August 2018

Donate to our Food Pantry!

Our Pomonok Food Pantry is always looking for non-perishable food donations and volunteers.

Contact the center at (718) 591-6060 to get involved!
Learning to Code
  Briana Rodriguez (right) didn't head for the beach when the last bell rang in her tenth grade year. Instead, she enrolled in our Youth Coding Class and spent her summer learning HTML.

"I want to learn how to build websites, and my school doesn't offer anything like that," she said. "So, while my friends are on vacation, I'm learning how to code."
The six-week class took place at our Forest Hills Community Center and was a component of DYCD's Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP). Briana and her classmates learned coding basics and how to build their own websites.
"The time is now to get young people, especially girls, interested in computer sciences," said Gabriel Yiu ( left) who taught the class. "Over the next ten years, there are going to be so many more jobs in the field, and not nearly enough qualified graduates to fill them."
This summer QCH placed more 1,300 young adults in jobs through SYEP. The youth gained valuable work experience and career exploration opportunities .
Pomonok Food Pantry Turns One
On July 11, our Pomonok Community Center celebrated the one-year anniversary of its neighborhood food pantry.

"This project was spearheaded by local volunteers who identified a clear need in their community and decided to do something about it" said Center Director, Patrick Pinchinat. Over the past year, these residents coordinated outreach and donation drives, made countless trips to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods (which donated food), and provided the labor to keep the pantry open through the winter. Today, the pantry serves more than one hundred families each week and is looking to expand through a partnership with Food Bank for New York City.

Volunteers and staff were joined by Assemblymember Daniel Rosenthal and Council Member Rory Lancman for a celebratory picnic in honor of the pantry's successful first year. Rosenthal recounted his first trip to the pantry in December:  " After following a long line of people that stretched out the door, I found myself in a room of a dozen volunteers handing out fresh vegetables, packaged food and flowers to the nearly 300 individuals in line. The volunteers of the Pomonok Food Pantry had an infectious energy that warmed the room."
WeWork Roots for QCH

On July 31, volunteers from WeWork provided our Forest Hills Community Center with a summer makeover by re-planting two community gardens on the campus.  The gardens are named for former staff members who passed away while working for QCH.