Important messages, dates and news from the Faculty office.
Important Dates and Deadlines

Tuesday August 7, 2018 to Friday, August 17, 2018
Registration Hiatus/Reduced Services

Friday August 10, 2018
OUF Volunteer Deadline

Monday August 13, 2018
Summer Term classes end (July-August/6W2 Session)

Monday August 13, 2018 at 12:00pm
Grades Deadline for May - July Courses

Wednesday August 15, 2018 to Friday August 17, 2018
Summer Term examinations in July-August/6W2 Session classes

Friday August 16, 2018
Visiting Scholar Applications due


Tuesday August 21, 2018

Time period to add and drop classes (open enrolment period) begins 


servicesStudent Services - Reduced Services
The Student Services Office of the Faculty of Arts and Science on the first floor of Dunning Hall will be operating with significantly reduced services during the period of Tuesday August 7 - Friday August 17, following the end of the course selection period.  This is to allow staff members who have been assisting students during the 3-week registration period to take vacation before the summer is over.  This August time period has become known over the past few years as the registration hiatus, when students are no longer able to enrol in courses using SOLUS and must wait until the open enrolment period begins on August 21.  As a result, student traffic in this office is usually very light.
During this time period, the front door to the office will remain open to walk-in traffic.  However, there will be no academic advising appointments available, nor will there be any assistance or action on matters related to registration.  There will be a small number of staff members in the office who will be available to deal with other matters, including student situations of a more urgent nature, but please understand that inquiries may not be responded to in as timely a manner as usual. 
oufOUF Volunteers
The 2018 Ontario Universities' Fair is happening September 28-30 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Each year, the Fair welcomes approximately 140,000 high school students and family members, and we rely on faculty, staff, and student volunteers to represent Queen's and the Faculty of Arts and Science. If you have volunteers that would like to participate, please send their details to Kate Clarke by August 10, 2018.
syllabusNew Syllabus Template
Please find a revised version of the syllabus template here. You will see that the Academic Consideration section has been reviewed to allow you to add the contact information you want the student to provide when they are submitting an Academic Consideration Request. 
gradesGrades Memo 
Please find the summer grades memo here. Note that the deadline for submitting grades for May-July courses is Monday, August 13, 2018.
classesDon't Forget - This Fall, undergraduate classes start on THURSDAY, September 6th
We have heard that there is still some confusion about when classes start this year. Last year, a Fall Break Committee made a recommendation to Senate to add a Fall Break in 2018 with the goal of improving student wellness.  As a result, the sessional dates were approved with undergraduate classes starting on Thursday September 6th, 2018.  This is the first year that classes will start on the Thursday after Labour Day rather than on the following Monday. Please help us spread the word.
webdesignFAS Website Redesign
Every summer, the Arts and Science main website gets cleaned up and re-structured as necessary. This year we are focusing less on the design and overall content, and more on tidying up the navigation as it has become a bit unruly and isn't working well on mobile. These changes will be made over the course of the next several weeks.
We will also update re-directs, so if you have bookmarked anything you should still be able to get to what you need. None of the content should be lost.

The Arts and Science Online site will be going through a design facelift in the near future as well, so stay tuned for a fresh new look.
scholar1Visiting Scholar Program - 2018-2019 
A separate fund to be administered by the Faculty Deans has been established to encourage academic visits by women, visible minorities, aboriginal peoples, and people with disabilities. This is not to be confused with the International Visitors Program.  
Guidelines for Recommendation can be found here. The Principal's Office will establish an Advisory Committee to review all applications and make recommendations to the Dean on those proposals deemed worthy of funding. Decisions should be made by early September 2018.  
Please forward your application(s) directly to Diane Reid by August 17, 2018.