November 2019
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
SRPC staffers dress up for Halloween. (
SRPC photo
Happy November,
Fall is flying by with Thanksgiving just around the corner. Turkey, mashed potatoes, and a family favorite, broccoli casserole, are what I am looking forward to for the upcoming holiday. I hope you all enjoy the month and take some time to reflect on what you are thankful for this year. For me it is my family, friends, and the beautiful seacoast I call home.
Here at SRPC we held our Halloween potluck (see staff photo above), are finalizing the contract with our Brownfield consultant for the
new round of EPA funding we received
, and
are drafting Barrington’s Facilities and Utilities chapter of its master plan
In this issue you will find: information on SRPC's next Commission meeting, upcoming SRPC staff presentations at NNECAPA's annual conference, a fundraiser for Explore Moose Mountains, planning events of interest, a wrap up of Strafford MPO's data collection season, an announcement of the Governor's recently released housing shortage plan, news that you may have missed, opportunities for public input,
and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
Save the Date: SRPC Dec. Commission Meeting
SRPC Staffers to Present at NNECAPA
EMM Launches 50Hundredin50Hours Fundraiser
Planning Events of Interest: Housing Edition
SRPC Wraps Up Data Collection Season
Governor Announces Housing Shortage Plan
In Case You Missed It
Opportunities for Public Input
Community Happenings
Rochester GACIT hearing at the Frisbie Continuing Education and Conference Center. (
SRPC photo)
Communications and Outreach Planner Shayna Sylvia gets ready to conduct outreach for the Dover Recreation Plan at Apple Harvest Day.
(SRPC Photo
Save the Date: SRPC December Commission Meeting
Postponed from SRPC's quarter one meeting, the theme for the December Commission meeting will be the
Pathways to Play project
, an ongoing effort to assess access to recreation in the region, with a pilot program in Somersworth.
The meeting will take place on Thursday, Dec. 5 at 3:45 p.m. The location will be announced closer to the meeting date.
Please save the date; we hope for you to join us in December!
SRPC Staffers to Present at Upcoming NNECAPA Conference
Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods. (
Photo courtesy of
The year's Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) Conference will be held on Nov. 13 – 15 at the Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods. The theme, "Live. Work. Play." will be carried through in the various sessions planned for the conference.
Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) staffers will be leading two of the sessions at the conference, presenting on work/life balance, and on a grassroots tourism initiative and the role of social media.
Shayna Sylvia, communications and outreach planner will be joining Wentworth Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Denise Roy Palmer and Explore Moose Mountains consultant Barbara Wilson for a talk titled "“The Moose: How one fledgling non-profit initiative took seven small towns into two million Facebook feeds.” Explore Moose Mountains (EMM), or The Moose, NH, is a grassroots, non-profit initiative to promote the WONDERFUL in the towns of Brookfield, Farmington, Milton, Middleton, New Durham, Wakefield and Wolfeboro. It’s parent entity, Wentworth Economic Development Corporation, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) regional economic development corporation founded in 1993 for the sole purpose of promoting economic growth in the eastern Lakes Region.
Shayna, Barbara and Denise will be providing an overview on how the EMM initiative began, with assistance from SRPC, in 2014, and the role social media, primarily Facebook, has played in publicizing the effort.
Senior Planner James Burdin will also be presenting at the conference with Sarah Marchant, City of Nashua; Carol Eyerman, Town of Topsham, Maine; and Donna Benton, City of Dover. They will lead a session on work/life balance for planners, discussing topics such as adapting to parenthood as a working planner, acting as a caregiver to an aging relative, coping with evening meetings, and/or volunteering in your community without "burning out."
Learn more about the NNECAPA conference, or
, online.
Explore Moose Mountains Launches 50Hundredsin50Hours Fundraiser
Explore Moose Mountains(EMM) is a grassroots initiative to celebrate and promote the stunning natural environment, as well as the unique character of 7 small NH towns, 6 of which are in SRPC’s region. The Moose honors local arts, culture, crafts, food, farms and promotes economic vitality. The Moose also engages in preservation of natural facets of this rural region.
