September 2020
Our Mission: Supporting lifelong faith formation in the home and congregation
Prayer Pause
Almighty God,

You invite us deeper into your world, your people.
May we have an outward focus,
seeking you in those we often ignore.
Help us live focused on freedom, generosity, and encounter.
Give us hearts hungry to serve you
and those who need what we have to give.
President's Message

Dear friends,

Last weekend I was able to participate in a two-day event sponsored by our Synod. The keynote speaker, Pastor Michael Adam Beck, challenged us to look at ministry outside of our current building. Based on the Fresh Expression movement, Pastor Beck shared some very non-traditional worship communities.

He began with Burritos and Bibles – a gathering at a Mexican restaurant to talk about life and check out the Bible, that grew into a second location and sharing together the Lord’s Supper.

Another community is based at a dog park. A gentleman had met people while watching their dogs play. He invited a few to gather for a few minutes of prayer the following week. Now, there are 2-3 dozen humans who talk about a “Jesus story” and pray while their dogs run and play.

Still other communities gather at a tattoo parlor and online yoga. Living Room Church is now a weekly Facebook offering.

 Learning Strategies for the Life of Faith Initiative
An introductory video on the Life of Faith Initiative can be found here. A link to a more in-depth video is also available on the website.

A primer on the Life of Faith Initiative.

Looking for Stories of Faith? Check out the Life of Faith StoryCorps website which houses interviews of faithful people about their daily lives.

Resources for Ministry for All Ages
House Blessings for the New Year

Consider lifting up the universal priesthood of all believers by encouraging members of your congregation to bless each other’s homes (safely outside) and those of their neighbors’. See this article from

Check out this service project to recognize living out God’s calling in daily life.

Check out more resources on our website!
Good Reads
Title: Where in the World Are You? Connecting Faith and Daily Life

Author: Norma Cook Everist, Nelvin Vos

Everist and Vos challenge congregations to take a new look at and mission -- to see themselves as God's people in the world. Explore exciting new understandings that come from starting with people in the world rather than with church structures. Professors Everist (clergy, Wartburg Theological Seminary) and Vos (laity, Muhlen-berg College) bring their insights to bear on how people's daily struggles, needs, and hopes can connect to God's mission through practical steps. 

Christian Education Network of the ELCA
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join the conversations!

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Vision Statement
Building a community which equips, encourages and empowers those engaged in lifelong faith formation in a changing world, the CENetwork will:

  • Identify and evaluate resources and educational opportunities
  • Facilitate communication and conversations
  • Offer guidance, networking and mutual support
  • Nurture spiritual growth online and face-to-face

How You Can Support the Christian Education Network

You can become a member or make a one-time donation via PayPal on our website; or, you can purchase from AmazonSmile and diesignate The Christian Education Network as your charity. We receive a percentage of the proceeds!

Contact Us

CENetwork of the ELCA
P.O. Box 9304
Rochester, MN 55903

Phone messages may be left aft (507) 721-0057