Fully Engaged Winter 2021
Quarterly Newsletter

(320) 258-7611
Fully Engaged Website
Unexpected details have delayed the launch of our web-site momentarily. As soon as we have a date for the release, we will let you know.

The good news, our anticipated price increase will not be implemented until we launch the new site.

We hope to advise you of the launch date in just a week or two. If you would like to be a "guinea pig" and get a pre-launch view of our new site, please let us know. We would love your feedback.

The new site has a much fresher look and will be much easier to maneuver. A tutorial video will be sent to you to announce the launch and guide you through the changes in accessing the various areas you use. We thank you for your patience and your continued support of Fully Engaged.
Theme: Virtual Meetings with our Engaged Couples
Using the internet for meetings with Engaged Couples has become almost a standard in this COVID environment. Here are few ideas of alternatives and tips on using these platforms for couple to couple meetings.

  • Meet at the parish in the Church when no other events are planned and sit comfortably distanced. This can bring the presence of the parish church more to the forefront and provide an optimum visual opportunity to discuss our Catholic Identity.
  • Find a private, confidential location in the parish to meet, sitting at a long table, each couple apart from each other.

Using video platforms (Facetime, Zoom, GoToMeeting, etc.)
  • As if you were at home, start each meeting the social niceties and conversation. If if becomes too business oriented, we loose the development of relationships. Also, don't forget to begin your meeting with prayer.
  • Meeting on the internet can become tedious. Limit your meeting to one hour.
  • Emphasis the couple completing their homework assignments and use the Couple's Workbook as a foundation for their discussions where appropriate.
  • Ensure you have a good connection with the internet. It can be difficult to engage in discussion if the connection freezes, the words of the participants become garbled or unable to be understood. Check your computer volume to ensure everyone can hear comfortably.
  • Use laptops versus cell phones - for both you and your engaged couple. The connections are more stable and you can see each better with the additional size of the screen.
  • Have your engaged couple position their laptop so you can see their body language. If all you get is faces, you may be missing some valuable clues to the couple's responses.
  • While we may not be able to meet face-to-face right now, set a time to meet after the pandemic has passed. Inviting them to your home or meeting in a restaurant when you are both comfortable will let them know you are there for them after the wedding and are interested in their continuing relationship.
Marriage Tip of the Month from USCCB
"Zeal for your house will consume me" (Jn 2:17). What role does the Mass play in your home? Does it make a difference if you go as a family? Discuss why you go to Mass and what it means to each of you. 
Fully Engaged Training Opportunities
Fully Engaged Pre-Marital & Convalidation Inventories are offering New Facilitator Webinar Trainings via Zoom. The following options are available: 

·      Saturday, February 6, 2021 - 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Central Time
·      Saturday, March 20, 2021 - 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Central Time

There is no cost for the webinar, but you will need a Pre-Marital Preview Package which is $45 plus shipping and handling. To register, call Jill at (320) 258-7611 or email her at Please register at least 10 days prior to the class.
The pre-recorded training videos are now available on a flash drive in an MP4 format in both English and Spanish. The cost is $25 each.

Coming soon... MP4 Fully Engaged training files will be available to purchase and download from our new website. Cost will be $25.
Pope Francis Announces ‘Year of
St. Joseph’
On Solemnity of Immaculate Conception, Francis Begins Year Dedicated to Mary’s Spouse

of the Holy Father Francis on the 150th Anniversary of the Proclamation
of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church
Marking the feast of the Holy Family, Pope Francis announced the Catholic Church will observe a special year dedicated to the family from March 19, 2021, to June 26, 2022.
January 23: Betrothal of Mary and Joseph
The Feast of the Betrothal of Mary and Joseph is a great reminder to pray for all engaged and married couples. Mary and Joseph serve as the perfect example for couples focused on God's love and plan for them.

USCCB Website changes in 2020
In the past year, the USCCB redesigned its website to be more user-friendly across all platforms. Check out the new home of our parent committee for Laity, Marriage, Family Life & Youth. There you can find resources, church teaching, and news impacting various aspects of the laity's calling to live in Christ. This includes a hub of documents relating to the promotion and defense of marriage, such as the relevant sections of Gaudium et Spes, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the letters of Pope St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis.
Past Issues of Newsletter
Past issues of this newsletter are available at .

We also have taken the theme from each newsletter and put in a separate link so they can be easily referenced. Here are the direct links:

Note: With the recent events with You Tube, some of our resources have been removed and are no longer available. They have been removed from the above links and from our web-page.
Like us on our new Facebook page!
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Thank you for your commitment to forming couples for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Chris Codden – Director, Fully Engaged
                                                          Jill Svihel – Coordinator, Fully Engaged

Dawn Gohmann—Clerical Support, Fully Engaged
(320) 258-7617