EMM are currently holding a 50-hour fundraiser, 50Hundredsin50Hours, with a goal or raising $5,000 dollars.
This fundraiser began at midnight on 11/1 and runs through the early morning hours of 11/3. If you are interested in Explore Moose Mountains, or would like to support this initiative, we encourage you to visit
The Moose' NH Facebook page.
The money raised will be used to create a website which will increase reach and bring more visitors from near and far to the region. The fundraising information can be found on
Planning Events of Interest: Housing Edition
The Greater Seacoast Housing Summit - Friday, Nov. 8
The Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast will hold its annual summit on Friday, Nov. 8 from 8
– 10 a.m. at the Garrison Wing Conference Center of Wentworth Douglass Hospital.
The event will feature a solutions-oriented panel presentation focused on addressing the region’s housing crisis and provide an opportunity to learn from other communities.
Panelists will share their experiences tackling the unique challenge of housing affordability and supply in communities across the state including Amherst, Candia, Jackson, Nashua, Pelham, and Peterborough. Attendees will benefit from hearing what has worked and what hasn’t (and why) elsewhere in the state.
Southern NH Planning Commission Age-Friendly Housing Forum - Thursday, Nov. 21
Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission will host the 2019 Housing Forum at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics on Nov. 21 from 5 – 7 p.m.
This forum will explore housing options for all ages and shed light on the opportunities and challenges around building housing choices for a broader spectrum of residents in Southern New Hampshire.
The forum format is designed to provide attendees with the opportunity to participate in discussions by their topic of interest.
Discussion participation include to following areas of interest:
- Regional Viewpoints
- Local Success Stories
- Funding Options
- Developer’s Viewpoint
- Housing Innovations
The Housing Forum includes networking, free refreshments and light fare. Presentations by industry experts will provide a primer for topic discussions by attendees. Each table will report out a summary of their discussion to wrap-up the housing forum event.
Strafford MPO Wraps Up Data Collection Season
Strafford Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is wrapping up the 2019 field work season, setting the last few counts in and around the region.
For the 2019 season, Stefanie Casella, data collection and analysis assistant, managed the data collection program, assisted by data collection interns, Stephen Geis and Gordon Lewis. By season's end, the data collection team, supplemented by other Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) staffers....
traffic counts
of which were supplemental
pedestrian counts
collected data in:
communities in the region
Other data collection included sidewalk assessments in Rochester; road surface management system assessments (
) in New Durham and Wakefield; a turning movement count in Rochester, and a parking study in Farmington which allowed for a collaboration with UNH planning students.
For more information, or for questions, contact
Stefanie Casella
, at 603-994-3500.
Governor Announces Plan for Tackling Housing Shortage
Governor Chris Sununu announces plan for tackling New Hampshire's Housing shortage. (
Photo courtesy of NH Business and Economic Affairs
On Wednesday, Oct. 30, Governor Chris Sununu held a press conference to release the "Recommendations and Plan to Address New Hampshire’s Housing Shortage." This document was a combined effort of a housing task force, the Governor's office, and a bipartisan group of young legislators in response to the less than 1% vacancy rate in the state. The task force consisted of state and local officials, and industry experts: Business and Economic Affairs (BEA) Commissioner Taylor Caswell; Dean Christon, executive director of New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority; Ben Frost, policy and public affairs director of the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority; Noah Hodgetts, assistant planner at Office of Strategic Initiatives; Portsmouth City Councilor Rebecca Perkins; Matt Sullivan, director of Planning and Community Development in Wolfeboro, and Mike Claflin, workforce housing developer.
