June 5, 2020
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
Photograph from along the Sweet Trail on the Durham/Newmarket line. (
SRPC Photo)
It's June!
And you know what that means, summer is almost here (16 more days - but who's counting?). It’s also been exciting as businesses, recreational areas and other venues are beginning to safely open up as we adjust to the new normal.
On a more somber note, we would also like to address another series of recent events that have been impacting everyone in the United States. Racial segregation has been historically and systematically imposed through local, state and federal policies; contributing to today’s landscape and the continuing struggle to overcome bad policy decisions of the past. We recognize the important role planners play in shaping public policy and promoting equity in our communities. Staff began a related discussion at their Thursday meeting sharing initial takeaways from a series of readings and resources. The conversation will continue into the future with the goal of moving toward applying this learning to our work in a way that can affect positive change.
Here at SRPC we kicked off the traffic count season, just wrapped up our participation in the CommuteSMART Seacoast B2B challenge (where we got second place), and are beginning a new project with the City of Dover, Moving Forward: Implementation of Climate Actions, funded by a
2019 New Hampshire Coastal Resilience Municipal Planning Grant.
In this issue you will find information on registering for the NH Planners Association Annual Conference, planning events of interest, SRPC's latest press release about the Dover Culture and Recreation Plan, a 'Save the Date' for an upcoming SRPC webinar, staff news, the traffic count season kick off, news you might have missed, NH gives fundraising, and a community happening.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
NH Planners Association Virtual Conference
Planning Events of Interest
SRPC's Latest
Press Release
Save the DAte: SRPC Webinar
Staff News
SRPC Staff Kick Off Traffic Count Season
In Case You Missed It
NH Gives Goes Live Next Week
Community Happening
Planning technician Stephen Geis graduated from UNH!
(SRPC photo)
Communications and outreach planner Shayna Sylvia rode her bike to go check on the pedestrian counter on the Dover Community Trail.
(SRPC photo)
staff dropped off flowers to executive director, Jen Czysz, to show appreciation for her awesome leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.
(SRPC photo)
NH Planners Association Posts Virtual Conference Links & Program
The NH Planners Association (NHPA) has posted registration and
conference program
information for its upcoming virtual Spring Conference. Usually held at a venue somewhere in the state, the conference was shifted to an online platform due the COVID-19 pandemic.
Beginning Jun. 10, this event will span over the course of three weeks, with webinars taking place every Wednesday from 2:00 - 3:15 p.m.
The three sessions include:
COVID: Lessons Learned
Carter Falk (Deputy Planning Manager/Zoning, City of Nashua), Linda McGhee (Deputy Planning Manager, City of Nashua), and Stephen Meno (Community & Economic Development Field Specialist, UNH Extension) will address how the
COVID-19 public health emergency has changed the way that we as planners engage with our communities, from public hearings, to technical review meetings, to day-to-day customer interaction.
Talkin’ Trash 101—Is Recycling Dead?
Speakers Marc Morgan (Solid Waste Manager, City of Lebanon) and Michael Durfor (Former NRRA Executive Director) will review the recent China Sword impact on collapsing recycling markets worldwide and how US cities and towns here in NH and New England are dealing with increased costs and increased land filling of materials.
Housing Retrospective
Speakers Mark Fougere (Fougere Planning and Development, Inc.) and Ben Frost (Managing Director of Policy and Public Affairs at NH Housing Finance Authority) will provide an update of current study underway by NHHFA to review NH community’s progress towards complying with the State’s 10-year-old workforce housing statute.
After each webinar one of four awards will be announced; professional
planner of the year, citizen planner of the year, planner of the year, and project of the year.
Planning Events of Interest
Virtual Workshop: Protecting Wildlife Corridors - Jun. 8, 5 - 6 p.m.
Partners at UNH Cooperative Extension, NH Fish and Game, the Nature Conservancy, and Southeast Land Trust will host a virtual workshop on Jun. 8 on "Protecting Wildlife Corridors.
Southeastern NH is changing. Our rapidly developing landscape and expanding road network are increasingly fragmenting our rich natural habitats, which wildlife depend on. Wildlife must be able to move across the landscape through Wildlife Corridors to meet their needs, whether to access breeding habitat, food, or water. Attend this virtual workshop to learn about a new and easily accessible planning tool that identifies regionally significant wildlife corridors across Southeastern NH.
