last steps. Thank You David Bosco for your narration and technical expertise in creating the video and to Leanna Hinger for your beautiful vocals.
Lenten Fish Dinner – To Go

The Ladies Guild and Knights of Columbus are co-sponsoring a Lenten Fish Dinner TO-GO on Friday March 26, 2021 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. 
Dinner includes breaded fish baked or fried, homemade macaroni and cheese, coleslaw and a dessert. Proceeds will go to the repairs/improvements of the church hall.
Adults are $10.00 and children’s dinner portions are $8.00. 
Place your order by March 19th by filling out this form.
Please join us for a
“Half Hour of Prayer & Reflections”
March 4th through April 15th at 6:30pm

Praying for others is one of the spiritual works of mercy which Catholics are called upon
to do to show Christ’s love to others. So, this Lenten season, why not pray for those
impacted by the coronavirus? Set aside just 30 minutes weekly to join Deacon Domenic
Stolfi as he leads us in a Half Hour of Prayers and Reflection. Each week offers a different theme. Parishioners, their family, neighbors and friends are welcome to join us online. Whether you are available to attend several or all seven weeks, you must Click here to register.
Contact organizer Lois Fusco at 203.768.6369 with questions.
Volunteer of the Week
Carrie Sturdevant
Faith Formation Catechist, and EMHC Ministries

Since moving to Prospect in 2004, Carrie has been a catechist in our Faith Formation Program. Now that her children are grown, Carrie has been teaching our youngest children. “I love seeing how they grow and learn about God, Jesus and our Faith. I love seeing their faces every week, it makes me happy”.
Carrie has been very active with our parish in many other ways as well. She has been an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, worked on the Pumpkin Patch, Summer Bible Camp and as a counselor for our Wedding Preparation Ministry.
Thank you Carrie for everything you do for our parish and to help the Faith of our youngest members grow!
Soul Core classes have started.

They are Tuesdays: 6:45 am and Thursdays: 8:45 am in the Hope Room. You can attend at any time.
The focus of Soul Core is the prayers of the Rosary with the “invitation” to integrate exercises and periods of meditative rest at each mystery.
Special Lenten Prayer for Seminarians
 During this Lent, we ask that you remember in prayer the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Hartfod highlighted this weekend. 
 Prayer for Seminarians
Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for these men whom You have called to discern priesthood. We beg Your continued blessings on our Archdiocese and families. Call forth even more men of generous spirit and fervent love whom You desire for this holy work. Amen.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
Rev. Mr. Matthew Collins, St. Matthew Parish, Bristol, CT
Rev. Mr. Joseph MacNeill, Annunciation Parish, Newington, CT
Andrés Galeano-Moreno, North American Martyrs Parish, East Hartford, CT
Sean Yates, St Junipero Serra Parish, South Windsor, CT
This year we are unable to have our usual Friday Soup Suppers. Instead we are using this opportunity to collect non perishable food for the Prospect Food Bank.
Please refer to the list for items needed
They can be brought to Mass or to The Stations of the Cross Fridays at 6:30 pm.
Calling All Empty Egg Cartons!
We are in need of empty egg cartons for a Lenten activity with our faith formation students. Could you please save your used, clean egg cartons and drop them off at the church the next weekend? There will be a clear bin by the main front doors. Thanks so much!
Alms donated through CRS Rice Bowl support the work of Catholic Relief Services in 100 different countries each year. 25% of your donations stay in the Archdiocese of Hartford to support parish based hunger outreach. Rice bowls are available at the exits of our church and in the parish center. Donate directly to the CRS Rice Bowl
Lenten Rice Bowl Recipes
Since we are not able to meet for soup suppers this Lent, we would like to share recipes from the Rice Bowl program each week. 
  • The meals come from different countries and give us a little insight into what others eat and often the simplicity and cost of ingredients are far different from the more rich and sometimes costly meals that we may be accustomed to. 
  • While making the meal, prayer for the people in our country and throughout the world who are suffering from lack of food. 
  • We encourage you to make the meal and share photos and thoughts about it. Let us know which recipe was your favorite and we will publish the most liked meal. Please call us or email. We do enjoy hearing from you!
This weeks recipe:
For Pancakes
1 c rice flour
1 c water
1 c coconut milk
½ tsp salt
1 tsp turmeric
1 scallion, sliced thin
Oil (for cooking)
For Vietnamese Dipping Sauce (Nuoc Cham)
6 Tbsp warm water
2 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp lime juice
2 Tbsp fish sauce
1 garlic clove, minced
1 red chili, minced
For The Filling
2 c fresh bean sprouts
½ lb small shrimp, peeled
6 scallions, sliced
Mint and cilantro for garnish
For The Vietnamese Rice Flour Pancakes Mix all pancake batter ingredients together in a large bowl until smooth. Let the mixture stand for 30 minutes while you prepare the other ingredients. For The Vietnamese Dipping Sauce (Nuoc Cham) Mix all the dipping sauce ingredients. Set aside.
To Prepare the Filling Preheat a 9 inch, non-stick skillet with a lid over medium heat. Add the bean sprouts and cook until most of the moisture has evaporated. Remove the sprouts from the pan and set aside. Increase the heat to medium high. Add 1 tsp of oil to the skillet. Add the shrimp and cook for 2-3 minutes, until cooked through. Add the scallions and sauté for 1-2 minutes. Remove the mixture from the pan and set aside.
To Make the Pancakes Add ½ tsp of oil to the skillet (if it looks dry) and pour about ½ c of the batter into the hot pan, tilting the pan quickly to create an even layer of batter that coats the pan. Distribute some of the cooked filling and bean sprouts over half of the batter and cover the skillet for 2-3 minutes, until the edges begin to brown. Remove the lid and reduce the heat to medium, cooking until the bottom of the pancake is crispy, 3-5 minutes. Once the bottom of the pancake is golden and crispy, fold the pancake in half over the filling. Transfer to a plate and serve. Continue with the remaining batter and filling, adding a little oil as needed before pouring the batter. Makes 4 servings
Voting has begun for the 12th Annual Community Awards Program so please help us earn grant money!
St Anthony Church will receive a $25 donation from the Ion Bank Foundation for every vote we receive!
CLICK HERE if you are an Ion Bank customer to vote
Voting continues until March 31, 2021.
  • Voting is open to all Ion Bank customers. One vote per customer; however, for accounts with multiple owners, each owner may vote.
Guidelines for Attending Mass
While some might feel these guidelines are stringent, it is important that guidelines are followed, that we respect all parishioners and be sure that everyone feels comfortable attending Mass.

