June 22nd 6pm Newsletter

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From Our Archives A Favorite: 

Please entertain yourself while being very enlightened with this story that is a parallel to the Dinar - the Dinar Community and Dinar Intel Providers - It was very well thought out and put together - Thank you Rhino!
Once there were three blind men who were given the task of describing an elephant. Each was led into an elephant pen by way of a different gate. 

The first man approached the elephant from the front and groped around the elephant’s trunk. The second encountered the elephant from the rear and grabbed the tail. The last man walked into a leg and felt around that part of the elephant. 

Then the men were led out of the pen and asked to describe the appearance of an elephant. 

IQDCalls Chat Early Saturday 6-22-19  
Post From IQDCalls Chat Room
Chat Room News Excerpts & Highlights Early Saturday  6-22-19   
Chattels  The land of assassins.
chattels  Iraqi MP says plans to discuss completing PM's cabinet in today's meeting of Parliament have been postponed since the government has not sent the list of nominees.  http://mobp.as/gf0mp
chattels  A land of delay and dysfunction.
Chattels  Disclosure of the names of candidates of the four ministries and exclude the provision of two


Kozmo: Here we go again. The cabinet was not filled today

Thebes: I do not believe the minister voting will hold us up because they are obviously not stable in what they say it is just like a game so someone else will have the final say

1Ladybirdnc: delayed until Monday...how long will it take to get them named.....then sworn in and seated.....

LinnieQ: One thing is absolutely certain. Iraqis do NOT honor their word. Ever! Pray, believe and hang on as long as you can.

Charlieok: Regarding today's typical Iraqi news, don't forget the number of times Tony has said that the minister appointments are being used as an excuse for why it hasn't happened yet. Iraq is as secure as it has the ability to be secure now. Good news all over Iraq. Iraq is nothing more than a diversion in my opinion.

RVAlready: I did not expect us to wait on ministers that parliament has proven many times they will not elect. Poorest ruse in history, IMO

Spagetti: Example of a country's old and new working together... Belarus. When they announced their new ruble. The old ruble and new ruble prices were BOTH reported on the UN site for 6 months.


Samson:  Telecom announces the completion of the infrastructure of the "Visa" electronic

22nd June, 2019

Senior Undersecretary for Technical Affairs at the Ministry of Communications Amir al-Bayati announced on Saturday the completion of all electronic platforms for the infrastructure of the project "Visa" electronic. 

Al-Bayati said in a statement to Al-Sabah newspaper that the Ministry of Communications has completed all the electronic platforms for the infrastructure of the project "Visa" electronic, has been linked to the sites of internal and external ministries electronically." 

Al-Bayati added that "the project aims to eliminate administrative corruption in institutions that grant foreigners when they enter Iraq an electronic "visa", as a form is filled out via the network and is checked by security authorities competent electronically and this form will reveal the identity of the person if Wanted or suspected in a case, which will contribute to strengthening the security aspect in Iraq, As well as achieving a significant financial return of the state. 

The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities announced on Saturday its efforts to activate the electronic visa to promote the tourism sector and the preparation of educational and media programs to activate them in Iraq.      LINK