SJNA Pilot Small Grant Program Supports Community Building One Block at A Time
The summer block party season is in full swing here in St. Johns! And to support the block party season, the St. Johns Neighborhood Association has already provided $600 in grant funds, building community connections on a block by block basis!

This summer, SJNA launched its pilot Block Party Support Program in an effort to bring neighbors together and to create a more connected St. Johns. Small grants of $100 have been awarded to neighborhood block parties that have gotten approved permits from PBOT (Portland Bureau of Transportation).

Earlier this year, PBOT announced that they are waiving all block party permit application fees for this summer. Added to that, PBOT also announced that the necessary street barricades used to block off the street are being offered to rent for free in St. Johns and other select communities in Portland.

SJNA isn't done yet! Grant money is still available to support your block party. To get started on your block party this summer, head over to PBOT's website and complete the permit application! To expedite the process, let PBOT know that you're waiting on their approval to receive your grant money. When you receive your approval notice, just send it to for near instant approval while funds last. But hurry, limited grants remain for this summer season.

We can't wait to support you!

Also, a huge shout out to Station 22, our local firehouse, for showing up to several block parties already this season. Our thanks for standing by your commitment to be better connected with our community. You guys rock! We thank you for your service.
Emergency Preparedness
Senators, Politicians, and City Officials
Gather to Hear Your Transportation Concerns
Mark your calendar for September 19th, and enter the following details. Don't worry, we'll wait right here because you DO NOT want to miss this:

North Portland Transportation Summit
September 19th at 6:00PM
University of Portland, Chiles Center

A coalition of North Portland neighborhoods have been hard at work for over a year to create a platform to express growing concerns about transportation, safety, accessibility, and mobility in North Portland.

Are you frustrated by traffic issues? Do you wish that the Fessenden / St. Louis project would get started already (more on that below)*? Do you want safer, more accessible travel options in your community?

Then be here and tell your city and government leaders what you need. Already on the guest list are keynote speaker OR Speaker of the House, Tina Kotek, and US Senator, Jeff Merkley.

They're all coming to listen to you. Do not miss this opportunity to be heard. To get involved and make the summit a success, email

The St. Johns Neighborhood Association recently approved a $100 donation to support the summit and an additional $60 to the activist group advocating against any further delays to the Fessenden / St. Louis / Lombard improvements promised by PBOT.

*Members of the local activist group advocating for the Fessenden / St. Louis / Lombard improvements long promised by PBOT are organizing a united effort to bring awareness to the endless excuses PBOT has provided to delay this essential project. Members will organize at 5:45PM before the event and plan to wear yellow in a united statement for safety. For more information and to get involved, click here or email
SJNA October Elections Approaching
It's almost that time again, time to ask yourself if you can be apart of making St. Johns the great place that we all call home. What do you love about St. Johns that makes it so great? Are you willing to stand up to advocate for the issues you know matter most? Because SJNA needs you!

Last year, SJNA expanded board seats to 15 members. That's 15 opportunities to get involved, give a hoot, and grow this community for the better.

Sure, we're not perfect. We've got traffic racing through our neighborhood streets. We've got unregulated polluters impacting our air quality. We've got new buildings going up all over the area. We've got rising rents displacing our long-loved neighbors. And yet, despite it all, we've also got one of the best places to live in Portland. Be apart of what will make it better for every neighbor in the year to come.

SJNA elections are the 8th of October, 7PM, at the St. Johns Community Center.

To run: Nominations will be accepted at the start of the 10/8 meeting. Each candidate will be given equal time to speak about their position. Once done, voting will begin by write in ballot, and tallied by guests from a near-by North Portland neighborhood.

To vote: Voters must be a member of SJNA. Members either live*, work, or own a business in St. Johns or Cathedral Park (*whether you are a renter, homeowner, or houseless; if you reside here, you're apart of SJNA). Voters must also attend either the August or September general meetings.

Mark your calendar for our next meeting, September 10th, 7PM, at the St. Johns Community Center to learn more about SJNA, our voting process, and to be eligible to have your October vote count!
Community Corner
Crosswalks Coming to Downtown St. Johns

After working working tirelessly with PBOT to allocate awarded grant funds toward safer streets, SJNA's Safety and Livability Team can confirm almost a dozen new crosswalks being painted in the downtown St. Johns Lombard corridor. For a full map, click here.
St. Johns Farmers Market In Full Swing

Shop local produce and support local business Saturdays 9AM to 2PM at the St. Johns Plaza (N Philadelphia Ave at N Lombard). Kid friendly. Dog friendly. SNAP accepted.

St. Johns Sewer Construction to Begin in August

Environmental Services will soon begin construction on a project to repair over 11,000 feet, or about 2 miles, of public sewers in the St. Johns and Cathedral Park neighborhoods. Many of the sewer pipes are about 80 years old and deteriorating due to age. This investment in your neighborhood will allow for continued dependable sewer service and protect the public and our environment by reducing the possibility of sewage releases to homes, businesses and streets.
For a project map, go to the webpage at
Community Calendar
AUGUST 16 | 2PM - 7PM | Community Clothing Closet
St. Johns Center for Opportunity - 8250 N Lombard

Free items for infants-adults in a range of sizes and styles! Come get new school clothes for your kids and some for yourselves! Poster attached. 
SEPTEMBER 8th | Roosevelt Boosters Golf Fundraiser
Club Green Meadows - Vancouver, Washington

Roosevelt High School in St. Johns, Portland, Oregon, is the most ethnically diverse high school in all of Oregon, and the majority of students come from economically challenged backgrounds. Though the school has low graduation rates, and high dropout rates, the Roosevelt Booster Club believes that extracurricular activities gives student the incentive to stay in school. 

The Roosevelt Booster Club is a non-profit volunteer organization working to supplement and support student programs by providing financial assistance to extracurricular clubs, the arts, and athletics.

Corporate and individual sponsorship opportunities, and in-kind donations of product and gift certificates, are welcomed and appreciated! For only $125, sign sponsors will have custom signs at their sponsored hole, be thanked on social media at least twice, listed on the event page, mentioned at the event banquet, and will have the opportunity to sample or display promotional materials and provided by the company. 
SEPTEMBER 14th | 5PM - 9PM | Roosevelt Homecoming Parade & Game
Roosevelt High School and surrounding streets

Sign up to march in the community parade as a local organization or school group or sign up to table at the RHS homecoming football game tailgate party. Application link coming soon! Support your local high school!
SEPTEMBER 22nd | 9AM - 1PM | Naturescaping Workshop
BES Water Pollution Control Lab - 6543 N Burlington

Learn how to create a low-maintenance landscape that conserves water, prevents pollution, and saves you time and money! Explore how native plants can make your outdoor space a vibrant, healthy place for people, pets, and wildlife. You'll dig up fresh ideas, tips & resources to bring back to your yard.

Register online at: or call 503-222-7645.
  Important Resources 
:: Be neighborly with Nextdoor Android  | iOS
:: SJNA's  website
:: City of Portland's website
:: Important Portland phone numbers
:: PCC emergency response classes
:: NET Neighborhood Emergency Team  meetings
:: Multnomah county crisis line 503-988-4888
:: PDX Women's Crisis Line 503-235-5333
:: Report traffic concerns, call PBOT 503-823-7233
:: PDX Park Rangers, call 503-823-1637
:: City of Portland Slow Down Yard Sign lender program

Please join us at our next neighborhood meeting.
September 10th, 7pm at the St. Johns Community Center.
Doors open at 6:30PM. All are welcome.

Forward to your neighbors :-)

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