Looking Towards Thanksgiving
On the last Sunday in October, I received a wonderful card, flowers, and a monetary gift from the congregation, as a thank-you for my work here at the church. It is difficult for me to accept accolades and attention, just ask my husband. However, my heart was filled with joy and thankfulness, as I read the card at home and put the flowers into a vase. Tapani and I went out to eat on Sunday evening, and the rest of the gift will be put away and saved for a future date. We feel very blessed. A heartfelt thank-you from us both!
I am thankful everyday that I can do work that I love, and in the knowledge that so many of you carry me and my family in your prayers. There are days that I could not get through without your prayers.
We have a confidential prayer group here at our church. You can leave an anonymous prayer request in the offering plate or the box at the back of the church. You can also leave a prayer request on the feedback section of our webpage, or via email. We all need prayer! Be bold and ask for prayer, this blesses you and those that pray for you.
At the end of the month we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. I hope that one reason for your thankfulness is our wonderful congregation family. Many of you have shown your thankfulness and appreciation, for many decades, by volunteering your time, donating money, or praying on behalf of our congregation. We urgently need new volunteers. We have a lot of work to be done, and the time and energy of our employees is just not enough. Come help at our office, kitchen, church, or by helping the elderly members in their time of need. Thank-you for caring!

With Blessings
Pastor Mia 

Preschool News
Time is just flying by and before we know it, the year will be coming to an end! October was a fun and busy month- learning all about birds, working in our garden and enjoying Halloween surprises, treats and games. November will be equally exciting and be over before we know it!
We begin the month learning about Canada and our neighbors to our north. We will learn about Canadian geese, bears, bison and beavers. We will make Canadian flags, paint maple leaves and taste maple syrup. We will talk about the indigenous peoples of Canada and then move on to a unit on Native Americans. We will study Indian customs, homes, art and music.
The end of November is Turkey Time! Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for our many blessings, spend time with friends and family, (and eat pumpkin pie!).

The school will be CLOSED on Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th and Friday 29 th for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
God Bless,

Pirjo Komonen Campitelli
Music News
A big thank-you to all the of the talented musicians who have faithfully volunteered at our services. October was a great month and we are looking forward to an even better November. We will be having a combined service on Nov.10 at 10 am, with some contemporary gospel music, along with guest Pastor Jamie Peters. Please join us for this special service. On Friday Nov.15, at 6 pm, be with us for a night of prayer and praise music, with special guest, Pastor Beverly Abel, you will be filled with the Holy Spirit. We also are looking forward to some new contemporary music at our English services. 

On November 8 th , we will be having a worship workshop, led by Lindsay Rutlegde, everyone is welcome to join us. Our annual Christmas music concert date will soon be upon us – Wednesday, December 11 th at 6 pm; mark your calendars. Come to church and praise God with music.
Chapel choir rehearsals will continue in November, every other week, and Finnish choir rehearsals will begin with the arrival of our snowbirds. New singers are always welcome! If you are interested in singing or performing at our Sunday services please contact me at 561-909-7881.
With Blessings,

“Sing a new song to the LORD; praise him in the assembly of his faithful people!” (Psalm 149:1)

President's Corner
Our congregation will soon be in full speed again. Many snowbirds have already returned to enjoy the Florida sunshine, and the rush will continue during coming weeks. Soon we will be in full force. Many of us, especially Finns, have been waiting the warmth and sun after very wet and rainy Finnish Fall. We are very enthusiastic to see all the changes and improvements done during the summer. Luckily, video services have shown some idea of what to expect.

The biggest change, the church ownership switch is near the closing. The Council has now unanimously approved the negotiated sale contract and signatures of both parties are expected before the end of October, as explained during the info session on October 20 th , 2019. The Council has unanimously approved also the lease back contract and it will be ready for signing. We will continue as the renter of this same dear church building. Big thank you to the Future Planning Committee and all the others contributing to the negotiations, especially to Peter Makila and Pastor Mia! Excellent Job!

