HUMC Weekly News - August 9, 2018
14005 Stumptown Rd.
Huntersville, NC 28078
(704) 875-1156
This Sunday, August 12
John 15:1-4
"Pruning? Not us!"
Next Sunday, August 19
John 15:4-8
"The Purpose of Pruning"
Children's Ministry Update
On Sunday, August 26, at the 10:30 service, all students, teachers, and parents are invited to bring their backpack to receive a special blessing for the coming school year.
If you are in third grade, the church would like to honor you with a Bible on Sunday, September 9 during the 10:30 service. Parents —please email  Pam Hegedus with the proper spelling of your child's full name. We do not want to miss anyone.
Club 3:16 is a group of 4th and 5th graders who gather once a month to strengthen friendships through fellowship and community service projects. They will hold a “Meet and Greet” for parents and students on Sunday, September 9, following the 10:30 service in the Solid Grounds Coffee House (near the Youth Lounge). Please RSVP to if you will be attending or interested in joining this group.

For more information on everything happening in Children's Ministry, read the Children's Ministry Weekly Newsletter on our website.
Please mark August 18, 8:00 a.m. - Noon on your calendar. Someone will be in both lobbies this Sunday. Please stop by to sign up and let us know what you can do and what tools you can bring . Join your church family as we spruce up our building and grounds before heading into the busy fall season. Coffee and donuts will be served. This is a great way for Youth to earn community service hours .
Throughout the month of August, we will be collecting backpacks and school supplies to be distributed to local kids in need. We will celebrate and bless these backpacks along with our congregation on Sunday, August 26 during the 10:30 service. There are bins located in the main lobby and the education entrance for donations.
Attention Parents of Confirmation Age Students  If your child is in 7th grade or higher and is interested in going through the confirmation process, please contact Pastor Paul or the church office.
An Invitation from Pastor Paul
Last Sunday, I announced my intention to return to a passion and love of mine. For many of my 24 years in ministry I have taught Disciple Bible Study.  I have taught the study in churches, homes and in prison! In all my years of ministry experiences, nothing has led to more personal transformation than this study. 
It is a BIG commitment. The study is 34 weeks. We will meet for 1 hour and 45 minutes each week. There is home work. It requires copious amounts of reading. But, the results are amazing. Completing Disciple 1 will give you a framework of understanding the Bible, and in understanding the Bible, you will be confronted by the Spirit of God and be transformed.

We plan to begin on Wednesday, August 29 with an orientation, and begin classes on September 5. The hours are planned to be from 6:30-8:15. The cost of the book is $20 (can be ordered through Amazon, Becoming a Disciple Through Bible Study, 2nd edition ). We will need a minimum of 12 people to make a class. Please let me know if you are interested.

Would you pray about this? If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I would love to talk with you further. You won’t regret this journey!

Paul B. Thompson
Sunday, August 26
11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m
Food ~ Fellowship ~ Fun
What better way to start the new Fall season!
Fried chicken provided, Potluck sides, Ice cream sundaes,
Bingo for all ages, Bounce House, Raffle and more!
Please click HERE to RSVP and sign up for a side !
MusiKids (ages 4 through 5th grade)
Sunday Evenings
September 9 – November 11
4:00 – 5:00
This fall, during our regular Sunday evening children’s programming, the Music Department will be implementing a new and exciting program for the children.

We are incorporating a comprehensive children’s music curriculum called “Growing in Grace,” a curriculum in which all songs are carefully written to ensure they are developmentally appropriate for the child, both theologically and musically. The lessons include vocal techniques to help the student develop his or her natural singing skills, music theory to increase musical knowledge, and scriptural concepts ingrained in each song to encourage spiritual growth. Additional activities are used weekly to guide children in connecting music with worship.

The students will demonstrate their newfound skills with the use of rhythm instruments, keyboard and hand bells. There will be opportunities for Christ-centered presentations as well. 
What a privilege it is to have available, a place where our children will grow in God’s grace while becoming creative, hands-on musicians. This fall’s theme is called Fruit of the Spirit. Parents, we urge you to enroll your child at your earliest convenience, through Ms. Pam Hegedus or Ms. Karen Terpenning.
Pam Hegedus: 704-728-6234:
Karen Terpenning: 980-521-3926: