"God did not send his Son into the world
to condemn the world,
but that the world might be saved through him."
~ John 3:17
Pope Francis often refers to the need for “discernment” in his speeches and homilies. No doubt this is part of his Jesuit heritage, since St. Ignatius of Loyola counseled his religious to make “discernment of spirit” an important part of their decision-making.
Discernment in this spiritual sense means making decisions about our life choices in the light of God’s Spirit, a process already counseled by Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:10. Is what I am choosing a reflection of Gospel values? Is what I choose to do in accord with God’s will? Do my decisions bring life to others?
Lent invites us to slow down and think more deeply about the values that guide our lives and our decisions. How might we truly seek to follow God’s will, even in the everyday choices we make?
Running the Paschal Mystery
We're almost at the finish line! Even if you haven't been able to join us for the first two nights, please consider logging in for tonight's leg of Running the Paschal Mystery, Easter Sunday. It's bound to be some really "good church" with your parish mates!
RSVP for Sunday Liturgies
RSVP for the Fourth Sunday of Lent is live March 10th at 6:00pm! We're opening RSVP an hour early this week to allow everyone to reserve a spot at Sunday liturgy, and then join in the Lenten Mission.
Please note, attendance is limited and registration is required. Schedule as follows:
SJE Church, 5:00pm
QR Church, 8:00am
SJE Church, 9:15am
QR Church, 10:30am
QR Church, 10:30am Parking Lot (intended for those with underlying medical conditions who are unable to join us in church at this time)
We have added a parking lot option at the 10:30am Mass at QR. This option is restricted to those with underlying medical conditions, who, due to the ongoing pandemic are unable to join us in church at this time. Please select QR Parking Lot* on the SignUp and include the number in your car so that we know how many to expect. Park in the West lot in front of the steps and tune to 102.5 FM radio channel to listen to Mass on your car radio, or watch from your phone on our Facebook page. At Communion, an Extraordinary Minister will distribute the Holy Eucharist to guests in each car.
*In case of inclement weather, the parking lot option will not be available and we will do our best to contact you in advance of the 10:30am Mass.
Important Note: The following safety protocols continue to be enforced at ALL liturgies and in-person gatherings at both churches, parish centers and on parish grounds: face covering worn securely over nose and mouth, hands sanitized upon entry (and again prior to receiving Holy Communion), seating in marked areas only to respect social distancing, temperature checks for all events involving youth or food service and no congregating in church facilities including parking lots.
If in the previous 14 days you have traveled to a state on the watch list, experienced any cold or flu symptoms or have spent time with anyone experiencing symptoms, we ask out of an abundance of caution that you please stay home to help insure the safety of our parish family.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time.
Join us in church to pray the Stations of the Cross at 6:00 p.m. each Friday during Lent. This Friday, March 12th, Stations will be prayed at St. Julian Eymard. For those still unable to join us, we will live-stream Stations of the Cross to our websites and Facebook pages.
"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD" ~ Jeremiah 30:17
Though sometimes God's perfect plan is that we experience disease, sickness and hardship, we offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to provide God's comfort and strength to those in need by inviting the Holy Spirit into our hearts for physical, spiritual and emotional healing.
Join us on Friday, March 26th at 7pm at St. Julian Eymard for a Healing Mass during Lent.
Calling All Teens, Take Mr. Van's Teen Lenten Challenge!
This week we visit the Seventh and Eighth Stations as we Walk the Way of the Cross with Jesus. Follow this link to read reflections on each Station as we journey through Lent.
This week's challenge, Write a heartfelt letter or thank you card to someone in your family or a close friend who has done much for you in terms of strengthening your faith or bringing you closer to God! Put your real and sincere feelings into it and let that person know he or she truly made a difference!
Share photos and pics from the Teen Lenten Challenge on the YM Facebook page to help inspire others!
Recently, the OLBS Domestic Violence Awareness Ministry hosted Aimee Dinschel, a social worker with more than 15 years experience providing counseling and support to survivors of interpersonal violence, to present the Webinar Cycle of Violence.
This engaging Webinar combined video, questions and interactive discussion to present the power and control dynamics of abusive relationships and the cycle of violence, as well as review healthy relationship dynamics. Some themes that emerged during discussion:
Domestic Violence is a Culture of Life Issue.
Can You Spot the Cycle of Violence Stages?
Why Do They Stay?