The webinar will inform participants about a new and easily accessible planning tool that identifies regionally significant wildlife corridors across Southeastern New Hampshire
Virtual Build Maine 2020 - Jun. 11,18, and 25, various times
Build Maine is an annual conference that brings together all people participating in the act of building our cities. The builders, funders, elected officials, engineers, lawyers, planners, finance institutions, and rule-makers converge annually to share best practices and aspirations for moving Maine forward within the political and economic climates of today.
Their conference has gone virtual, and while some sessions have already taken place, there are three remaining sessions.
Chris Hawley, City of Buffalo, Planner and Bernice Raddle, Owner, Buffalove Development & Little Wheel Restoration Co. - June 11, 9:30 a.m. - noon
Chris Hawley will share Buffalo’s success story with eliminating parking minimums from local zoning, what it’s meant to his city, and why you should consider a similar move in your own community.
Bernice Raddle will share her experience working under Buffalo’s new form-based code, describing the changes that have made small scale projects more feasible and easier to execute. Bernice will also highlight how small-scale infill development can revitalize areas, provide a way for more people to break into the real estate development field, and help build the range of housing types that are so desperately needed
Kaid Benfield, PlaceMakers - June 18, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Kaid Benfield will articulate some of key strategies for land development that support human and environmental health, considering climate change and the effects of COVID-19. He will also discuss the research behind them and how we can move toward a more sustainable future.
Charles Marohn, Strong Towns - June 25, 9:30 a.m. - noon
Chuck Marohn, national thought-leader and author of “Strong Towns, A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity” will discuss why we seem to have lost the American edge on prosperity and what we can do to get it back.
Public Art and Walking - Jun. 10, 2 - 3 p.m.
America Walks, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit national organization, is focused on advancing safe, equitable, accessible, and enjoyable places to walk and move by giving people and communities the resources to effectively advocate for change.
Their upcoming webinar, Enhancing Walkable Spaces through Public Art, will be held on Jun. 10 at 2:00 pm and will feature ways public art has been used to embrace the culture and history of a community while promoting engaging, walkable spaces. It is intended for those just starting out on the walking path as well as those interested in learning more about the topic.
SPRC' Latest
Press Release
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Submits Dover Culture and Recreation Chapter to Unanimous Adoption by City Planning Board
Strafford Regional Planning Commission’s (SRPC) partnership with Dover to update the City’s Culture and Recreation chapter of its master plan has culminated with the adoption of the document at the May 26 City Planning Board meeting.
Beginning in September 2019, this nine-month project allowed SRPC staff to work closely with Dover’s Planning and Recreation departments, and with a group of municipal volunteers serving on a project steering committee. The steering committee was invaluable throughout the project by guiding outreach, providing input, and shaping the plan to reflect feedback from residents and visitors.
Save The Date: SRPC Webinar in lieu of the Annual Meeting
Due to COVID-19, SRPC has made the decision to cancel its in-person annual meeting.
Commission business items that would originally be covered at the annual meeting, will be added to the agenda for the dual Policy/Commission meeting on Jun. 19.
In place of the annual meeting on Thursday, Jun. 25, SRPC is planning a webinar focused on the impacts of COVID-19 on the local economy, and how businesses, communities and other organizations have creatively adapted.
Guest speakers will include Emmett Soldati, business owner in Somersworth, Jenn Marsh from Rochester's Office of Economic Development, and Shawn Menard, executive director of Seacoast Eat Local.
Please 'Save the Date' and we will send along more information soon!
SRPC Welcomes Alaina Rogers
Alaina Rogers started working as one of this year's data & analysis assistants on May 26.
Alaina recently graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a Bachelor of Science d
egree in environmental conservation and sustainability. She also has
an Associate of Science in Aircrew Safety Systems Technology through the Community College of the Air Force.
While attending UNH, Alaina also served in the New Hampshire Air National Guard from 2014-2020.
Her primary role at SRPC will include field work with the other data collection intern, Jack Aponas, who was also hired for the 2020 summer season.
Data collection efforts primarily include setting and collecting traffic counts and assessing sidewalks, programs of the Statewide Asset Data Exchange System (SADES) at UNH's Technology Transfer Center.
