February 7, 2021
Communion Sunday
Guest Pastor: Dr. Jermaine Armour
Pastor of St. Luke AME Zion Church in Wilmington
"Don't Throw In the Towel"
Each one of us faces challenges every day but we are sustained and inspired by the power of God’s Spirit that purposes us for ministry. Our bodies may by weakening, yet our inner self is being renewed into the image of its Creator. Therefore, our momentary afflictions that make some people bitter, are opportunities that make us better ambassadors for the Kingdom of God on earth by giving people a glimpse of heaven. Begin preparing now to receive holy communion with God and your sisters and brothers in Christ for eternIty. 
This week we are honored to welcome Dr. Jermaine Armour, Pastor of St. Luke AME Zion Church in Wilmington. Pastor Armour believes that while the world has become more global, the Church has remained colonial. In order to win souls for Christ in this age, we have to Rethink Ministry.
A few ways this can be accomplished is by:
  • Showing people that Christ is involved in everyday life.
  • Teaching the Bible in simplistic ways for ease of understanding and life application.
  • Emphasizing the importance of serving our community as a way to show our Worship to God.
  • Keeping God’s word visible across social media and communication platforms.
  • Creating Ministries that include all people no matter their age, race, social status or life situation.
Pastor Armour and is wife Tayna, have two children, Jadah Alana and Jermaine Elijah.
As an Act of Worship We Respond
Trusting in God with all we have, we give to support the work of God's church because we believe in our mission to share God's love with our community and world in the name of Jesus. Give online or by mail. Giving allows us to keep being the church, even in the absence of our physical presence. Mail to: 411 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28401. How To Give Online
Do you have questions about being in a relationship with God? We would love to talk with you and help you begin or deepen your faith journey.
Everlasting God, you give strength to the powerless and power to the faint; you raise up the sick and cast out demons. Make us agents of healing and wholeness, that your good news may be made known to the ends of your creation. Amen.