July 2018
I am thrilled to share that we have now rescheduled our trip to Chisinau, Moldova, since we were unable to travel there in March due to severe weather conditions.
In addition, we have added meetings in Baia Mare and Suceava, Romania --
"Road Trip!!"
We will have the pleasure of sharing our Romanian "Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit" with Bible study group leaders in all three cities.  I am really excited to meet these Sisters in Christ who have a hunger to study God's Word and to lead other ladies in a deeper knowledge and relationship with Jesus.
Please be in prayer for the logistics of this trip with so much driving, crossing the border into Moldova and getting all the Bible study resources ready.
We are very thankful for every financial gift, as well.  As I have often shared, we do not sell our resources, but give freely to these precious Sisters abroad.  Your gift towards these Bible studies helps make it possible for us to continue sharing these resources throughout Eastern Europe, and now into Western Europe.  There are so many Romanian speaking women throughout all of Europe who are requesting our Bible study materials.
If you would like to financially partner with us, please visit our website and use the secure "Make a Donation" link, or use our mailing address below.
Here's a direct link to our website: 

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We would love to hear from you and how we can pray for you!

Beautiful Gate Translations | [email protected] | PO Box 153322 Lufkin, TX 75915-3322