Alaina will also be assisting principal regional planner Kyle Pimental on some coastal and environmental planning projects including the
Moving Forward: Implementation of Climate Actions project in Dover.
When Alaina is not working, she enjoys reading, cooking, hiking, and playing ultimate frisbee.
Join us in welcoming Alaina.
SRPC Welcomes Jack Aponas
Jack Aponas started working as one of this year's data & analysis assistants on May 26.
Jack is enrolled at the University of New Hampshire, where he will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Community and Environmental Planning in December.
His primary role at SRPC will include field work with the other data collection intern, Alaina Rogers, who was also hired for the 2020 summer season.
Data collection efforts primarily include setting and collecting traffic counts and assessing sidewalks, programs of the Statewide Asset Data Exchange System (SADES) at UNH's Technology Transfer Center.
Jack will be also be assisting with the
Moving Forward: Implementation of Climate Actions project and helping Senior Transportation Planner Colin Lentz with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
When Jack is not working, he enjoys
walking his dog, golfing, and boating!
Join us in welcoming Jack.
Staff Milestones
Jen celebrated her second "workiversary" as Executive Director at SRPC.
Kyle Pimental, principal regional planner, celebrates 12 years at SRPC.
Planning technician Stephen Geis celebrates his first "workiversary" at SRPC.
SRPC Staff Kick Off Traffic Count Season
On Monday, Jun. 1 the data collection team kicked off the traffic count season setting five counts total in Barrington and Madbury. This summer our data collection and analysis assistants will be setting the counts, along with the assistance of regional planner Stefanie Casella, Data Analyst Rachel Dewey, and planning technician Stephen Geis.
Also this week, executive director Jen Czysz signed the lease on a brand new transit van that will be used when out in the field setting counts. Staff are very excited to have access to this when driving throughout the region.
This summer, as set by the NH Department of Transportation, data collection staff will be setting 118 counts. Town and cities can still submit supplemental count locations to
Stefanie Casella
For more information contact Stefanie at 603-994-3500.
On Monday, May 11, Communications and Outreach Planner Shayna finalized edits to a video created for Commute Smart NH (CSNH). The video, a news themed update for those who competed in the June Statewide Challenge, offers insight into changes in programming due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CSNH program staff and committee members made the decision to postpone the June challenge, pairing it with the Buses, Bikes and Brooms challenge.
Also credited with the creation of the video, committee members Monique Duchesne, assistant planner at Southern NH Planning Commission, Colin Lentz, senior transportation planner at SRPC, and Katie Nelson, CSNH program manager and principle planner filmed footage for the creation of the video.
GIS planner, Jackson Rand has been tracking the
2020 Census
self-response rates from the communities in the Strafford region each week.
The map pictured about shows which communities have exceeded their 2010 Census self-response rates, to date.
Go Farmington, Nottingham, New Durham, and Brookfield! And, a special shout out to Dover for
winning the friendly competition with Durham and Newmarket to have the highest self-response rates by May 15.
The maps from each week can now be found on our
blog site, along with the 2010 map for comparison.
NH Gives Goes Live Next Week
An initiative of the NH Center for Non-Profits, NH Gives is
designed to bring the state together as one community, raising as much money and awareness as possible for New Hampshire’s nonprofits within a 24-hour, flash-mob of giving. NHGives.org provides citizens across the state with one, easy-to-use platform where they can find causes and make donations
This year's NH Gives Day starts at 6 p.m. on June 9. There are also other
incentives and prizes provided during the 24-hour event, so keep that in mind when donating.
Almost 500 organizations are participating across the state.
Some entities within the Strafford region include:
- Explore Moose Mountains
- Seacoast Eat Local
- Children's Museum of New Hampshire
- Community Action Partnership of Strafford County
- Goodwin Community Health
- Seacoast Outright
Seacoast Science Center World Ocean Day
Jun. 6 - Jun. 8, various times
The Seacoast Science Center has been hosting a week long celebration of World Ocean Day, with programming everyday since Jun. 1.
On Saturday, Jun. 6 they have a series of events including their first ever "Virtual Tide Pooling" on Instagram Live!
On Monday, June. 8, there will be a follow along video posted for ocean crafts at 9 a.m., and a World Ocean Day Family Trivia Challenge at 6 p.m.
Check out the itinerary for more events and details at: