August 15, 2018
Holy Day of Obligation
Tuesday, Aug 14, 6:30pm Vigil Mass
Wednesday, Aug 15, 8:00am Mass

On Wednesday, we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commemorating the rising of Mary's body and soul into Heaven. Mary is the patron saint of all of humanity, and is revered by Catholics as the only person besides Jesus to be born free of original sin. As we celebrate this feast, let us look back upon significant times in more recent history when Mary has appeared to us.

1531- Our Lady of Guadalupe

In this apparition, the Virgin Mary appeared four times to Juan Diego, a Mexican peasant, and once to his sick uncle. She requested, in his native language, that he tell the archbishop to erect a church to be built in her honor. She continued to appear and insisted that Juan Diego continue to ask the archbishop after he did not accept her request. When Juan Diego's uncle fell sick, she appeared separately to the both of them to assure them of the uncle's health, and when Juan Diego returned to the archbishop with non-native flowers that Mary had given him, her image appeared on his cloak, convincing the archbishop of her presence. The basilica that was then built has become the most visited Catholic pilgrimage in the world. Juan Diego was the first American indigenous saint.

1858 - Our Lady of Lourdes

The Virgin Mary appeared a number of times to a young peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, who was doubtful at first but whose confidence grew as she visited the apparition several times. On the third visit, Mary asked her to dig a hole in the ground and drink from a spring there, which was considered very off-putting by many. However, the spring became clearer and clearer, and the water from it was sent to many sick people and was able to heal them. The spring also became a location for Catholic pilgrimages soon after. Bernadette Soubirous was canonized as a saint in 1933.

1917 - Our Lady of Fatima

Three Portuguese children were the witnesses of this apparition. They saw the Angel of Peace three times before they were visited by the Virgin Mary. She asked the children to pray the rosary every day in order to "bring peace to the world and an end to the war." She asked this of the children on several occasions - there were reportedly six apparitions in total. On the date of her final apparition, the Miracle of the Sun occurred, in which many onlookers described the "sun dancing" as it came out from behind clouds that had brought heavy rain. This miracle made the site a common pilgrimage destination for many Catholics, and every year on the anniversary of the Miracle, as many as a million worshippers gather and light candles at the site.

These are only three of many Marian apparitions in the past several centuries; however, their stories accurately epitomize the patronage of Mary. She appeared to the poor, to people of all ages and cultures, and spoke in their native languages. She is the patron of all humanity because she can speak to and care for everyone, no matter who they are or where they are from.
Important Upcoming Dates!

August 10, 6:30pm - Theology On Tap

August 11, 8:30-10:30am - Women's Group Meeting

August 14, 6:30pm - Assumption Vigil Mass

August 15 - Feast of the Assumption

August 16, 4-6pm - SJS Ice Cream Social & Info Day

August 18, 6-7p - Boomers Picnic

August 20 - First Day of School at SJS

August 25, 7:00pm - Casino Night

September 8 & 9 - Septemberfest

Theology On Tap
Join us TONIGHT  for our (final) Theology On Tap - 6:30pm at
Goose Island Brewery
1800 N Clybourn 
Women's Group Meeting
Saturday, August 11th 
8:30-10:30 am Spirituality/Reflection/Planning - engage in some life/spiritual reflection over morning coffee and help us plan more events for 2018/2019.  
St. Agatha Dinner
Upcoming community dinners at St. Agatha, our sharing parish, on Tuesday, August 14. Start time is 6:30 pm. Our next discussions will focus on the economics of racism. Please see the bulletin and website for more information.
Ice Cream Social and Information Day
On August 16th from 4-6pm along with visiting the classrooms, parents and students will be dropping off school supplies and then heading outside to get some ice cream and visit the tables outside in the parking lot of the church to where we will display info, sign-up, gear, etc. to welcome the SJS families back to school.
Boomers Picnic
The St. Josaphat Boomers picnic will be held on Saturday August18 following 5pm Mass
in the Fr. Grassi Community Park.
Casino Night
Join fellow St. Josaphat Parishoners and SJS Parents for "CASINO NIGHT" on Saturday August 25 at 7pm!
Purchase Tickets Online:
Questions? Email [email protected]

Tots Playgroup
Starts September 4th
on Tuesdays from 10-11am
in the Fireplace Room.
Registration for 
2018-19 Religious Education classes is now open
Our program will meet on Tuesday evenings.  We offer a 4 and 5 year-old program along with the 1st through 8th grades. Register on our website or call Mary Jane Sullivan at the Rectory for more information at 773/327-8955 or email [email protected]
Shop and Support
Purchase personalized, waterproof labels from Mabel's Labels at:
www.campaigns.mabelslabels.com Choose St. Josaphat Chicago from the list, and SJS gets 20%!

Recycle your floral vases - bring them to Ashland Addison Florist Co. for a donation to St. Josaphat!

Shop smile.amazon.com and select St. Josaphat Parish as your charitable organization, and St. Josaphat gets  5% on eligible items!

Shop sjs.shutterflystorefront.com and 
SJS gets 13%!

Thank you for your support!