July 1, 2019

This email is directed at any NFLPA-certified contract advisor interested in how the NFL draft works as well as the months leading up to the draft. Note: We are not endorsed, sponsored, or otherwise affiliated with the NFLPA.
In the Meantime
For the past month, we've been spotlighting several agents from the most recent draft class that had success early in their agent careers (most of whom just got certified last fall). We've also been hitting you pretty hard about using  our practice exam, and most of you have done so. Bottom line, even if you haven't gotten confirmation from the NFLPA that you're a 'go' for the exam, you need to be studying. There's a lot to process and you don't want to take any chances. At the same time, many of you have subscribed to ITL (welcome aboard!) and may be wondering how you should be using the site. Let's discuss that today.
Profile Reports: To me, our  Profile Reports are the most undervalued part of our site. Our daily reports on FBS schools are helpful for a lot of reasons. No. 1, we focus on the players you should be focused on. Of course, it's very early, but we try to tip you off on the players that look the best going into their respective senior seasons. No. 2, this year we've got a pretty good batting average on providing contact information for the parents of the players we spotlight. Most of the time, we've even identified the type of number (cell/landline) that we provide; virtually every number we provide is a cell phone (unless designated 'LL'). I know a lot of agents want to talk only to the player himself, but it's a pretty honorable thing to approach the parents before you do anything else. And for the parents that are really playing an active role, it's the only way to go. Players who use their parents in the process are normally a lot less volatile than the others.
ITL 250: This year is the second year we've focused on  the top 250 upcoming seniors. Is it something you couldn't assemble on your own? Maybe not, but having studied the players that seem to attract the most attention over the years, I think our list is worth a real look. And given that many of these players' parent contacts will be part of our Profile Reports, you can really hit the ground running when you find out you've passed the exam in September (hopefully, maybe October). You'll hear this from me again: you don't want to take Year 1 off.
Draft by the Numbers: For the past five years, we've published our full breakdown, by position, of all the players that were signed to SRAs, then either drafted, signed as UDFAs, invited to tryouts, or ignored by NFL teams. I think this is critical information, and that's why we've compiled these numbers for  2015201620172018 and now 2019. With analytics becoming a greater part of the game, it's important to apply it to recruiting, as well. If you study this year's report, in addition to the last three years' numbers, you begin to understand why we preach that you should sign offensive linemen (and a couple other positions) primarily. Based on who you recruit, your odds get way, way better. Why not have the percentages on your side?
Bottom line: If you haven't registered for the site because you haven't even passed the test yet, OK. I can understand that. However, there are some pretty valuable tools, in my opinion, that will help give you a leg up on the people you'll be testing with this summer.  Coming aboard ITL might give you a nice edge.

Inside The League is the consulting service for the football industry. We work with the contract advisors for about two-thirds of active NFL players as well as the combine trainers, financial planners, scouts, coaches and other pro league organizers that make up the game. Cost is $29.95/month, and you can cancel at any time. To register, click here. Also check out our new free blog, Succeed in Football. Copyright Neil Stratton and ITL.

Sincerely, Neil Stratton
Inside the League

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2019 Signings Grid
2019 All-Star Grid
2018 Rep Rumblings
2018 Draft by Pick
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