SCA Online News
March 2019
Alma Matters
Women's Empowerment Club event features alumnae

Women's History Month is a perfect time to hear the achievements of St. Catharine Academy alumnae, particularly those who work in male dominated professions. That is exactly what happened on March 13, 2019 when Bronx natives Brunilda Nazario, MD '77, Niko Broodie-Murray, MD '05, and Nan-Etta Watson Mack '74, Ret. Lt. Col. U.S. Air Force, returned to SCA. The event was sponsored and organized by SCA's Women's Empowerment Initiative.

Brunilda Nazario, MD, is an endocrinologist and Lead Medical Director of WebMD. Niko Broodie-Murray, MD is an internist and primary care physician at U Conn Health, and Nan-Etta Watson Mack, while in active service, was the first female officer to serve in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm, and one of the few female officers to serve in the Pentagon.

Their message to the assembly of sophomores and juniors was clear and straightforward: "No matter where you come from or whatever you have been told, you can do anything you want. You have the power."

Reflecting on what she heard, Kayla Reyes '21, a member of the Women's Empowerment Initiative said, "Women are powerful, women are strong. We should be confident enough to do anything especially since we have St. Catharine Academy as our base to build upon our future."

Evelyn Pate '92 brings smiles and yoga to SCA

Evelyn Pate '92 taught yoga to SCA students this March. She has been teaching yoga and meditation in the tri-state area for ten years. Diagnosed with epilepsy while in high school, she found her seizures were minimized after she began practicing yoga. She describes her teaching style as playful, empowering and not adhering to a one-size-fits-all approach.
She shares her mantra "Smile because you can" with her classes. "I know the effects of my choice to smile: what it does for me internally, and what it may offer to someone else who might be having a bad day or going through a challenging time," Pate says. "It feels contagious, in the best way possible. There's a saying 'There are 100's of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.'"
She adds, "Saying this is not dismissing true and sometimes difficult feelings when they arise. To me, this mantra is the ability to acknowledge and connect to what is present 'because I can' and remember whatever I am feeling is there at the moment, and is temporary."
Pate said it was thrilling to return to St. Catharine's. "It was thrilling to walk through the doors again, also a little nerve-wracking! It was interesting to recognize that feeling I was 'going back to school,' remembering what is was like to be in school and the responsibilities and pressures at the time. Now returning as a teacher, I was excited to bring the gifts of yoga and my personal experience to the students."
Around SCA

Women's History Month reflection

Partners in Education celebrates generations of educators
 Nearly 75 people celebrated working in the field on education at St. Catharine's on March 28. "As an  educational  institution we simply thought it was time to celebrate our alumnae who carry on the tradition of educating, be it pre-K, grade or high school teacher, guidance counselor, administrator, college professor and so on, " says Sr. Patricia Wolf '62, RSM. "Teaching is often an undervalued profession. We also wanted our partners in education to see first hand the SCA of today and to think of SCA when advising students and parents about high schools.  This evening was a first, but surely it will not be the last." 

View photos from the event.

Mother-Daughter Luncheon renews old tradition
The Mother-Daughter Luncheon was attended by almost 100 people on March 30 at The American Turner Club.

Student Spotlight
Founding member of the SCA Dance Team
Ashley DeLeon '19 named Scholar Athlete

Ashley DeLeon '19, president of Student Council and a founding member of the SCA Dance Team, was recently featured as a News12 Scholar Athlete.

MarieElena Harrison '20 receives EVOLVE Award

MarieElena Harrison '20 was awarded the EVOLVE Award presented by the State of New York Unified Court System in respect for Gender Fairness/Women's History Month. EVOLVE stands for Exceptional, Visionary, Optimistic, Leadership, Volunteerism, and Education.
The prestigious award was given to only three teenage girls in New York State. MarieElena was presented with the award by Josephine M. Bastone, committee chair, and Doris M. Gonzalez, administrative judge.
President of Grade 11 and a member of Student Council, Marie Elena is a trustee scholar and a member of all three national honor societies at St. Catharine Academy. She is a member of the Fit Club, Newspaper Club and Amnesty International. A tutor, MarieElena did volunteer work at a soup kitchen and her elementary school's summer program. Part of the Einstein Enrichment Program, she is considering the medical field after college.
MarieElena points to the support of the guidance counselor Mrs. Rieke and math teacher Mrs. Klein. "I've had doubt in my success but they never doubted me," she says. "Mrs.Klein stays late so I can pass the test or complete my homework if I don't understand. She helped me with my college essay and helped me to determine what college I want to attend. Mrs. Klein is always there for me to talk to and has always shown support....Mrs. Rieke helped open doors to new opportunities, such as the EVOLVE award. Without her guidance, I would be struggling in high school and I wouldn't be where I am today."
Sports Shorts

Amanda Turner '19, cheerleader, named Scholar Athlete
Amanda Turner '19, cheerleader, was recently named News12 Scholar Athlete for her contributions to the nationally ranked cheerleading team.

Circle the Calendar

Multi-year Reunion 2019
Multi-year Reunion 2019 Alumnae from 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009 & 2014

Don't let another five years go by and miss the opportunity to make new memories with your classmates at the reunion on Sunday, April 7th.  SCA has a wonderful day planned for you! The reunion lunch is catered by Posto 22 a popular restaurant located in New Rochelle with an extensive catering business.  The luncheon will commence with a cocktail hour, followed by buffet lunch which includes the following: cold antipasto, artichokes & crostini, chicken martini, penne alla vodka, eggplant rollatini, sausage and peppers, shrimp scampi, sauteed string beans, potato croquettes.  Wine, Red Sangria, Prosecco, Mimosa's, soft drinks, coffee and tea will also be served.  Dessert includes a napoleon  cake, cookies and pastry platters.  We will have a professional photographer taking candid and group pictures. Tours will also be available starting at 11:00 a.m.

As of today, the following alumnae, faculty and staff will be in attendance at the reunion on April 7th.

To purchase your reunion ticket, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Jessica Ruiz, Director of Alumnae and Family Relations, at 718-882-2882, ext. 153 or email

Rising 7th and 8th grade girls: Explore robotics, art, dance, coding and get a jump start on Math and English concepts for high school, all in one program at St. Catharine Academy this summer. Make new friends in a program which balances creative classroom teaching with social activities, athletics, and new STEAM opportunities in a safe environment from July 1 - July 26, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m

Brochure and registration form (Register by May 31)

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St. Catharine Academy | 718-882-2882

Donate Now (This year's Fund for Catharinites runs through August 31.)