Episcopal Church
of the Resurrection
1433 NW R.D. Mize Road
Blue Springs, Missouri  64015
(816) 228-4220

Weekly E-mail

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Second Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist Rite I at 8:00 am (live streamed)
Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 am (live streamed)

Resurrection will host in-person services this Sunday.
COVID precautions will be observed with a face mask required. 
Stations of the Cross
Church of the Resurrection will host Mother Kary Mann, Priest-in-Charge of Trinity Episcopal Church in Independence on Friday, March 5 as she officiates Stations of the Cross at our parish at Noon.  This is part of Trinity's Lenten program to broadcast Stations from various churches in the Diocese.  This service is open to the public and anyone may participate in-person and on-line.  Stations of the Cross

Also, anyone can watch and participate in a recorded presentation of Stations of the Cross and The Holy Rosary at the Church of the Resurrection, available any time by clicking the link below.

Ecumenical Lenten services
Attend in-person at the First Christian Church, 701 NW 15 St, Blue Springs, MO 64015 or watch on-line with FaceBook Live, YouTube or Zoom

The theme this year is "The Benefit of Community". Each participating church will share the message on one given Wednesday.
Lenten Services

6:00 pm   Share supper together at home as a family
6:45 pm   Log-in to Facebook, YouTube, or ZOOM
7:00 pm   Service starts, live streaming begins  

2/24   Pastor Cliff Caton;  First Christian Church
3/03   Father David Lynch;  Episcopal Church of the Resurrection
3/10   Pastor Sarah Pierce;  All Saints Lutheran Church
3/17   Good Shepherd Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
3/24   Pastor Andrew Florio;  Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church\

Click here for Zoom   
Meeting ID: 968 0661 8122    Passcode: 895606
Invitation to confession
As your priest, you should know and feel comfortable requesting a time to meet to share in personal confession. The Rite is called "Reconciliation of a Penitent" and the liturgy is found on page 446 in the Book of Common Prayer. You can schedule a time to share together this liturgy by contacting Confession Stained Glass Window me personally. The liturgy is done in the church following COVID recommendations. If not with me, another priest with whom you feel more comfortable can be your options. I commend to you the article written below as a prompt to hear a personal experience for choosing confession. Confession is a personal act, something I do with another priest several times throughout the year. If not with a priest, consider sharing your confession with a close mentor that you trust and know will be confidential using the liturgy from the Prayer Book. Please know, it is God who absolves a penitent, not the priest. The priest provides the sacrament and the interpersonal opportunity.
Please read this writing from a priest of our tradition: https://melaniesmusingsweb.wordpress.com/2017/03/05/all-may-none-must-some-should/

Bible Study
There will be two opportunities for Bible Study. One primarily for youth and young adults on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm and one at 1:00 pm on Wednesdays. Both sessions will be held in the undercroft while observing COVID guidelines. Please contact Fr. David with your interests.

Join us for bible study every Wednesday at 1:00 pm both in-person at church and via ZOOM.

Meeting ID: 976 6873 2072     Passcode: 794043 

  • Upon entry, ushers will ask if you have any symptoms of illness including fever, chills, coughing and any history of recent illness. It is very important that you DO NOT attend church if you feel ill or know that you have been exposed to COVID or any other serious illness.
  • Ushers will check your name against a directory roster and newcomers and visitors will be asked to provide their names and phone numbers upon entry. There will be no guest book or prayer sheet to sign.
  • Masks will be required at all times while in the church building.
  • Hand sanitizer, facial tissue and some masks will be provided.
  • Seating will be in every other pew and social distancing at least 6 feet apart. Families may sit together.
  • Congregational singing will not be allowed.  There will be no hymnals in the pews for use.
  • Prayer books will be provided and will be located in the back pews. After the service, prayer books should be placed in the big basket located in the Narthex when leaving.
  • Communion of both kinds will be available in individual chalices and distributed by the priest.  Please discard these used chalice packets in the trash when leaving.
From the Safety Team:  IF you have received your COVID vaccine, the question is whether to wear a mask or not.  The answer is yes!  No vaccine is 100% effective and vaccines don't provide immediate protection. COVID vaccines may not prevent you from spreading the disease and continued wearing of a mask will protect people with compromised immune systems.  Masks also protect against any mutation of the coronavirus.  The best hope for ending the pandemic isn't to choose between masks, physical distancing, and vaccines, but to combine them.
In the coming weeks we will engage in the program of Renewal Works. This program begins with a parish spiritual survey conducted by the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF). The survey is intended to seek the views of parishioners on spirituality, including what is working, lacking and needs improving. The survey is conducted on-line and anonymously. The results of the survey are then published back to the parish and feedback is supported by the ECF.

