Senior Scoop
March 4th Edition
Dear Whitemarsh Township!
Please find below community resources and some fun activities you can do from the comfort of your own home! Please share the newsletters and information with any friends or family, specifically area seniors. If they want to sign up to receive these newsletters they can e-mail us at

Stay safe and remember "Social Distancing",
The Parks and Recreation Team

A special thank you to our First Responders, medical staff, and everyone else who is working to keep our community safe.
St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Local history is something that we should learn and cherish as it gives us important insight into our past. We're going to continue this series with a look into local St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church as it is a beautiful sight amongst Lafayette Hill.
St. Peter's Church
Historical Events -

  • 1752 - St. Peter's Church is organized by members who had recently left St. Michael's Church, which included Henry Muhlenberg.
  • 1758 - The first physical structure to house the Church is built, as a log cabin schoolhouse was erected.
  • 1767 - The log cabin was slowly replaced by a stone building that was completed this year. Built around the log cabin, once the stone structure was finished, the log cabin was removed piece by piece.
  • 1809 - The original stone structure fell into disrepair and is restored for continued use.
  • 1849 - The restored original church was demolished and a new church was erected to replace it.
  • 1899 - A fire destroys the entire building erected just 50 years prior. This fire began in the Sunday School room and burned through the rest of the church once it spread. The fire unearthed the original building cornerstone in the basement.
  • 1900 - The new church building is built and is the one currently in use. Through the years updates have been made, such as renovations made in 1951 and 1999 that fully reflect the church that is currently present in Lafayette Hill.

Beyond the years listed above, there are some other key facts in regards to St. Peter's Church. The original stone structure was built with an extremely tall and imposing steeple. This was used and played an important role in helping General Lafayette escape from British troops. Using the steeple, he was able to observe the British troops approaching to surround his encampment and find an escape route. Nine soldiers who died in the battle before retreat and six Native Americans who aided the cause are buried in the church cemetery. Learn more about St. Peter's Church in the links below and check out the video that they put together.
Mindful Wellness

Try the free Daily New York Times Mini Crossword Puzzle. Check back each day for a new puzzle!

Check out a new e-book or e-magazine by visiting our friends over at the William Jeanes Library. 

Mindful Exercises

Open the above Document and practice 6 different ways to ease your mind and body.
Jigsaw Puzzles

Looking to do a puzzle, but don't have any? Try an online puzzle at
Community Resources
Whitemarsh Pharmacy is offering curbside pick up and free local delivery! Call them at 610-828-5222 for more information on fill prescriptions and ordering essential items and supplies.
The Market at Lafayette Hill is offering curbside pickup and delivery Monday-Friday.
For more information visit
or call the store at 610-941-7101.
See a message from the Whitemarsh Police Department about COVID-19 related scams.

All GIANT stores will open for customers over the age of 60 from 6:00-7:00AM.
COVAID connects neighbors helping with getting groceries, picking up prescriptions, and more.
United Way of Pennsylvania Dial 211 or text your zip code to #898-211 to talk with a resource specialist for free.
Ready MontCo is a service from Montgomery County Dept. of Public Safety. Learn more information by visiting their website.