  • Please bring a face mask to wear, as it is required as you enter, while inside and as you exit. Please be sure to cover your mount and nose with the mask, not just your mouth.
  • Every 3rd pew will be completely open. When you come to Mass and are the first in a pew, please move to the end, close to the windows. This allows others to enter the pew from the center aisle and have a place to sit.
  • Please enter through the center doors of the front of the church, (with the exception of those that cannot use stairs you may enter through the Angel doors and proceed up the side aisle), proceed up the center aisle and when you enter a pew, move to the far side aisle, allowing other people to sit in the pew.
  • There are 20 pews open and with the capacity of 100, that leaves plenty of space for those attending.
  • We expect that every individual or family will keep a 6 foot distance between them and the next person/family.
  • The center aisle is meant to be used for walking toward the sanctuary and the side aisles are meant for walking away from the sanctuary
  • Also, We will no longer use stickie notes to mark the pews on the weekend, only during the week.
Collection Procedure:
  • One of the guidelines is that we cannot have the ushers passing the basket to receive your offertory envelopes.
  • Three collection boxes will be available inside the church and they will be emptied in the presence of 2 ushers, after every Mass, into a secure bag. 
  • If there is a second collection, please put your donation for that collection into a separate envelope. If it is a plain envelope, please mark it with the specific collection that it is for. 
Communion Procedure:
  • Please use the markers for distancing while in line. Families can stay together.
  • Once in front of Father or Deacon, please extend your hands out flat to receive the consecrated host, as you walk away, pause at the X on the floor, lower your mask, consume the host, put your mask back on and return to your pew down the side outside aisle.
Bingo is cancelled until further notice.
If you would like to be added to our mailing list to keep up to date please email

Thank you for all who have supported us in the past and we look forward to when we can have a HUGE Jackpot again
When shopping Amazon, you can choose to use Amazon Smile* and a percentage of your order will be donated to St. Anthony Church, specifically for the refurbishing of the Church hall.
Click on the photo to get started!
*We encourage supporting local businesses, direct trade and fair trade partners as well as environment considerations when making purchases. If you do choose to use Amazon Smile and you don’t need your item immediately, please don’t choose overnight/rush delivery because this often forces people to work on Sunday. 
Labonnes Cash for Charities Rebate Program
  • Please save your Labonne's cash register receipts. (Keep an envelope in your car to easily save them)
  • Every couple of months submit them to St. Anthony Church, via the mail or by dropping them off at the parish center. We will receive 1/2% back. 
  • Thank you to everyone who has been sending in their slips, keep them coming!

Please consider using online giving for your financial support.
The consistency from online giving is very helpful over vacation periods. You may still use your envelopes and mark “I gave online”. 
Thank you and God bless you for all you do for St. Anthony Church!
Parish Mission Statement
St. Anthony Church is a parish where God’s love nourishes the soul to actively minister to people and share the joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

St. Anthony Church
4 Union City Road – Prospect, CT 06712
203-758-4056 .