The deadline has been extended to Jan. 15
Dear Etz Chaim Members,

In celebration of Chanukah this year, Congregation Etz Chaim would like to offer, once again, a special Israel Bonds program to our families with children under 18 years of age. As a reminder of the miracles we celebrate on Chanukah, and as a reminder of the miracle of the State of Israel’s existence, Development Corporation for Israel (Israel Bonds) and Congregation Etz Chaim have come together again to partner on a program which will enable your children, who qualify, to receive a $100 Israel Bond for Chanukah, which will be purchased by Congregation Etz Chaim.

There are two ways that you can qualify for this program:

1. If your children were not able to participate last year or

2. You are a new member to the Synagogue

If your child received an Israel Bond last year from Congregation Etz Chaim and is still under 18 years old and would like to participate again, you may purchase an Israel Bond for your children and Congregation Etz Chaim will MATCH that purchase with an additional Israel Bond up to $100.00, AS A GIFT, to your child.

In order to participate in this program, YOU MUST contact the local Israel Bonds office, by January 10th, to register your child (children) so that the bonds can be processed. You can reach the local Israel Bonds office at 800-404-3235, or, or at Development Corporation for Israel, 30 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Suite 206, Livingston, NJ 07039.

If you have not yet made an investment in Israel Bonds, we would encourage you to look at our current investment rates and speak to your Registered Representative for more information.

Current investment rates: CLICK HERE
Prospectus: CLICK HERE
Invest Online: CLICK HERE

Happy Chanukah!
Lee Schwartz
Executive Director
New Jersey & Rockland County
P 973.712.1409
Rabbi E. Samuel Klibanoff