The greatest value of our participation is to learn how Resurrection can better meet the "spiritual needs" for you - the parishioner. To know about Renewal Works and what it means for us as a parish, please log onto the Renewal Works website at:   https://renewalworks.org/

Monday Matters Column dated  February 22, 2021

The Rev. Jay Sidebotham _
Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." So Abram went, as the Lord had told him.  -Genesis 12:1-4a
By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; and he set out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he stayed for a time in the land he had been promised, as in a foreign land, living in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he looked forward to the city that has foundations, whose architect and builder is God.  -Hebrews 11:8-10

Looking Forward

These days, my daily prayer list has expanded to include prayers for a grandchild expected to arrive later this year (and of course, for her parents). In my prayers for her, I've found myself imagining what her life will be like. What will the world be like when she is 30? When she is 60? Will she live to be 120?

This wondering about the next generation was prompted as I read a book by Yuval Noah Harari, entitled 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. He writes: "If you lived in China in 1018, you might know that by 1050 the Song Empire might collapse, the Khitans might invade from the north, and plagues might kill millions. However, it was clear to you that even in 1050 most people would still work as farmers and weavers, rulers would still rely on humans to staff their armies and bureaucracies, men would still dominate women, life expectancy would still be about 40 and the human body would remain exactly the same. For that reason, in 1018 poor Chinese parents taught their children how to plant rice or weave silk; wealthier parents taught their boys how to read the Confucian classics, write calligraphy or fight on horseback. It was obvious that these skills would be needed in 1050."

He continues: "Today we have no idea how China or the rest of the world will look in 2050. We don't know what people will do for a living, we don't know how armies or bureaucracies will function, and we don't know what gender relationships will be like. Some people will probably live much longer than today, and the human body itself might undergo an unprecedented revolution thanks to bioengineering and direct brain-to-computer interface. Much of what kids learn today will likely be irrelevant by 2050."

The author speaks about how we educate young people for what's next. I'm wondering how we prepare them spiritually.

Perspective on the future has always been a matter of seeing through a glass darkly. A year into Covid-tide, I sense that truth more than ever. In the past, looking through foggy lens, I have been sustained and guided by the story of Abraham and Sarah in the book of Genesis. It's reported in scripture that they answered a call from God, leaving what they knew for something they didn't know at all. They launched out not knowing where they were going.

They become important teachers in this particular season. We're making up what it means to deal with COVID. Many of us thought this would be over a year ago. Apparently, we were mistaken. Many people remain uncertain about the ways they will do their jobs in days ahead, if they have jobs at all. The Episcopal Church and other mainline congregations face trends that make it questionable that the church will continue as it has for generations. Covid has only accelerated change and deepened uncertainty about what's next. That's true for our society. That's true for the various communities to which we belong, large and small. That's true in each of our lives.

Which leads to the adage I heard as a child: I may not know what the future holds but I know who holds the future. I'm pretty sure that the world of my 30 year old granddaughter will be vastly different. I bet she'll think that much of what we did was quaint at best, perhaps ridiculous. Maybe she'll regard what we have done as inexplicable, even reprehensible, for any number of reasons.

But as I pray for her, I do believe that she and her generation can still be guided by the one who holds the future, the one whose nature is grace, the one said to be with us till the end of the ages. Call me crazy, but I believe, that as Abraham and Sarah walked by faith, so as her adventure unfolds, she will be held in those loving arms. I pray she will always know that those loving arms surround her.
Helpful links