Restorative Yoga
What is Restorative Yoga

In a world that is focused on results NOW, it's important to remember to slow down. Restorative yoga does just that. Restorative is a style of yoga that incorporates fewer poses that are held for longer periods of time, many for 5 minutes or more. These gentle poses stretch the body and calm the mind.Restorative yoga is meant to relax, restore, and energize the body and mind.
Why Restorative

There are many benefits to practicing this style of yoga. The longer poses offer space for deeper breathing and this aids relaxation. Using props, such as blocks and bolsters, allows the poses to be held more comfortably, making restorative yoga for ANY body regardless of experience or ability. Not only does restorative yoga promote deep relaxation, but it also enhances mood, helps to reduce pain, and even has been shown to improve sleep.
Poses in Restorative Yoga

Some common poses included in restorative yoga:
Childs Pose
Cat Cow
Fish Pose
Supported Bridge Pose
Supported Forward Fold
Legs up the Wall Pose
Spine Twist
Supta Baddha Konasana
Restorative at Home

Because yoga is a practice, there's no wrong way to do it. But, restorative is best practiced in a quiet environment to promote relaxation and getting still. Use props such as blocks, blankets, and bolsters to get comfortable, light a few candles, and play soothing music to set the mood for your practice. Click here for our restorative playlist and find our schedule for restorative classes here.

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