Our spiritual life as a congregation will continue like before. This way we can escape the financial uncertainty and reach a solid basis. From now on we can concentrate in God’s everlasting word, holy sacraments and sound and safe spiritual life as brothers and sisters. This gives us the opportunity to reach long lasting financial stability, but we still need to remember that this is possible only if we continue to support our dear congregation financially, with voluntary work and other ways according to our capabilities and resources.

Blessings for the winter season 2019-2020!
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way where I am going.” (John 14:1-4)
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” (John 14:6-7)

Pertti Pietarinen
Council President

There is a new exercise program that has begun at our church on Wednesday at 3:45. It is intended for people of all ages. This series of gymnastic stretches, which are instructed by Kaarina Langeland,
are all easy, healthy exercises that anyone can join in on without any previous experience.

You do not have to be in good physical shape to participate. These exercises are specifically designed for Finns, and are intended to help for back, shoulder, and foot problems. Keeping your worn joints moving helps, if it is done properly. This “Sunshine Gymnastics” (Asahi), has been developed by four physical therapists, who have researched its effects.

The exercises can alleviate stress, improve balance and concentration, increase energy levels, and release tension. The movements are peaceful, slow stretches, and your mind is fully engaged with the program. The neck and shoulders are more relaxed, and feet and back are strengthened. These are just a few examples of the benefits of this curriculum.

At the first class, there was a pleasant group who came to improve their health. We are awaiting more eager participants, so please join the group on Wednesday. After learning this 45 minute-long Sunshine Gymnastics program, it can be done at home daily at you own leisure.

Anja Laurila

Memorial Service
Bertta Penttila's
Memorial Service will be held at Finnish-American Resthome
on Saturday, November 16th
at 3:00 p.m. All are welcome!
Thoughts From the Volunteer
This story came to mind after seeing a warning sign on the shores of Lake Osborne, although it is not really relevant to anything.
Or then again, it may be, but you can decide for yourself. Hopefully it will make you think about your own faith and your relationship with Jesus.
A hiker, on his travels, arrived at a lake, one which was known for its rocky landscape. In his mind, he weighed out his options. Whether to walk around the lake, which was a three-day trip, or to cross the lake using a small, old rowboat.

The hiker decided to defy good judgement, and try to cross the lake, despite strong wind and waves. Just as he was pushing the boat into the water an old fisherman arrived.

After watching the hiker for a moment, the fisherman said to him: “Stop with your foolish intentions and come aboard my boat. I will bring you to the other side of the lake.” The man stepped aboard the fisherman’s boat and the journey began.
The old fisherman drove his boat boldly through the wind and waves at such great speed that this scared the hiker. He thought to himself: “Soon we will hit a rock and drown.”

Arriving safely on the other side, the man asked the fisherman, voice and hands still shaking: “How did you dare to navigate across such a rock-filled lake at such a rate? How did you know where all of the dangerous spots were?”

To this, the old fisherman answered with a relaxed voice: “I don’t have to know where these dangerous spots are, because I know the only safe route.”

 Have a great month of November with many blessings,

Teppo Honkanen
October Highlights
   Without a doubt the most delightful church occasion was our monthly Preschool Chapel.  
   Eino Grön sang at our October 6 th mass. We enjoy Eino’s performances as we have done having our own tenor Lauri Kanervikkoaho serve as hymn leader every Sunday at our Finnish services. 
Every Sunday at the English Service we are pampered by the voices of our Chapel Choir. 
Kansanmusiikkimessu ja Glenn Beckmanin

F olk Music Mass and brunch, organized in honor of Glenn Beckman drew over one hundred people to church on October 20 th . Glenn’s daughter Judy’s family was also there to share this special day with us. 💝

Reformation Sunday we celebrated Hanna & Lauri and the atmosphere was great!
         During the English service on the 27 th we got a visit from Dr. Martin Luther and Johann Tetzel.
We also had a coffee social in honor of Alli Vehkakangas and Pirkko Venetjoki to celebrate their birthdays.
November Program
Have A Blessed Thanksgiving!