29 March 2020
To the friends and supporter of Fireboat John J. Harvey

This is not the SPLASH blast we were
planning to send, but here we are in
the COVID spring of 2020.

Clearly the start of the new season will be delayed as all of us, crew, volunteers, and visitors are diligent about avoiding exposure and transmission of the virus.
The boat is still at her temporary berth at Pier 25 and we'll quarantine her here until it is safe to move her home to Pier 66 and Frying Pan.

But while we're hunkered down, a small cohort of our dedicated volunteers are working (carefully) on maintenance and improvements.  John and Paul  are getting the vessel's power plant and electrical systems ready for the season.  Chuck  and Larry have been working since October on improvements in the public spaces on the boat.  Photos of their efforts are below.  

Of course, we need to ask you for financial support  Bills still need to be paid.  Contributions we usually count on as our season opens up will not be forthcoming.  We need YOU.

So please....... DONATE HERE.

Here's what dedication accomplishes
We're going to beat this virus and we're going to bring this city back.  We'll be back to complaining about traffic, crowded trains, and lines.  
We'll be New York again! 
And when we do we'll be reaching out to our corps of volunteers and our guests.   We'll have our 'get dirty' work days and we'll get the old girl back on the water.

With your help we'll get back to this:
Please help us get there 
by donating   HERE
Save Our Ships New York | 973-744-6755 | |

Save Our Ships New York is a 501C3 tax-exempt organization dedicated
to the preservation and restoration of historic retired FDNY fireboat John J. Harvey.