March 28, 2019 /21 Adar II 5779 /  Parashat Shemini/Candle Lighting: 6:53 PM
Early Childhood/Lower School
In culmination of learning about the letter V, Pre-K made their own erupting volcano! Using baking soda, red food coloring and vinegar, the children watched in excitement as the "lava" poured out of the top. Afterwards, each child drew their own volcano picture and gave a dictation about it. 
Adjectives make our writing “POP!” The first graders had a lot of fun learning about adjectives. They learned that adjectives describe nouns and that they make our written work more interesting. After brainstorming many different adjectives, students picked some of their favorites to write on pieces of paper popcorn which was added to a bucket of popcorn in the classroom. The students are all working on adding more details to their writing. Now, students can check out the variety of adjectives posted on the classroom wall to assist them in this task.
Middle School
The Middle School debate team traveled to Hillel Yeshiva this week. Our students debated on the resolution, “Tackle football should be banned for all children under the age of 16.” Congratulations to all of our debaters and to 2nd place team winners- Chandler Shriky & Avi Wise and 3rd place team winners- Sarit Greenwood & Ariel Hammerman. 
The Middle School Hockey team's stellar goalie Eli Brickman was featured as the Jewish Link's Sport star of the Week!  Read his interview here.
Chidon HaTanach
Congratulations to our Middle School and High School students who qualified and are moving on to the National Finals in the Chidon HaTanach contest! Over the course of the year students took three exams which covered most of Sefer Shemot, Shoftim from Neviim Rishonim, Yona and Megillat Esther. Out of 550 students taking the exams nationwide, 200 were invited to participate in the Nationals taking place at Yeshiva University in May. (Not pictured Dani Bank)
Suggested Reading
This week’s suggested reading covers the connection between smart phone usage and your teen’s mental health. 
High School
At the AIPAC policy conference in Washington, DC, the RKYHS student delegation was honored to receive the prestigious AIPAC National Early Engagement Exemplars Award. The award recognizes the high school leaders who have done the most to advance AIPAC’s mission over the past year.  RKYHS is one of only three high schools in the entire country to receive this impressive award. Year after year RKYHS is one of the largest student delegations at the conference and this year was no exception, sending close to 80 students to the conference.

The RKYHS AIPAC group finished their visit to DC with a productive day of lobbying on Capitol Hill. It was a packed house as our students and others from the district met with Congresswoman  Mikie Sherrill as they discussed the importance of a strong bi-partisan US & Israel relationship.

RKYHS students had the opportunity to hear from a JKHA/RKYHS alum currently serving in an elite unit of the IDF. He spoke to the students about reflections on his life while a student just like them here, what motivated him to move to Israel, and about his training and experience serving in an elite unit in the IDF. He spoke about finding inspiration, and how you can take your inspiration and turn it outwards to the environment. He also discussed the 3 components for being successful - figure out what you like, find out what you're good at, and determine how you can use both of those things to make an impact on the world for the better.
The RKYHS College Bowl teams traveled today for a full roster of c ompetitions against Frisch, JEC, Maayanot, and TABC and displayed their vast knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.
Congratulations to the 4th and 5th graders from the JKHA team in the West Orange Recreation Basketball league for making it to the championships. They were cheered on by many JKHA friends and their teacher Ms. Chase!
A Look at Building Independence in JKHA
Kushner Torah Videos (KTV)
In this week's KTV Ms. CM Gerson teaches us how this week's parsha shows us how we can take the physical and elevate it to the spiritual.

Divrei Torah
The third of the 4 parshiot read in place of the regular maftir is פרשת פרה. It is the story of the פרה אדומה who purifies those who are impure and makes impure those who are pure. Chazal say that we were introduced to the mitzvah of פרה אדומה at מרה, while we were still in the desert (there is a dispute about this very issue, but for the sake of this dvar torah we will accept the position that it in fact was given before we received the Torah at Har Sinai). 
The issue with the placement of this mitzvah is that the practical laws of the פרה אדומה didn’t apply until we arrived in Eretz Yisroel. If so, why was it necessary to teach this halacha in מרה, even before we received the actual Torah at Har Sinai?
Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky explains that the mitzvot that we got in מרה were an introduction to keeping halacha. Although this mitzvah wouldn’t yet apply, it was significant in the lesson that it teaches. פרה אדומה is a mitzvah that is irrational. It defies the basic rules of logic and is difficult for the human mind to grasp. That is our introduction to keeping the Torah. We do mitzvot because Hashem said so. Not because it works for us or makes us feel good but because the creator of the world set out a blueprint of how the world should run and we follow it because we understand that He knows best; even if we don’t understand the reason for a particular event or commandment. 

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi D. Sukenik

Events and Programs
T he PTC is looking for a few moms, dads or grandparents to volunteer in the school dining hall. We are primarily looking for help on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Volunteers help serve lunch from 11:30-1:15ish. It's a lot of fun and it's rewarding to see your children or grandchildren during the day. To volunteer, please contact Cheryl Munk at .
Discount cards are here! $20 per card. Cards will be available at the school office next week. Venmo @JKHA-PTC or pay via cash or check. Thank you to all the amazing local businesses who have participated!
Mazal Tov to Samuel Colchamiro and to Kimberly and Eric Colchamiro on the occasion of Samuel's Bar Mitzvah.

Mazel Tov to Naomi Rosenbluth and to Chaviva and Dr. Jonathan Rosenbluth on the occassion of Naomi's Bat Mitzvah.  


We Invite You to Dedicate Our 
Children's Torah Learning 
If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Sarah Levinson: or (862) 437-8001 
If you are interested in dedicating a mezuzah, please contact Lauren Shapiro, Director of Development at  or 
(862) 437-8192
Mazal Tov to Jenna (Statfeld, JKHA '98) and Aaron Harris on the birth of a baby boy.

Mazal Tov to Rebecca Perlman (RKYHS '11) on her marriage to Eytan Rosenbloom