Eat Well, Be Healthy!
Dr. Dale's January 2019 Newsletter!
Jan. 24, 2019
January is a time for reflection and looking forward.  That traditional time of year with "New Years Resolutions" that are soon forgotten, or worse, stuck in the back of your mind, nagging, with no new action in the real world.  New mind sets are great, but when it comes down to it, only new actions or "dropped" actions are what make a difference. In other words, more healthy habits and less unhealthy habits. 

Below is a link to our 2019 Health and Focus Tool.  Print this out, fill it out and send it back to me and you will not only have begun the process of getting your intention clear, you will have me supporting you in taking the necessary steps to achieve something that will result in you being healthier and feeling better for 2019!

Dr. Dale Injury Update

Thank you all for your kind words and support.  The Hip Replacement Surgery on Dec. 17th has me moving forward steadily on the road to full recovery.  I have been working full time at the clinic since Jan. 2 and, to be honest, it always feels better at the end of shift.  

I am actually being a good patient and doing all of the prescribed home exercises. They absolutely have an immediate positive effect; I always feel more ease of movement right after they are done.  

Next step will be getting a stationary bike so I can continue the healing and begin to get back in shape.  I really do not like missing my cardiovascular exercise, for both the health of my body and mind.  My limp continually diminishes and hopefully it will be gone soon!

In adition to your kind words, and prayers, I am grateful for my fitness levels, nutrition and protein powders, as well as our PEMF, which has made a world of difference. 

Cold and Flu Update
As much as this Cold and Flu Season has been mild compared to last year, it has ramped up over the past 6 weeks.  Primarily there are a lot more people coming down with one of the versions of illness. 

This year's version for most people has not been as strong.  That's the good news. The bad news is more people have been sick in the past 6 weeks than in the prior 3 months. Additionally, as with most seasons, if you get sick and are not careful, you think you are all better and BAM, you are hit for a second round of symptoms, which are usually worse than the first time it hits. 

As usual, the most important precautions are to Be Prepared, by having our Cold and Flu products on hand, so you can start at the very first sign of any sickness and continue on with the protocol for 2 weeks after your last symptoms are gone.  

We have had a couple of our key products on back order due to the increased popularity of these products and our suppliers have ended up running out of stock. However, I always have back up products available.  If you need more stock, stop by the clinic or call and let my staff know what your symptoms are so they can check with me to see what combination is best for you. 

Hit the Read More button below to See Our Very Effective Immune Prevention and Active Infection protocols.

Dr. Dale's Recovery and Rejuvenation Program
This program is primarily for patients who have been on a nutritional and/or weight loss program with me in the past.  If you have been on one of my programs, and you now feel the need to Recover and Rejuvenate after "holiday dietary indiscretions," and maybe a 3 - 10+ pound weight gain, this is a simple, very specific, healthy way to quickly drop those extra pounds, replace some less-than-ideal habits and recover your well-being and vitality.  I have done this with over a thousand patients and the results are predictable: you feel better quickly and you get healthier.
The daily routine described below can be done for one to three weeks, and if you follow it properly you should lose anywhere from 2 - 7 pounds the first week and 1 - 3 pounds each week thereafter!  It is simple and timesaving for most people.  You will very likely feel noticeably healthier within the first 3 - 5 days, and the cost of your rejuvenation product is usually no more, and quite possibly less than, the two meals you would normally be buying each day!

To get all the details, click our Read More button and it will give you the complete guidelines.  

Recovery and Rejuvenation Soup
This soup and its variations are designed to help you recover and rejuvenate.  This is not necessarily a gourmet meal, but you will find it refreshing, tasty, and very rich in alkalinizing minerals.  It is also apt to have some diuretic effect, which is a good thing.

The quantity below is enough for one person for a number of meals; it makes approximately 5 quarts.  Once done, it is very convenient because your next several meals are ready in a few minutes!  

  • 1.5 lbs. carrots, roughly chopped into ½" - 1" chunks
  • 3 lbs. leeks, white & light green parts only, sliced into ¼" - ½" rings (can also use onions, cut into ½" - 1" chunks, or mix leeks & onions)
  • 2 lbs. green cabbage, cored and sliced into ¼" wide slices
  • 3 quarts + 2 cups filtered water
  • Olive oil, a drizzle
Note: when buying leeks, choose those that have the most white.

PEMF Special!

Our PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency) Equipment has been incredibly impressive in it's ability to promote health and healing in many different patients and for many different conditions.  

The vast majority of our patients who have thoroughly committed to using this technology continue to come back for more and more care, as do Laurie and I. 

To encourage more patients to benefit from this unique service, I am doing a Newsletter Special package/price.   Buy a 12 pack and get the discounted session rate that is usually only reserved for those buying a 51 pack!  That means each session costs $64 and the 12 pack costs $768.  These are 1 hour sessions.  This Special Offer is available until Feb. 28. 

Our Product of the Month!
To help you with the restore and rejuvenation program, Opti-cleanse will be on sale through February 28!
Buy one you get a 10% savings. 
Buy 2 or more and you get a 15% savings!  

Quote of the Month
"If you aren't yet at the point of clarity, then make that your first goal. It's a big waste of time to go through life being unclear about what you want. Most people wallow way too long in the state of "I don't know what to do." They wait for some external force to provide them  with clarity, never realizing that clarity is self-created. The universe is waiting on you, not the other way around, and it's going to keep waiting until you finally make up your mind. Waiting for clarity is like being a sculptor staring at a piece of marble, waiting for the statue within to cast off the unneeded pieces. Do not wait for clarity to spontaneously materialize-grab a chisel and get busy!"
-Steve Pavlina

In Closing
I will do my best to make this a Happier and Healthier year for me and for you!

Yours in Health,  Dr. Dale

Dr. Dale Migliaccio| Santa Barbara Wellness for Life | 805-687-0533| [email protected]