Say NO to Cutting Parents Out
Take action to stop the repeal of the Parental Notification Act. Ask lawmakers to please vote NO on House Bill 1797 and Senate Bill 2190. The Parental Notice of Abortion Act is a broadly-supported, reasonable safeguard that allows parents to properly exercise love and care for their minor children. Our government should be in the business of supporting families and assisting parents and legal guardians, not undermining them.
As a people of life, light, and love, we must support families. Parents and guardians play a critical role in helping minors make important decisions in their lives. A repeal of the Parental Notification Act would be contrary to the legal and moral right of parents and legal guardians to care for their children.
From the desk of Vicki Farmer, pre-school teacher...
The Multi-age preschool’s physical classroom looks much different this school year, but the love and excitement of being together has not diminished one bit. Yay! It is amazing how responsible the children are about staying safe and following the guidelines. We haven’t missed a beat as we seamlessly moved in and out of remote learning. Even though our year has not been like any other, we have still managed to enjoy school, make friends, learn, and build a beautiful community within our classroom.
Please continue to pray for our school as we continue to teach in these special circumstances.
Follow this link to discover more about QR School.
From the desk of Mrs. D., Director of Religious Education...
During last Tuesday's Family Session for RE families, Fr. Dan blessed rosaries that Second Graders made in anticipation of their First Communion. We're excited to welcome them to the table!
And speaking of table, students in Ms. O's First Grade Google Meet enjoyed brainstorming who would make the guest list and what they would serve if Jesus were coming to supper at their house. We could tell we were in Lent because there were a lot of fruits, vegetables and protein on the menu, and not many desserts!
What would you serve if Jesus were a guest at your table? Please post to our social media to get the conversation started!
Each Spring, Religious Ed families help to make Easter a little more memorable for local families in need. We hope to carry on the tradition this year. Please drop your donations in the marked collection bins in the St. Julian vestibule by March 19th.
Members of our Youth Group will assemble, wrap and help deliver baskets to Elk Grove Township before Holy Week. Most-requested items from the Easter Bunny this year:
- Plastic baskets
- Cellophane bags
- Grass
- Coloring books
- Crayons
- Small stuffed animals
- Bubbles
- Individually wrapped candy
- Chalk
- Small toys
- No used items please
Your help is greatly appreciated!
We may still be limited in gathering and need to keep our social distance for a little while longer, so we remind you that we have the following virtual tools to help us stay connected:
Sunday's Digital Worship Aid. Whether you print out or follow along on your phone, from home or inside our churches, you will find Sunday's Digital Worship Aid on the home page of our church websites: QR (scroll down to the link "Click here for digital worship aid...") and SJE (scroll down to the button "Sunday's Digital Worship Aid").
Daily Prayer. Follow this link to review daily prayer, or signup to receive daily prayer delivered right to your inbox.
Morning Prayer. No commute, no computer needed...join us on your phone Monday through Saturday for Morning Prayer. Learn more.
Weekly Rosary. The Rosary is prayed at SJE on Tuesdays at 7pm. If you are unable to join us in church, we invite you to join the live-stream.
Live-Stream. We have live-stream available for Sunday liturgy and some daily Mass from both churches: QR and SJE.
Let's Get Social. Like or follow us on Facebook to receive news and updates in real time and join the conversation: QR and SJE.
2021 Annual Catholic Appeal
Supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal unites us as a faith community in demonstrating love of neighbor through the good works we are able to provide together. Thank you to everyone who has supported the Annual Catholic Appeal, this year or in previous years.
As a reminder, this year, we hope that when we exceed our Appeal goal, the rebate funds will help us improve our sound and live-stream capabilities at Queen of the Rosary and St. Julian Eymard.
The Altar Server Ministry is open to boys and girls in grades 4 through 12. An important part of our Liturgical Ministries, altar servers assist the priest in celebration of the Eucharist while making new friends, learning important life skills and gaining a deeper understanding of the Mass. As more people are vaccinated and treatment of COVID-19 gains efficacy, we look forward to welcoming altar servers at more of our OLBS liturgies under Fr. Louis' guidance.
We are grateful for your continued generosity to the needs of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament family during this time. In addition to dropping or mailing your donation to church, you may give online where you may make weekly contributions to our parish family and keep the vital ministries and services we provide going. We thank you for your generosity!
SJE Campus | 601 Biesterfield Road | (847) 956-0130
QR Campus | 750 W Elk Grove Blvd | (847) 437-0403