Pastor Eric's Blog – October 9 th 2019

Dear Beloved,

There is power in speaking life! Jesus reminds us that in Matthew 28:18-19, all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him and He has given it to us. Don’t give up the inheritance God has gifted to you as a son and daughter of the Most High. Our words matter! The same power and authority of our inheritance is that of Genesis 1 where “God said…” as He spoke the universe into existence. That same power and authority is in your words. In John 20:22, Jesus breathed on His disciples that same creative, authoritative breath that brought man and the Word into being. He then released them to go and build His kingdom.

James tells us that we have the power to build and tear down kingdoms with our words. I encourage you to take notice of your words this week and consider the power and authority you have over the spiritual realm in Jesus’ Name! Speak to the mountain, the broken relationship, the impossible situation with the authority imparted in you through the inheritance of who you are in Christ and watch what God does…

The Word promises you that you are not alone and not without hope. It’s time we step up and take back what the enemy has stolen from us. Our family, friends, and loved ones are not his to torment any longer. We need to stand in the GAP and push back the gates of Hell and let the glory of the Lord radiate as we walk on the solid ground of His grace.

Misty Edwards sings a song about the “harlot” and bridges with these words from Jesus. “What is yours is mine and what is mine is yours!” Context: Your sin is mine as I drink the cup of the Wrath of the Father and my righteousness is yours as you stand in my grace. You are bought with a price you cannot pay, and you are set upon a rock that cannot be shaken. What is yours is His and what is His is yours - Today!

Revival is coming! I don’t know what it is going to look like, but I know it is going to rock our community and impact our church. I don’t want to miss it and I want to be in the center of whatever He has planned. In preparation, I am wanting to remove everything in my life that will be a distraction from what He wants from me. That means removing every ungodly tie that would keep me from being an open vessel for His purpose, so I will be ready. How about you – are you going to be ready?


Pastor Eric