eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Friday Morning Edition
September 28, 2018

I have made some progress this week getting some new categories opened up on my store.  One area that I have been sitting on is Dixie Fellowship patches and neckerchiefs.  This was one of my core collections as a teenager and it's a category I know well. I'll be adding more in this category after I publish the newsletter but if you collect that area you can check out what I have up for sale. 
Vintage eBay Scout Auctions This Weekend
Every once in a while I get a call from my antique mall store with a customer making a strange request.  This week it was a high school student that wanted to buy over 200 of my $1 patches at a discount for a project.  I have no idea what the project was and should have made send me a picture one condition of giving the student a price break on a bulk purchase.  I figured if the kid had spent hours sorting through the thousands of patches in that tub then it was the least I could do.

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Auctions Ending Friday & Saturday on eBay
Nobody can resist fishing through a dollar tub.  In fact I'm going to take one next weekend to the South Florida camp show.  I am driving down next Friday with my program director to promote Camp Barstow in the Tampa area Saturday morning and then on to Miami Sunday.  What better conversation starter than a huge tube of free patches!

eBay Store LMTC - Shop With My eBay Partner   
Boy Scout Memorabilia Auctions on eBay
My employee is going to Europe for vacation in early October.  She has done a great job of jumping in and learning how to help ship and get things ready to list.  We have had some hiccups but they have truly been learning opportunities.  But she has also taken to organizing some parts of the operation that didn't make sense to her proving that sometimes what you need is a women's touch. Santeeswapper Store
While I am still working to get the TOR calendar updated I do have news of one brand new show to announce.  My home lodge has decided to run a 1-day show in Myrtle Beach, SC in conjunction with their Winter Banquet.  The Santee Lodge Trade-O-Ree will be held on Saturday January 5th from 9AM-4PM.  They did this back in January of 2015 and it was a hit.  Did I mention that hotel rates at the beach are super cheap in the winter and most have indoor pools?
This weekend my kids are gone and my wife was suggesting we too get out of town.  However, I am in favor of unpacking boxes and getting the house put in shape.  Since she hasn't sat down to book anything with me I think I'm actually going to win one of these family disagreements for the first time in a long time.
Have a great weekend,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC



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