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There's nothing better than enjoying a warm summer evening next to your pond or pondless waterfall.  Did you know water features help to cool the landscape surrounding them?  In this month's newsletter we have an article about taking care of your pond during the summer, a product update, information on a new pond tour, another great Aquascape video and more.

Happy Pondering,

The True Pump Team

Tips For A Healthy Summertime Pond
The beauty and joy of a pond makes summer more memorable and relaxing! To fully enjoy the "Aquascape Lifestyle," you want to make sure your water feature is healthy and functioning optimally throughout the warmer months. When water temperature rises above 80 degrees this summer, it's important to keep a few things in mind.

Product Update
As many of you are aware, DSolv9 is no longer available.  But the manufacturer is continuing to make this product for us under a new label, ProFix.  Same formula you've come to depend on to control string algae, just in new packaging.  Order online or stop by and see us to stock up on ProFix.

Looking to get the very best selection of fish and aquatic plants?  New Koi are normally available for sale every Wednesday morning, so be here bright and early to have first pick!  Aquatic plants normally arrive Fridays around lunch time so stop by Friday afternoons for the best variety of plants to choose from.

One other update we wanted to make you aware of is that Little Giant had a 3% price increase on June 1.

Water & Garden Showcase
We know that many of you miss the Parade of Ponds that used to take place annually in the Denver metro area.  We're glad to announce there's a new pond tour beginning this year!  Join us for the Inaugural International Water & Garden Showcase on July 21.

To mark the 25th year hosting their own Chicagoland pond tour, Aquascape is including Certified Aquascape Contractors (CACs) from around the globe to join them in hosting the inaugural International Water & Garden Showcase on Saturday, July 21 st , 2018. Throughout the day and in their own corner of the water garden community, CACs will share their Aquascape water feature installation artistry and passion for the water gardening industry.

Be inspired by Aquascape water features of every type and size, artfully carved into the landscape. Feed fish with the kids, enjoy an exciting day with friends, or stroll through private gardens and landscapes that spotlight the perfect pairing of water and plants.

Check here to find Water & Garden Showcase events planned in our area.  There currently aren't any Colorado locations listed but they should be posted soon.  This page will be udpated regularly during the weeks leading up to the event so you can plan your day accordingly.

Visit several locations, or explore just one. But do stop by for outdoor fun for the whole family, just minutes from your own backyard, and see first-hand what it's like to live the Aquascape Lifestyle.

Water & Garden Showcase, July 21
Water & Garden Showcase, July 21

New Employee
We wanted to introduce you to our newest employee, David Spialek.  David is a retired firefighter and is helping us out part-time in the warehouse this summer.  He's also a proud pond owner and we were lucky to find him by advertising in our monthly newsletter!

Hands-On Seminars
Our hands-on-seminars for this season are now complete, thanks to everyone who participated.  This year we completed a Pondless Waterfall, a Fountainscape and the Pond pictured below.  We strive to make these seminars informative but also a lot of fun too!  If you're thinking of installing your own water feature this is a great way to learn how to do it.  Keep an eye out later in the year for our 2019 dates and sign up right away because these classes usually sell out.

Classroom Seminars
Want to learn more about your pond or water feature? Then you should plan to attend some of our upcoming FREE educational seminars. These classroom seminars will take place on the following Saturdays from 9:00 - 9:30 am. No sign-up or reservation required.

Pond Maintenance, July 7
Fall & Winter Prep, August 25

New Awning
Check out the new addition to our store front! Great job by the crew at Four Seasons Awning.

Aquascape Video
Ponds are a great way to get your kids outside to explore nature.

Ponds Are For Kids Too!

Summer Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Closed Sunday

CLOSED Independence Day  July 4

Pond Maintenance Seminar  July 7

Water & Garden Showcase  July 21

"Your Pond Store"