Shalom friends,

As you know, Purim is very special to me, as I was born on Purim, and celebrate my birthday on that day. I'm very excited about all the Purim events that our community is doing, from programs for tots through adults, drive-by, zoom, livestream, and more! Make sure to register in advance for the programs which require advance registration.

Matanot L’Evyonim, giving money to those in need, is one of the four mitzvot of Purim. From Rosh Hodesh Adar (Friday 12 February) through Taanit Esther (Thursday 25 February) at 3p, all donations made out to Congregation Agudat Achim with the memo RDF-matanot l'evyonim will be collected and recorded by the office, and I will make a donation to local, national, and international food relief organizations on behalf of the congregation on Purim Day itself, which will fulfill the Purim mitzvah of matanot l'evyonim on Purim Day itself. Last year, we raised nearly $600 for this Purim giving opportunity, and the need is greater this year. 

The four mitzvot of Purim (hearing the megillah, giving matanot l'evyonim/money to those in need, sending mishloach manot/food packages to friends, and eating a Se'udat Purim, a festive meal) are all obligatory on the day of Purim itself, and should be completed before Shabbat comes in at 5:19p.

Make sure to check out all of our flyers, in addition to some extra Purim resources that we've included.

Wishing you a joyous month of Adar,
Hodesh Tov,
Rabbi Spitzer
Extra Purim Resources for All
Purim Song Sheet: This 1-page song sheet contains the text, transliteration, and translation of popular songs for Purim.

A Modern Approach to the Purim Shpiel:This educational discussion sheet explores the idea of the Purim shpiel through a series of Youtube videos.
The Youtube playlist can be accessed on the RA Youtube channel.

 Purim: Laws & Customs: By Alan Lucas, excerpted from The Observant Life
MAZON’s Purim materials E-cards, Purim activities, and a Purim Carnival idea. "Hunger is Stressful".

Listen to the "Trip in/to Shushan" Playlist on Spotify