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Technical Communique 
August 7, 2018    

A newer, more robust BASIS license manager (BLM) for PRO/5®, Visual PRO/5®, and BBj® is now available with improvements to the perpetual license fail-safe features. The new BLM is compatible with all older versions of BASIS interpreters that require a BLM.

We encourage everyone to upgrade
to the latest no cost BLM

The new BLM is available as a stand-alone download either by selecting the Product "BLM" on the BASIS products download page at or directly from the following BASIS License Manager Download page at
BLM Improvements
The following improvements have been made:
  • When Host IDs change after system startup, the BLM no longer issues 'false-positive' email alerts
  • Updated the randomization algorithm for license requests to avoid potential license re-registration failures
  • Added a new facility to allow the BLM to "self-heal" even when a license has feature lines which have expired 

  • Implemented a license backup rotation algorithm to avoid license file backup failure upon re-registration
  • Added a debugging startup option to assist with BLM troubleshooting
  • Implemented a log file rotation for the updatelic.log
  • Added the capability to re-register a license file containing multiple serial numbers regardless of which serial number was last registered
  • Updated the documentation for installing a Standalone BLM for improved installation support
  • Introduced the capability to provide real-time licensing information via an API, on each license feature available for checkout, such as active user counts 

  • Updated to FlexNET version 2017 R1 (11.15.0) to get the latest FlexNET fixed issues. The BASIS License Manager (BLM) and BBjServices were updated to include both server and client side fixed issues. The 18.00 BBj clients now require an 18.00 (FlexNET version 11.15.0) or better BLM. The 18.00 BLM is backward compatible with older BBj clients.
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