Advocacy News

Dear Founders ,

We thought you would like to know that there will be a Goldey Beacom TEDx talk on early childhood education, on August 29th from 6-8 PM with time for networking afterwards. Light refreshments will be served. It will be held at the International Montessori School in Pike Creek and the panel includes Founder Lucinda Ross, Executive Director of St. Michael's School and Nursery and Chair of the Delaware Association for the Education of Young Children, and the CEO of the Delaware Community Foundation (where our endowment resides), Stuart Comstock-Gay.   
Other speakers include:
Logan Herring - CEO, REACH Riverside
Caroline Jones - Founder, Kind to Kids
Jill Slader - Director, International Montessori School
Dr. Timothy Purnell - CEO, American Montessori Society
Dawn Alexander - Preschool Expansion Coordinator, Colonial School District

Please feel free to forward the link to parents, teachers, colleagues, students, neighbors and anyone who would like to support ECE and become more informed from the thought leaders in the field.

Best regards,

Susan Sherk
FFW Advocacy Committee  Chair  

Lynn Kokjohn
Fund For Women Chair