At the press conference, Sununu shared, "I look forward to a productive conversation with the legislature and all interested stakeholders, and to working together to pass a plan that will be a win for our workforce, our communities, and our entire state.” This will be ensured as the plan contains relevant legislation to be proposed in the next NH legislative session. As explained in the
NH BEA article
"The prime sponsor of the first bill is Rep. Willis Griffith (D-Manchester), chairman of the Young Democrats Caucus. The prime sponsor of the second bill is Rep. Joe Alexander (R-Goffstown). Griffith and Alexander, together with Rep. Tom Loughman (D-Hampton) and Rep. Gates Lucas (R-Sunapee), worked with the housing task force crafting legislation to implement the plan." "
Final text of the bills will be available 11/1/19, after final sign off for House bills."
An overview was created in the form of a
, and the full plan can be found
Coastal NH Climate Summit
The annual Coastal NH Climate Summit will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 4, from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at the Hugh Gregg Coastal Conservation Center. This theme of this year's annual event will be "Tips, Tools, and Perspectives: Paying for Climate Adaptation and Resilience.
The summit will provide information on options for funding climate adaptation and resilience, case studies from communities who have successfully accessed grant funding or implemented programs to prepare for future climate impacts, and will new ideas for creating mechanisms to generate secure, adequate, flexible, and equitable funding for adaptation and resilience.
Register and learn more
NHDES Diesel Emission Reduction Act Funding Opportunity
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) will has funds available through the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) program to help diesel equipment owners in New Hampshire reduce emissions. Through DERA funding and Volkswagen funds, this year’s program will have $700,000 for funding projects. DERA provides partial funding for local/state governments and businesses to reduce emissions through idle reduction technologies; exhaust controls; or replacement of older on or off road diesel engines/vehicles/equipment with newer engines/vehicles/equipment.
The 2019 Request for Proposals period has started and will end on November 12, 2019 (all applications must be received by 4 PM on November 12, 2019).
Information about the program, the Request for Proposal, and a fillable application form is located on the
NHDES DERA webpage
Opportunities for Public Input
Planner for the Town of Berwick, James Bellissimo, show options for the Prime Tanning Site on the property during the UNH Cooperative Extension
Community Engagement Training in 2018. (
SRPC Photo)
A vacant site near the Berwick-Somersworth line, the old Prime Tanning site, was recently purchased by Gorham-based Great Falls Construction. Over the years the site has received funding from a variety of sources, such as the
EPA Brownfields Program
, to assess and clean-up the property, and has been in the spotlight recently as ideas for redevelopment have been discussed by the Town and the comprehensive plan implementation committee,
Envision Berwick
While potential uses of the site have been discussed, the new owner, Great Falls Construction, will be seeking more input with upcoming
listening sessions scheduled for Nov. 6
and Dec. 5. The November session will be held at the Town Hall Auditorium (11 Sullivan St.) from 6 – 7:30 p.m. The December session will be held from 10 –11:30 a.m. with the location to be determined. This will be announced closer to the event on the Great Falls and town of Berwick Facebook pages.
35th Annual Fall Craft Fair
Saturday, Nov. 2
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Dover High School
The 35th Annual Fall Craft Fair -presented by The Dover will take place on Saturday, Nov. 2. There will be over 130 vendors selling homemade crafts, a concession stand, cookie carousel, raffles and music by the DHS band and choir.
All proceeds go to the Dover High School Music Department.
Artists Talk: The Odyssey Project: An Old Story for Modern Times
Wednesday, Nov. 20
12:10 p.m. – 1:10 p.m.
Museum of Art - UNH
Join Ruth Fields, Jane Kamine, Colleen Kiely, Jennifer Moses and Sterling Mulbry as they talk about how they created a visual response to Emily Wilson’s fresh perspective in her newest translation of Homer’s Odyssey.
1863 - The First Official Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 23
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
NH Farm Museum
In 1863 Lincoln proclaimed the first national Thanksgiving Day. Celebrate the history of Thanksgiving at the NH Farm Museum as they recreate the experience. Enjoy light refreshments and hands-on activities including horse-drawn sleigh or wagon rides, singing while "Emily" plays the parlor piano.
Learn about Sarah Josepha Hale, a New Hampshirite and the individual most responsible for making Thanksgiving a national holiday.